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一、 做好招聘前的准备工作 招聘工作是否成功、有效,在很大程度上决定于招聘前的准备工作,只有招聘前做好细致、充分的准备工作才有可能确保招聘的有效性。这一点对于中、小企业来说要尤为注意,因为他们很少重视招聘之前的准备工作,且很少细致地做招聘前的准备工作,那么招聘之前究竟应该做那方面的准备工作呢? 认真进行工作分析,制定明确、详细的职位说明书和工作说明书 对于有些企业来讲,制度一般都不健全,运作上也极不规范,很少认真地对职位进行工作分析,制定详细的职务说明书和工作说明书,这往往导致招聘者在招聘过程中的盲目性和随意性,以致招聘时无据可依,做出错误接受的决定,招到一些根本不是企业最需要、不合适的人才,这不仅大大提高企业的招聘成本,而且还可能在相当一段时间内出现无人可用的局面,延误企业的发展。认真进行工作分析,制定细致的职务说明书和工作说明书,明确每个不同工作职位对员工的要求及考核的标准,在招聘过程中才能做到有据可依,减少盲目性和随意性。 2、确定员工的胜任特征 不同的企业,招聘的理念及对被招聘者的胜任特征要求都是不同的。朗讯在招聘时,一项重要的考察就是看是否能够适应“GROWS”标准:G代表全球增长观念;R代表注重结果;O代表关注客户和竞争对手;W代表开放和多元化的工作场所;S代表速度。IBM则更强调高绩效:主要包括“win”——必胜的决心;“execution”——又快又好的执行能力;“team”——团队精神这三个方面。 企业可以根据自身所处的不同发展阶段和周围的竞争环境特点来确定员工的胜任特征。企业处于不同的发展阶段,对员工也有着不同的要求:初创阶段,需要大量有经验的人员来完善企业的业务和制度,他们的经验对于企业来说是一笔财富;快速成长时期,则要求具有创新和变革能力的员工,否则企业在产品、服务和经营方式上将难有创新,也很难帮助企业取得突破性的发展。当企业的外部环境复杂、多变时,招聘的员工须有敏锐的洞察力,快速学习、分析问题和解决问题的能力,以很好适应外部环境的变化,对面临的问题做出正确的判断。因此,招聘前最好就能具体描述出理想人选的特征,并与用人部门的主管一起讨论,尽量细化到学历、性别、年龄、专业经验、业绩、性格气质、工作背景、家庭情况、薪酬水平等。 3、 慎选招聘途径 现时代,人才招聘渠道越来越广,有内部招聘、熟人推荐、报纸广告、人才市场、校园招聘、中介机构、猎头服务、网上招聘等等。虽然各种招聘途径都各有优缺,财大气粗的大企业可以通过各种途径选聘自己所需的人才,但对于中、小企业来讲,在自身实力有限的情况下,一定要慎重选择自己的招聘途径。如情景模拟技术(一般包括无领导小组讨论、公文包测试、工作样本、演讲和商业游戏等)一般用于中、高级经理人员的选拔,费时且成本高,对评价者要求也较高,一般不适合中小企业。如果中小企业需要个别使用的话,也可以通过外包,而不必自己费时、费力。随着电子时代的不断发展,网络招聘也称电子招聘(E-Recruiting)对于中、小企业来讲不失为一种好的选择,它是利用互联网技术进行的招聘活动,包括信息的发布、简历的搜集整理、电子面试(E-mail、聊天室、视频面试)以及在线测评等。与报纸杂志广告、招聘洽谈会等相比,网上招聘覆盖面广、针对性强、无地域性限制,宣传沟通方便,省时且费用较低,这些正好适合中、小企业自身的特点。$ U6 C# 4、 注重企业形象设计和宣传 招聘是双方互选的过程,形象设计的目的是为了增强对应聘人员的吸引力。在现场的招聘中,应从广告刊登和摊位布置到接待面试、场地布置和参观公司等,处处都应渲染和突出企业的亮点以吸引应聘者。广告及摊位要有与众不同的新意,接待人员要精神饱满、仪容整洁。每一个环节都给应聘者留下好感,但是要杜绝任何的欺行为。 此外,企业要注意在招聘过程中以自己的行动向应聘者展示企业“以人为本”的理念,吸引人才到企业工作。对于中、小企业,招聘工作的目标不仅仅是招聘到合适的人才,还应该通过招聘工作展示企业的形象,扩大企业的影响力。 提前组织面试官,并授权分工 招聘工作是一个系统的过程,需要人力资源部门和用人部门必须共同参与进来,最好是提前由相关人员组成招聘小组并明确分工,如谁负责面试,谁负责接待工作等。面试小组成员应该由用人部门主管、人力资源部门主管、专业人员及公司相关领导共同组成。因为人是企业中最重要的资源,只有让用人部门主管参与招聘决策过程,今后才会更珍惜人才、用好人才;专业人员在涉及专业性问题时,则更有发言权;而一些重要的用人决策,则需要公司领导来做决定。面试前人力资源主管、用人部门主管、专业技术人员、公司领导这四类人员还应事先从特定的角度设计面试问题,并且各自拥有录用与否的表决权。这样的授权与分工可以使招聘工作处在公平化、透明化状态,每位面试官都要认真履行其面试的责任,从而提高招聘的有效性。二、 组织有效的面试'当企业为招聘工作做好充分的前期准备工作后,还要适时地进行招聘工作。