Abstract: Dress culture is a cultural phenomenon unique to human beings. As it has different aesthetic ideas, different dressing concepts and different dress etiquette in China and west, it forms Chinese and western dress culture of the different connotation and characteristics. This thesis is divided into four major sections. The first part describes the different features of Chinese and western dress and why people wear clothing. The second part describes cultural differences between Chinese and western clothing. The third part gives an analysis of Chinese and western dress culture. The last part describes Chinese and western dress aesthetic culture and dress concept. Based on the analysis, the thesis finally draws a conclusion. Chinese and western dress culture each has rich connotation and distinct characteristics, which are precious cultural legacy which is left by human ancestors and are the world culture heritage. At the same time, we treasure our own civilization of five thousand years instead of belittling ourselves. It is significant to promote and develop our unique costume culture. We are confident and make contributions to realizing the rejuvenation of our Chinese nation and enriching the clothing culture of the whole world. Key words: Chinese and western clothing; culture;differences;aesthetic culture and clothing concepts 摘要摘要摘要摘要::::服饰文化是人类特有的文化现象。由于中西方各民族的审美观念、着装理念和服饰礼仪的不同,从而形成了不同内涵、不同特色的中西方服饰文化。本文共分为四部分。第一部分主要介绍了中西服饰的不同特征以及为什么人要穿衣服,第二部分写中西方服饰的差异,第三部分写导致中西方服饰文化差异的原因,第四部分则写中西方服饰审美文化和着装理念。通过以上简单的论述,最后得出结论,中西方服饰文化各具有丰富的内涵和鲜明的特色,她们都是人类祖先留下来的宝贵文化遗产 ,是世界文化的瑰宝。与此同时,我们应该珍惜自己五千年的文明而不是贬低自己的文明。促进和发展我们独特的民族服饰文化具有重要的意义。为了实现我们中华民族的文化复兴和丰富整个世界的文化,让我们自信起来吧! 关键词关键词关键词关键词::::中西服饰;文化;差异性;审美文化与着装理念Introduction Costume culture, carried by costume, is a respect of our physical and spiritual life and a mixture of our psychological activities like consciousness, emotion, idea and ideal. The rapid development of advanced technology makes multiculturalism stand out and also makes conflicts between China and the West increase. In that case, it becomes more and more important to recognize the similarities and differences of costume culture between China and the West. Nowadays, the whole world is, to some extent, dominated by the western costume culture, which has wound its way into the daily life of the whole world, together with technology, life style and values from the West. Quite popular in China, it’s nominally called “internationalization” or “globalization”. In recent years, the costume industry of China has developed swiftly. The “international” costume, featured by the western costume culture, has become a pretty important part of our daily life. However, as our economy takes off, international status rises and living standard improves, a wave of national costume culture resurgence is rising. Moreover, people from the West pay more and more attention to the giant dragon in the East——China. Western costume designers constantly introduce Chinese costume cultural elements to their latest designs. Those phenomena arouse a series of thoughts: what distinguishes Chinese costume culture from the western one? Are there any similarities between them? What kind of costume culture will we Chinese hold as the mainstream in the future, the so-called “international” western