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Abstract: The network has brought people convenient efficiency and unprecedented convenient, but also in the defining, network privacy, in 2010 the leakage of wikipedia decryption event is raging, visible network is increasingly typical for personal and social information security brought hidden trouble. So the network environment safety problems for the personal information society has the significant practical significance. this Article mainly USES the comprehensive analysis, comparison and questionnaire survey research methods, the research in network environment of the personal information security problems in network times, first under the current situation of information security problem analysis, and then find out now to the safety of personal information, stressed that the research the significance of the personal information security. Second, that of the network environment for understanding, as well as to the current situation of the network environment and analyzes the reasons. Again, narrative network environment and personal information security the connection in the network environment, personal information security problem how to produce, and generated after impacts. Finally, through the production of questionnaire methods to different class society personage research from the result of the investigation, to consider the analysis to the conclusion that individual under the network environment, for personal information security put forward with personal point of view and counter measures. Finally put forward from strengthen the legal system and to the supervision of the network ethic of Suggestions. Key word: network environment; Personal information; Survey analysis; Network supervision

266 评论


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261 评论


With the banking business continued to expand, making each level of electronic banking institutions and service level has been rising. However, driven by the interests, some criminals active attacks on banks to become bank faces major network security threat. In this case, how to get high quality and efficient solutions to guarantee information security, management of many troubled banks. Traditional network security is prohibited by as much as possible to the defense strategy, from network security management point of view, the only defense is not enough, also in the passive the same time, build a network based on active defense technology security systems.

220 评论


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