而招聘工作中最重要的、采用最多的方式就是面试,面试的成功与否直接决定着招聘的有效性。面试过程一定要注意以下几方面: 1、 营造面试环境 面试环境要相对独立、封闭、安静和舒适,确保面试过程不被工作、外来人员、电话等打扰,以保证面试的效果;另一方面,独立、封闭、安静、舒适的面试环境也体现了对应聘者的重视和尊重。此外,招聘企业营造宽松、和谐的气氛,也可以使应聘者能正常发挥出其真正的实力,使招聘工作更公正、有效。 2、 要有据可依 在面试过程中,招聘者一定要有客观、科学的选人依据,注意不能完全被应聘者优秀的个人条件所吸引,要以事先制定的职位说明书和工作说明书为依据。因为高于岗位要求的人员所获得的工作满意度较低,起薪的要求多变,不利于薪酬制度的一致性,同时他们的工作成就感可能会很快地满足,最终厌倦而离开,造成很大的损失。实践证明适合的才是最好的,SONY公司招聘人才的70%法则就是很好的例证,SONY在招聘职员时往往选择那些中偏上的人才,而不是最优秀的人才,因为他们认为优秀的人才往往心浮气躁,并且对外部环境多抱怨,工作并不尽心尽力,而那些所谓的“70%”人才,却能够踏踏实实地工作,并有一种超越优秀人才证明自己的动力,往往能做出更好的绩效。 此外,企业文化也应该是企业招聘时的重要依据,缺乏企业文化认同的员工不可能积极地为企业创造价值,也很难在企业中稳定下来。作为企业的招聘人员必须要对公司的目标、策略、文化和价值有着很好的理解,并以此作为招聘过程中评估应聘者的一个重要依据。 3、要坦诚相见 坦诚相见——在面试时招聘者应把企业发展前景、现状、存在的问题等实事求是地向应聘者作客观的介绍,以职业顾问的身份站在应聘者的角度分析其到本企业工作的利弊、发展机会以及实际工作中可能遇到的种种困难等供应聘者权衡,只有这样才能招到对本企业感兴趣的人,同时把应聘者由于前后反差太大而离职的比例降到最低,提高招聘工作的有效性。* z5结构化面试 结构化面试:也称标准化面试,即根据所制定的评价指标,预设特定的问题、评价方法和评价标准,严格遵循特定程序,通过测评人员与应聘者面对面的交流,对应聘者进行评价的标准化过程。 运用结构化面试可以保证面试的公正性和公平性。而对于面试问题的设计、研究和实践表明在面试中最好采用行为性问题,即具体了解应聘者过去是怎么做的,并运用STAR法:Situation——什么情景;Task——什么任务;Action——采取了什么行动;Result——得到了什么结果。进行不断追问,以判断和保证应聘者回答的真实性。 面试技巧培训 面试者需要具备一定的面试技能,这样才能在面试过程中客观、公正地评价应聘者,避免由于主观性而产生的选择性知觉、晕轮效应、刻板印象等而导致的错误接受。中、小企业招聘者在这方面的专业知识和技能往往更加欠缺,相应的培训必不可少。 三、做好面试后的工作对于企业招聘来说,面试后的工作更加至关重要,尤其是对人员选聘决策的做出,我们可以从二个方面入手: 公正、客观地进行人才甄选,在面试结束后,企业大致有了一个比较中意的候选人名单,接下来的任务就是作出最后的决策:确定急需、合适、优秀的所需人员。需要注意的是优秀的未必合适,在优秀和合适的候选人选择时应以合适为先,在着眼现在和着眼未来的选择时,应以候选人所具有的发展潜力为先。而选择的过程应尽可能公平、公正、客观,最好是人力资源主管、用人部门主管、专业技术人员、公司领导等坐在一起,各自选择出自己心目中的最佳人选。意见一致的,先确定下来;具有争议的,再具体商议,彼此陈述自己的意见和看法,再重新确定,直到完全确定下来为止。从而避免暗箱操作和任人唯亲等不良行为。 2、 建立必要的人才储备信息 招聘结束后,常会发现一些条件不错且适合企业需求的人才。因为岗位编制、企业阶段发展计划等限制无法现时录用,但很可能在将来某个时期需要这方面的人才。作为招聘部门,就应该将这类人才的信息纳入企业的人才信息库(包括个人资料、面试小组意见、评价等)不定期地与之保持联系,一旦出现岗位空缺或企业发展需要即可招入。中、小企业发展迅速,这样既提高了招聘速度又降低了招聘成本,可谓一本万利。 总之,招聘工作对于任何企业来说都是十分重要的,对于中、小企业尤其如此。在中国企业的生存环境中,由于正确地选用了人才而使企业壮大,飞黄腾达的例子比比皆是。如张瑞敏之于海尔,倪润峰之于长虹;同时由于错误地选人而导致运作良好的企业一夜衰落的实例也举不胜举。 中国的企业目前正处于快速沉浮的阶段,而人才又是企业最宝贵的资产,能否招聘到合适且优秀的人才,形成具有竞争力的人才队伍,决定着一个企业是否能够茁壮成长。因此,在这样一个机遇和挑战并存的时代里,中、小企业尤其要树立“以人为本”的理念,重视对人才的招聘,认真地做好招聘前的各项准备工作,有效地组织面试,提高招聘的有效性。只有这样,中、小企业才有机会在激烈的竞争中生存、发展、壮大。 由上可见,招聘的规划,招聘成本效率和招聘渠道选择,招聘策略及方法的使用,招聘程序的规范化控制等决定了招聘人员质量,并直接影响企业未来的发展与成长。

