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1、摆正心态:英语阅读一般篇幅会很长,尤其是大学英语和竞赛题的阅读篇幅十分长,所以要摆正心态,要冷静,一定不要浮躁。 2、先易后难:一般初中到大学,英语阅读部分都是四篇到五篇文章,文章的难度都是从低到高进行排列的,因此,要先易后难,不能跳着做。 3、先看题目:英语阅读文章比较长,因从,一遍通读之后在来看各个选项进行答题,这时候你很可能已经忘了文章的内容。 4、锁定答题区间:一般题目的顺序和文章的顺序大致一样的,因此看了题目之后,要找到相应的答案区间,再逐句仔细看,找到答案。

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六年级英语阅读理解在考试中占有非常大的分值,所以,学好六年级英语阅读理解,将会大大提高同学们的英语考试成绩,今天小编就为各位准备了几篇,关于六年级英语阅读理解的中英对照版短文。六年级英语阅读理解中英对照版短文第一部分读书之乐Reading is a pleasure of the mind, which means that it is a little like a sport: your eagerness and knowledge and quickness make you a good reader. Reading is fun, not because the writer is telling you something, but because it makes your mind work. Your own imagination works along with the author's or even goes beyond his. Your experience, compared with his, brings you to the same or different conclusions, and your ideas develop as you understand his.Every book stands by itself, like a one-family house, but books in a library are like houses in a city. Although they are separate, together they all add up to something; they are connected with each other and with other cities. The same ideas, or related ones, turn up in different places; the human problems that repeat themselves in life repeat themselves in literature, but with different solutions according to different writings at different times.Reading can only be fun if you expect it to be. If you concentrate on books somebody tells you "ought" to read, you probably won't have fun. But if you put down a book you don't like and try another till you find one that means something to you, and then relax with it, you will almost certainly have a good time--and if you become as a result of reading, better, wiser, kinder, or more gentle, you won't have suffered during the process.读书是愉悦心智之事。在这一点上它与运动颇为相似:一个优秀的读者必须要有热情、有知识、有速度。读书之乐并非在于作者要告诉你什么,而在于它促使你思考。你跟随作者一起想像,有时你的想象甚至会超越作者的。把自己的体验与作者的相互比较,你会得出相同或者不同的结论。在理解作者想法的同时,也形成了自己的观点。每一本书都自成体系,就像一家一户的住宅,而图书馆里的藏书好比城市里千家万户的居所。尽管它们都相互独立,但只有相互结合才有意义。家家户户彼此相连,城市与城市彼此相依。相同或相似的思想在不同地方涌现。人类生活中反复的问题也在文学中不断重现,但因时代与作品的差异,答案也各不相同。如果你希望的话,读书也能充满乐趣。倘若你只读那些别人告诉你该读之书,那么你不太可能有乐趣可言。但如果你放下你不喜欢的书,试着阅读另外一本,直到你找到自己中意的,然后轻轻松松的读下去,差不多一定会乐在其中。而且,当你通过阅读变得更加优秀,更加善良,更加文雅时,阅读便不再是一种折磨。六年级英语阅读理解中英对照版短文第二部分给予Like most people, I was brought up to look upon life as a process of getting. It was not until in my late thirties that I made this important discovery: giving-away makes life so much more exciting. You need not worry if you lack money. This is how I experimented with giving-away. If an idea for improving the window display of a neighborhood store flashes to me, I step in and make the suggestion to the storekeeper. One discovery I made about giving-away is that it is almost impossible to give away anything in this world without getting something back, though the return often comes in an unexpected form. One Sunday morning the local post office delivered an important special delivery letter to my home, though it was addressed to me at my office. I wrote the postmaster a note of appreciation. More than a year later I needed a post-office box for a new business I was starting. I was told at the window that there were no boxes left, and that my name would have to go on a long waiting list. As I was about to leave, the postmaster appeared in the doorway. He had overheard our conversation. “Wasn’t it you that wrote us that letter a year ago about delivering a special delivery to your home?” I said yes. “Well, you certainly are going to have a box in this post office if we have to make one for you. You don’t know what a letter like that means to us. We usually get nothing but complaints.”像大多数人,我长大看待生命是一个过程获得。直到我在30月底,我作出这一重要发现:给予,距离使我们的生活如此更令人兴奋的。您不必担心如果缺乏资金。这是我尝试让-消失。如果一个主意,可以改善窗口显示一个闪烁附近商店给我,我的步骤,并提出上述建议的仓库保管员。一发现我付出,离开是,它几乎是不可能放弃任何在这个世界上,没有得到回报,尽管返回往往在一个意想不到的形式。一个星期天上午,当地邮局作了重要特别的递送信件到我家里,但给我在我的办公室。我写了一份说明邮政的赞赏。一年多后,我需要一个后Office中的一个新的业务,我开始。我被告知的窗口,没有框的左边,我的名字将不得不在很长的等候名单。当我正准备离开,邮政出现在门口。他听到我们的交谈。 “是不是你,我们该信中写道:一年前为客户提供一份特别的递送到您的家? ”我说是的。 “嘿,你肯定将会有一个盒子在这个邮政局如果我们要取得一个适合您。你不知道什么样的信,这意味着给我们。我们通常会只是投诉。题目的答案:ACBCD,题目不祥。六年级英语阅读理解中英对照版短文第三部分电视节目Television gives the American people a wide variety of programs from early morning until late at night. Operas, orchestral performances, chamber music and jazz concerts are often presented on television. So most of the leisure at home is used for watching television. Many Americans are so fond of their TV programs that they often have cold luncheon in front of their receiving sets. Television has given people newer and deeper understanding of history, art, music, literature, the ballet, the theater, the discoveries of modern science and the wonders of the universe. Television viewers pay no tax or charges for receiving programs on their sets. The cost of the programs is paid chiefly by those who are given the opportunity to advertise their goods or services during the commercial breaks.美国人从清晨直到深夜都能看到形形色色的电视节目。电视屏幕上经常播放歌剧、管弦乐、室内音乐和爵士音乐演奏。所以家庭中大部分空闲时间都花在看电视上。许多美国人酷爱电视节目,经常在电视机前边看电视边吃冷餐。电视使人们对历史、艺术、音乐、文学、舞剧、戏剧、现代科学的新发现和宇宙的奥妙有较新和较深切的了解。电视观众看电视节目既不用缴税,也不必付款,节目费用主要是由那些借此为其商品和服务做插播广告的人支付的。以上这三篇,六年级英语阅读理解中英对照版短文,希望同学们好好学习理解,争取全部都背诵下来。学好这份六年级英语阅读理解中英对照版短文,不但会提高你英语的考试成绩,对你的英文写作也会非常有帮助。

322 评论


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