one, the Chinese one or the fusion of the two? To obtain the answers to these questions, we are supposed to study and contrast carefully the characteristics and developing processes of them, and then draw some regularity. To contrast the costume culture between China and the West, it is necessary for us to master a good knowledge of the Chinese and western costume cultural characteristics.Chapter 1 Chinese and western dress 1.1 The different features of Chinese and western dress China is known as “Xia” as it’s a land of propriety, and it’s also known as “Hua” with the beauty of its costume. (①《左传》p83) Our national costume is Hanfu. It originated in the Yanhuang era, formed in the Spring and Autumn Period and officially took form in Han Dynasty. That’s the reason why it’s called “Hanfu”. Since then, in spite of historical evolutions of all ages, their basic characteristics have never changed. Hanfu, on the whole, can be divided into four developing stages: Zhou Han Hanfu, Wei Jin Hanfu, Sui Tang Hanfu and Song Ming Hanfu. Zhou Han Hanfu was featured by dignity and simplicity, while Wei Jin Hanfu by chic and elegance, Sui Tang Hanfu by dignified, graceful, elegant and poised style. Hanfu in Song and Ming Dynasties epitomizes the characteristics of the past-simple, dignified, elegant, etc. In Qing Dynasty, Hanfu was forbidden by the government and disappeared from the land of China. The main features of Chinese clothing are focusing on the right collar’s overlap, the band deducted hidden, big sleeves, no buttons and using string binding, giving the impression of free and easy flowing. These characteristics are obviously different from those of other ethnic costumes. Hanfu is divided into uniform and common clothing. With strict standards, uniform is dressed on formal occasions while the common clothing, without long sleeves, is very convenient to people’s daily life. However, the western clothing is different form the Chinese clothing. The West belongs to Marine civilization, it emphasizes the subjective and objective separation and that we should rationally treat clothing, advocate releasing personality, stress dress effect and be good at showing beautiful the posture of the body. Besides, we use various clipping, color collocation means to perfect bodily curve and give a person with visual comfort in the modeling. A suit, also known as a business suit, comprises a collection of matching clothing consisting of: a coat﹙commonly known as a jacket﹚,a waistcoat﹙optional﹚﹙USA vest﹚for men, a pair of trousers﹙USA pants﹚, or for women, a shirt or trousers. A suit is generally accompanied by torment, a shirt and tie or for women, a blouse. 1.2 Why people wear clothingChinese people are concerned more about its social function of helping to rule a country well than that of keeping warm or decorating. It has a lot to do with ruling a country to regulate the dressing way of the common people. Nevertheless, the westerners pay more attention to its wealth value and function. Therefore, people put on clothing for functional and social reasons. 