335 评论



Students who are about to graduate have to face the challenge of being interviewed while trying to find employment. People looking for ajob usually attach great importance to job interviews. Doing well in a job interview means a good chance of being employed. With little working experience, how can we succeed in a job interview?

In my opinion, firstly, we should leave the employers a good impression an what we were, how we talk as well as how we behave in public. Secondly, we should not be nervous, for over ncrvousness will lead to uncertainty of your ability. Being confident can bring you to success. When you are asked something about the job you want, you should answer it as fully as possible according to what you know. Thirdly, honesty is a virtue. Being honest about your present situation and never make any boastful statemeat.

I hope everyone will have a good chance and win success in the interview. Then all of us can get our ideal jobs.

Today, I went to the experimental primary school to sign up for an interview. At first, I was a little nervous. But when I went in and saw the teachers' amiable smile, I was not nervous at all.

My height is too high. The teacher asked me how I grow so tall. I said I never pick food. The teacher asked me what I like best. I said I like meat best. Listen to my answer, the teacher smiled! Come back and tell mom. Mom laughs too!

Later, the teacher asked me some questions about Pinyin recognition and mathematics, and I answered them all, and I also distinguished the top and bottom of the teacher's questions!

Finally, the teacher touched my head and said, little friend, you will come to our class later. Shall I be your monitor? I am so happy to answer: good!

After saying goodbye to the teachers, I left happily! Thinking of the smiling face of the teacher, I am confident that I will enter the first grade!

How to Succeed in a Job Interview?

