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首页 > 学术期刊 > 动画分镜头的设计研究论文

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Animation of the minutes of animation footage is a metronome, not only in the content of the animated description of the screen, the more the rhythm of the entire skeleton animation framework, but also film and artistic creation, one of the important artistic means. Visual arts is a picture of the script text to achieve, how the script which brought us the story of the emotional impact to be expressed through the screen, which is sub-lens useless animation. Animation at the camera need to be the screen text language conversion language in order to grasp the video content and rhythm. Animation at the camera need to grasp many of the elements is a means of integrated arts, but also the intention of the direct embodiment of the director. Animation at the rhythm of the master lens is pre-animation work, directly related to the net effect of animation. In this paper, I only learned in light of professional knowledge of the language of film and television animation sub-lens design of the impact of the main factors include: Do not View lens, the lens of time, the design of the three elements of action corresponding paper will be sub-lens-paced animation art as an important film and television arts means of expression analysis and research.

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88 评论



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