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基于DS18B20温度传感器的数字温度计设计目 录基于DS18B20温度传感器的数字温度计设计 1基于DS18B20温度传感器的数字温度计设计 1摘要: 1关键字: 1The conception of the numerical thermometer based on DS18B20 11 引言 22 总体设计 22.1 方案论证 22.2 总体设计 33 硬件设计 33.1 单片机系统 33.2 温度传感器模块 43.3 存储模块 73.4 液晶显示模块 93.5 串口通信模块 113.6 电源模块 124 软件设计 134.1 主程序流程 134.2 DS18B20模块程序设计 134.3 HS1602驱动程序设计 164.4 AT24C08存储模块程序设计 184.5 RS-232-C串口通信模块程序设计 195 测试及结果分析 226 附录 237 参考资料 24

225 评论


The design of SPCE061A 16-bit microcontrollers as micro-controllers, expansion of sensor modules, unlimited communication module, using the keyboard LED modules for multi-channel temperature measurement, display and use the voice SPCE061A MCU functions broadcast, to complete a Intelligent Multi-temperature test instrument design. DS18B20 use of the design of digital temperature sensors measure ambient temperature, can provide temperature signals in the four-way acquisition. SCM system through temperature control sensors, to achieve real-time temperature of the multi-channel collection, processing and other functions, and use of wireless data transmission module SRWF_105 achieved with the host computer communications. After hardware and software debugging, the results show that the system has higher accuracy and better practicality.不知道可以不可以???

134 评论



175 评论


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