单价转基因棉与常规棉上朱砂叶螨发育历期的研究Study on the developmental duration of tetranychuscinnabarinus univalent transgenic cotton and conventional cotton.本论文系统地讨论单价转基因棉与常规棉对朱砂叶螨的发育历期的影响,主要内容和结论如下:This paper systematically discussed univalent transgenic cotton and conventional cotton to Tetranychus cinnabarinus affect the duration of the development, the main contents and conclusions are as follows:实验在温度30±0.5℃,光周期14:10(L:D),相对湿度70%条件的人工气候培养箱内,以3个不同品种棉花棉叶盘饲育朱砂叶螨,由所得数据分析不同棉叶对朱砂叶螨发育历期的影响。在上述条件下,对棉叶上的朱砂叶螨生命生长和发育进行了观察记录。即通过实验数据资料统计出不同棉叶上朱砂叶螨试验种群的存活率、各螨态的发育历期等种群动态参数。Experimental temperature of 30 + 0.5c, photoperiod 14:10 (L: D), relative humidity of 70% of the artificial climate incubator, with three different varieties of cotton leaf discs and rearing Tetranychus mites, result analysis of different cotton leaf of Tetranychus cinnabarinus development duration of the effect. Under the above conditions, the cotton leaf on tetranychuscinnabarinus life growth and development were observed and recorded. Namely, through the experimental data from different leaves of cotton Tetranychus cinnabarinus experimental population survival, development of the mites states duration population dynamics parameters.结果显示,转基因抗虫棉对朱砂叶螨实验种群各螨态的存活率没有显著影响;但朱砂叶螨在常规棉K836、中抗杂5号和鲁棉研23号棉上的全世代发育历期平均值分别为8.53天、8.09天和8.05天,其全世代发育历期在2大类棉株之间有显著差异,但是在同一类不同品种上的差异性却不明显。Results showed that the transgenic insect resistant cotton to carmine spider mite experimental populations of the mite state survival rates did not significantly influence; but Tetranychus cinnabarinus in conventional cotton K836, anti clutter No. 5 and Shandong cotton research 23 cotton on the whole generation development duration average respectively 8.53 days, 8.09 and 8.05 days, the whole generation development duration in between the two kinds of cotton have significant difference, but difference in the same kind of different varieties is not obvious.
abstract: in many situations, promptly accurately obtains the goalthe temperature, the humidity information is extremely important, thewarm humidity control domain development was in recent years rapid,and along with the digital technology development, the warm humidityobservation and control chip also corresponding mounted historical thestage, could in the industry, the agriculture and so on in variousdomains the widespread use.In view of this domain development direction, the present paperintroduced take the AT89S52 monolithic integrated circuit as thecontrol unit, temperature sensor DS18B20 and humidity sensor SHT10 isthe primary control component, realizes the multi- spots temperature,the humidity survey, the control and the demonstration.This design use hardware description language Keil C51 carries on thedesign development, uses mu the VISION2 comprehensive software designprocedure, realizes the electric circuit design request: Thetemperature survey scope is -55 ℃ ~ +120 ℃, in -10 ℃ ~ +85 ℃,precision for ±0, 5 ℃; The humidity survey scope is: 0 ~ 100%RH,the precision is ±4.5%rh; Can realize in the warm humidity the lowerlimit establishment and the realization refrigeration/heats up (goeswet/adds wet) the control.Key word: Temperature survey humidity survey sensor monolithicintegrated circuit control meter
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单价转基因棉与常规棉上朱砂叶螨发育历期的研究Study on the developmental duration of tetranychuscinnabar