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Dissertation5 topic: primigravida neonatal nursing knowledge cognitive analysis and health education effect assessmentDiscipline (professional) : nursingApplicant:Instructor:Pick toObjectives: at present, advocate prepotent and every couples to one child, so most pregnant women primigravida scanned, people on maternal and child health needs is becoming more and more important, so it is necessary to know primigravida pregnant period health knowledge awareness of educational knowledge, cognition and carry out specific health education, and the health education effect is evaluated.Methods: this survey to our 2010 September attend relevant prenatal care and neonatal nursing knowledge such as seminars 60 late pregnancy primigravida voluntarily design questionnaire survey, and on two investigations conducted between primigravida pregnancy education knowledge lectures, neonatal health care knowledge lectures and family care operate drill. Questionnaire site to extend, in the lecture began before and after hearing lecture after using the same questionnaire survey once respectively, the maternal independent papers, and back on the spot.Results: this survey questionnaires were issued a total of 60, recycling of 60, recovery rate was 100%. Respondents average age for 27.0 + 2.6 years old, cultural degree in high school above primarily, accounting for 86.7%. The analysis shows that primigravida culture and extent of neonatal nursing knowledge of a positive correlation, in six aspects of the education content, 38 after 33.2 content accuracy have increased significantly (P < 0.01). According to the results of the survey, accept education after postpartum dietary recuperation knowledge, the highest rate of education before 30.41% rise to 98.94%, secondly on-demand breastfeeding knowledge for 97.84%, rate of function appropriate temperature, postpartum bath ventilation 96.32% etc. Based on the questionnaire, the editorial that they influence factors of knowledge aailable awareness and a significant increase, have obvious difference.Conclusion: pregnant women's health education directly related to the next generation of health, especially during their health care knowledge level directly affects the social and family health level. First-time mothers to prenatal care knowledge and to the newborn family care knowledge to understand somewhat, but the universal inadequacy, through the health education corrected the traditional maternal health regeneration against some of the ways and means, also can effectively improve primigravida prenatal care and for newborns nursing level of knowledge.Key words: primigravida shut; Newborn, Health education, Cognition; evaluationPaper type: research reportThe problem is additional:There are some: eye record1 the introduction1.1 background and significance1.2 research purpose and goals130 keywords and definition1.4 literature review2 research methods2.1 study design2.2 research object2.3 research tools/method2.4 research steps2.5 statistical analysis method3 research resultsThe basic situation of 3.1 respondentsFor first-time mothers during pregnancy 3.2 education knowledge of awareness3.2.1 maternal health care knowledge of self awareness degree3.2.2 primigravida influence aailable quality factors knowledge3.2.3 primigravida neonatal nursing knowledge accuracy compared4 discuss4.1 of pregnant women pregnant period knowledge awareness4.2 neonatal nursing knowledge awareness5 inference and recommendations5.1 inference5.2 SuggestionsTo thankreferencesAttached recordedAssiduously study degree during obtains the research achievementsstatement

258 评论



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235 评论



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