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如果不免费的话,我看到了 翻译狗 是个网站。我注册的时候送了积分。救了个急。以后就不知道了。。。说起付费,准确率翻译最高的要属北京译顶科技了,建议去。

80 评论



309 评论


一、PaperPass这款论文查重系统支持几万字免费查重,查重报告很详细,非常有利于我们撰写论文和修改论文。二、维普这个收费的论文查重系统费用也并不高昂,期刊起家的,优势劣势都比较突出,算法严格,30元/万字,采用了和其他查重系统不一样的算法,一句话有几个字重复就容易标红,相对来说很严格。三、超星超星大雅也就是学习通的公司,后台对比数据库除了几百万册图书以外,基本都是互联网采集的数据,早期免费,现在检测已经收费了。四、万方万方查重的对比资源,主要包括期刊论文和学位论文,但不包括互联网资源。也就是说,如果你抄袭互联网上的内容,万方检测系统是检查不出来的,但如果你论文的参考来源主要来自期刊论文和学位论文,那还是可以参考的。五、知网知网查重不用多介绍了,唯一要注意的是官网不对个人用户开放,且一直在严厉打击市面上流传的所谓查重链接,所以建议除了学校合作有查重机会的以外,不要自行在其他地方高价购买,很容易上当。六、免费查重市面上纯免费的查重网站一般需要分享链接、拉人入驻,或者关注和下载一些奇奇怪怪的应用和账号等等,才能实现,所以选择时一定要看清网站有无安全标识,谨防因小失大,泄露论文。七、知网大分解单次查重次数上限3万字符内。但是要注意市面上的假货超标状态,因为知网大分解目前处于断供,它和pmlc差别主要就是pmlc多了一个大学生论文联合比对库,就是本科库。八、知网小分解检测字数在1.4万字上下,大分解的检测字数在3万上下。而且论文报告上的反映也有差别,通常知网小分解只有2份报告,可是大分解会有4份报告。九、Plagiarisma简单易用的查重网站, 但页面有一股网站的气息,可以输入论文进行重复率检测,也可以输入网站,及上传文件进行检测,每句话对应的重复率结果和相似的资源都会单个地显示出来,方便修改。十、Plagium界面不是很夸张,也不会像网站一样。只有第一次是免费的,deep search需要注册,免费额度有字数限制。复制粘贴文本即可,便于使用。

168 评论


人工翻译,不信你去百度,绝对不是这么翻译滴,看你100分我才出手的In recent years, the rapid growth of motor vehicles in Shenzhen, traffic congestion, traffic pollution is becoming more and more serious. As of December 20, 2014, Shenzhen vehicle fleet of more than3140000 units, nearly 5 years the average annual growth rate of about 16%, per kilometre of roadvehicles about 500 vehicles, the density of the country's first. Among them, in 2013, about 370000 new units, the growth rate reached 16.5%; in 2014 added about 550000 vehicles, the growth rate of20.9%. Along with the sustained and rapid growth of motor vehicles, traffic congestion timeincreasing, the traffic congestion areas continue to expand. In December last year, the original SARexpressway, trunk road average flow rate of 165000 a day, morning and evening peak flow of 19200 vehicles per day of 4 hours, accounting for 11.66% of daily flow. Since the outer limit orderissued, the original SAR of 186000 a day, morning and evening peak flow of 24000 vehicles per day, accounting for 12.90% the proportion of commuter traffic flow, the peak of the rush hour traffichas increased, increased efficiency, in this context, the 2015 provisions of the limit line to ShenzhenShenzhen car restriction rules promulgated. According to the Shenzhen municipal foreign car limit line, the field plate shall be in accordance with the provisions of the car route during the morning and evening peak and area of travel. The Shenzhen foreign cars limit line for the latest news,February 1st, the morning rush to work (7:00~9:00), (17:30~19:30) during the evening peak, all the way in Shenzhen, Luohu District, Futian District, Yantian District, Nanshan District 4 administrativeregion, small, mini passenger cars in Shenzhen issued a motor vehicle license plate shall be run according to the the provisions of the route and area. 2015 Shenzhen restrictions on Shenzhen foreign cars limit line sections and the time limit prescribed above, large and medium-sized passenger car is not restricted, the truck into the Shenzhen city roads should apply for permits in accordance with the provisions of. The notice of violation of the provisions of the vehicle driversfined 300 yuan, a penalty of 3 points. 2015 Shenzhen limit line since February 1st, systemmonitoring to deep plate of passenger cars in Shenzhen limit line road, time limit line driving record,the first second times, not punishment, since third time the punishment according to law. Shenzhenimported vehicle limit line for the latest news, please pay attention to the Shenzhen traffic police bureau. The vehicle is the most important security, suggested by Zhongmin insurance network forquality insurance and accident insurance products.

127 评论


  • 论文查重论文查重免费查重


    xiaoze2000 8人参与回答 2023-12-09
  • 教学论文查重查重


    Nuannuan暖 7人参与回答 2023-12-08
  • 硕士论文查重查重

    硕士论文查重要求如下: 1、硕士论文字数:硕士论文字数一般在3W以上,严谨论文一般在7W以上。 2、重复率要求:一般硕士论文查重率要在15%以内,才能达到合格标

    哇小妹夫 3人参与回答 2023-12-10
  • 论文查重cnki查重

    中国知网自己查重的方法如下: 电脑:华为MateBook。 系统:Windows10。 软件:谷歌浏览器。 1、打开电脑的浏览器,百度搜索“中国知网论文查重检测

    wxb2066472463 5人参与回答 2023-12-07
  • 论文查重查重狗

    1 取决于具体情况,无法一概而论。2 查重率偏高可能是因为论文中存在大量引用或者与其他论文的重合度较高,也可能是因为文献库的覆盖率较高,导致重复率偏高。3 查重

    neil2446326902 5人参与回答 2023-12-09