1.2.1 The functional reason The first use of clothing is to resist the cold and cover the body. Functions of clothing include providing the human body protection against extremes of climate (extreme heat, icy winters, and drenching storms) and protection against insects, noxious, chemicals, and contact with abrasive substances. In sum, clothing protects human beings against anything that might injure the naked, unprotected human body. 1.2.2 The social reason Clothing also delivers social messages to other humans. Social messages sent by clothing, accessories, and decorations can involve social status, occupation, ethnic and religious belief, marital status, cultural degree and sexual availability, etc. For example, only Roman citizens can wear “Toga” in Rome while dragon robe can only be dressed by the emperor in China.
(1)妇女的服唐代妇女的服饰富丽绚烂,前后多有变化,但基本的服装有裙、襦、衫、帔几种样式。唐初女装因隋之旧,大多上身穿窄袖衫襦,下身着曳地长裙,足登弓履或高头履,即所谓”小头鞋履窄衣裳”的样式。随着社会经济的发展及民族关系、中外关系的密切,特别是妇女思想的解放,唐代女装的形制趋行暴露和开放。唐初上层妇女外出多全身障蔽。自永徽之后,皆用帷幔,帽裙至颈,渐为浅露,无复遮蔽,士庶竟相仿效。不久,又胡帽乘马,露髻驰骋,或着男子衣服靴衫,招摇过市。到天宝初年,”贵族及士民好为胡服,胡帽,妇人则簪步摇钗,衿袖窄小”,出现了”粉胸半掩疑暗雪””长留白雪占胸前”的开放服饰。中唐以后,窄袖管服装逐渐过时,代之而起的宽袖衣裳,妇女服饰愈来愈肥,愈加褒博。(2)女服 襦裙是唐代妇女的主要服式。在隋代及初唐时期,妇女的短襦都用小袖,下着紧身长裙,裙腰高系,一般都在腰部以上,有的甚至系在腋下,并以丝带系扎,给人一种俏丽修长的感觉。左图为穿襦裙、披长帛的妇女(河南洛阳关林出土唐三彩俑)上衣为短襦或称半臂,它与披肩构成当时襦裙的重要组成部分。(半臂形制如同今短袖衫,因其袖子长度在长袖与俩裆(背心)之间,故称为半臂)初唐女服多用披帛,又称画帛,通常以轻薄的纱罗裁成,上面印画图纹。长度一般都在两米以上,用时将它披搭在肩上,并盘绕于两臂之间。走起路来,随着手臂的摆动而不时飘舞,非常美观。从大量图像来看,唐代妇女在各种场合,如劳动、娱乐或出行,都喜用披帛作为装饰。隋、唐时期妇女的日常服饰,大多以上身着襦、袄、衫,下身束裙。本图为初唐时期穿襦裙、披长帛的妇女。披帛,是长条形状的巾子,搭在肩上,缠绕在手背间,一般都是薄薄的纱罗裁成,上面有印花,或者是金银线织就的图案。唐代广泛流行。用银花或金银粉绘花的薄纱罗制作,一端固定在半臂的胸带上,再披搭肩上,旋绕于手臂间。披帛分两种:一种横幅较宽,长度较短,多为已婚妇女所用;另一种长度可达两米以上,多为未婚女子所用。唐代妇女所披的帛巾,大体有两种形制:一种布幅较宽,但长度较短,使用时披在肩上。形似披风。陕西乾县永泰公主墓及山西太原金胜村墓壁画所绘的披帛,就属于这种类型。另一种帛巾布幅较此为窄,但长度有所增加,妇女平时披此,多将其缠绕于双臂,走起路来,身后似拖着两条飘带。周昉《簪花仕女图》、《挥扇仕女图》及张萱《捣练图》所绘的披帛,都属于这种类型。左图中所绘女服,是胡服的典型样式,流行于开元、天宝年间。它的特征是翻领、对襟、窄袖、锦边。在陕西等地的墓中壁画有大量反映。新疆吐鲁番阿斯塔那出土的绢画中也有这类服装的妇女。凡穿胡服的妇女,腰间都系有革带,革带上原来是北方民族的装饰,在魏晋时传入中原。到了唐代,曾一度定为文武官员必佩之物,上面悬挂算袋、刀子等七件物品,俗称“蹀躞七事”。开元以后,由于朝廷有了新的规定,所以一般官员不再佩挂。但在民间妇女中十分流行,凡穿这种服装的妇女,腰间都系有革带,革带上还常有若干条小带下垂,只是装饰之意,无使用价值。(3). 妇女服饰与其地位唐代国家统一,经济繁荣,形制更加开放,服饰愈益华丽。唐代女装的特点是裙、衫、帔的统一。在妇女中间,出现了袒胸露臂的形象。在永泰公主墓东壁壁画上,有一个梳高髻、露胸、肩披红帛,上着黄色窄袖短衫、下著绿色曳地长裙、腰垂红色腰带的唐代妇女形象,由此可知唐诗里说的“粉胸半掩疑暗雪”、“坐时衣带萦纤草,行即裙裾扫落梅”不是虚言。或许《簪花仕女图》能更好地帮助我们了解这一点。图中的妇女穿高腰长裙,抹胸披帛,神态悠然,显得雍容典雅异常。初唐时期,妇女的短襦都用小袖,下着紧身长裙,裙腰高系,一般都在腰部以上,有的甚至系在腋下,并以丝带系扎,给人一种俏丽修长的感觉。根据《旧唐书》的记载,武德、贞观之时,骑马的宫人“虽发自戎夷,而全身障蔽,不欲途路窥之”,如今看来该是十足一副阿拉伯妇女模样;到了唐高宗的时候,妇女上街多著帷帽,“拖裙到颈,渐为浅露”,在西安郑仁泰墓出土的骑马女俑身上我们可以看到这种样式的帷帽;武周之后帷帽大行;而到了开元年间,“从驾宫人骑马者,皆著胡帽,靓妆露面,无复障蔽”,“帷帽之制,绝不行用”,再后来更是连胡帽都脱去,“露髻驰骋”了。我们至今还能够在传世的画作里看到开元年间的那种情景。《虢国夫人游春图》就描绘了唐玄宗时代显赫一时的皇亲杨氏姊妹出行游春的情景。我们可以看到,画面上的女性上襦下裙,披帛,但无帷帽,神情骄矜自信,丝毫不见后世人物画中的羞涩女子形象。“著丈夫衣服靴衫”“女着男装”在中国历史上一直被认为是不守妇道的表现,因此几千年来极为罕见,但在唐代尤其是开元、天宝年间这一服饰现象却极为盛行。永泰公主墓中就有一幅线刻画,可以看得出来是两个男装胡服的宫女形象。在西安韦顼墓、章怀太子墓中也能找到类似的画作。我们可以看出这一装扮在当时的上层社会中的流行度。我们可以将唐代妇女的装束归结为两个字:大胆;大胆地穿着轻纱薄罗,大胆地穿着男装上街。这种现象在晚唐之后、民国之前再也没有出现过。如果将《簪花仕女图》与慈禧太后生日时的照片放在一起对比,唐代妇女着装这种大胆的特质就表现得再明显不过了。慈禧身上的服饰繁复华丽,无处不是绣纹,无处不是珠玉,但与唐代宫廷中的几件薄衫比起来,却只能透露出一股子末世的颓败气息。唐代妇女的这种大胆与她们的社会地位是分不开的。资料显示,在日常生活中,唐代妇女积极从事各项娱乐活动包括骑马、射箭、拔河、打球、荡秋千、斗百草等,她们有单独公开的社会活动,甚至可以结社。唐朝的权力中心一度由女性执掌。武则天的女儿太平公主、中宗的皇后韦氏及其女儿安乐公主都曾积极地参与政事。这一切都说明唐代妇女所受到的束缚明显小于其他时代,与传统的“女子无才便是德”的思想观念有所不同。在这样的背景之下,裹小脚之类的严重损害女性身心健康的事情怎么能在唐代风行起来呢?唐代的妇女着装也从一个侧面反映了唐代妇女的确具有较高的社会地位。然而,唐朝终究是一个等级森严的封建社会。我们如今所说到的一切锦绣衣饰,仅仅是上层社会的专利品。新旧唐书的舆服志(《新唐书》中为车服志)共两万五千多字,提起平民女子装束的不过“庶人嫁女”之类的寥寥数语。想要从贵族的墓葬品中找到关于唐代平民女子衣饰的文物更是难上加难。一千多年前的华夏大地上,能够穿着那些华丽衣饰的女子其实不过少数。我们总认为唐代妇女服饰华贵美丽,然而实际情况究竟如何,我们不得而知。所谓的“第一手资料”固然能在一定程度上反映历史的真相,然而更多的时候,它们会蒙蔽我们的双眼。
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