Everyone wants to get a good and highly-paid job, however, that is not so easy, fur one thing, there are maybe many other candidates competing fur the job, fur another, one have to pass through stone tough phases hefure getting the job, among which interview is an important one. Interview is the meeting between job applicants and the personnel directors of a company. During the meeting,the company tries to get some information about applicants' educational background, working experience, personal desire and personal qualities. Meanwhile,the company may offer stone information about the company and a certain post. Interview is quite important, from the interview, the personnel director can make judgement whether the applicant is the right person or not. If one wants to get a jab, he must make sure his jab interview is a successful one. How can one ensure the success of interview? First, the applicant should show confidence, confidence can convince the interviewer, the interviewee can overcome the passible difficulties in his future work. Secondly,the interviewee should be honest, if the sign of dishonesty was noticed, the interviewee will surely lose the opportunity, as no one wants to employ a person who is not reliable. Thlrdly,the applicants should show the interviewer that he is quite knawledgeable and can perform the duty perfectly.

If one can behave as what I suggested, his chance of getting post will be very high.

A job interview is indispensable in the process of job hunting.If a job seeker can make the best use of the interview and leave a good impression on the interviewer’s mind,he may be lucky enough to get the job competed for by many applicants.If,on the other hand,the job hunter gives a poor performance during the interview,he is unlikely to stand a chance to succeed.

To be successful in a job interview,the job hunter should demonstrate certain personal and professional qualities.First,the applicant ought to attach much importance to his appearance and manner of speaking.Second,he is supposed to display his ability,especially his grasp of professional knowledge required by the position for which he is applying.Finally,a really impressive job seeker must convey a sense of self-confidence in and a practical attitude toward the cause concerned.If the interviewee succeeds in displaying these characteristics and presents his most attractive qualities during an interview,the interviewer might make an on-the-spot decision to take him on.

In order to make a good impression during a job interview, you need to prepare yourself

for the interview. You must arrive in plenty of time for the interview,so that you give yourself a little

time to relax before the interview begins.

The impression you make as you walk into the room is very important. Try to find out if the

company or organization has rules about dress. Then try to dress according to their regulations.

You also need to plan what you are going to say. In some interviews you will have to do a lot of talking, and in others you will only have to answer a few questions about your education and experience. You need to have answers ready about yourself, your schoolwork, your strong points, your reasons for applying for the job, and the salary you expect.

You will also be allowed to ask some questions of your own. The questions you ask will show the interviewer that you have given careful thought to the position. You can ask questions like these. What duties will I have to do in the job? Will I be allowed to join a health insurance program? Does the company provide opportunities for further education?

Nowadays both the interviewee and the interviewer are attaching more and more importance to job interview. As far as the interviewers are concerned, they tend to feel it unscientific to evaluate the competence of the interviewees by just reading their written materials, such as the application forms, self-introductions, etc. A face to face interviewing is more reliable and informative. As far as the interviewees are concerned, they think that they also have the right to get to know the employer and the company in which they are going to work, e. g. What work they are going to do, how much money they can get etc.

However, many interviewees fail once and again in their job interview. They want to know the secret in job interview. there are many factors that determine the success of the job interview. For example, a dean and tidy appearance will surely attract the attention of the interviewers; a graceful manner is easy to leave a good impression on your would be boss. When it comes to the job, the applicant should display a wide range of expertise and strong confidence in himself. Nevertheless, be sure not to overstate but stick to reality; show your keen enthusiastic about the job and your strong desire for obtaining the job all the way.

Once you achieve what is mentioned above, the new job will be within your reach.

May Day is coming. I’m so happy because my father and my mother take me to Wu Quan Park this holiday.

In the park, I see many trees and beautiful flowers. There are many children and many happy playing games, too.

My parents take me to the zoo. There are lions, tigers, eagles, bears, deer, monkeys, and so on. I like the monkeys best because they are very clever and they make us laugh. How lovely they are!

I have a good time that day. What a beautiful and happy holiday.

A job interview, a formal meeting between the employer and the applicant, is an effective way for the interviewer to know about the applicant and the interviewee to know about the job he is applying for. It is advantageous to both the interviewer and the interviewee.

The interviewer, in a job interview, usually offers detailed information about the job under discussion, such as the nature of the job, the working condition, the requirements for the applicant, and the payment for the job. At the same time, he can see with his own eyes the interviewee’s appearance, manner, character, educational background etc. This can surely help him make a proper judgment on whether the interviewee is fit for the job or not.

As far as the interviewee is concerned, a job interview provides him with a good chance to display his merits. For example, he can exhibit his competence and self-confidence through his knowledge, show his sincerity and enthusiasm for work with his previous experience, and demonstrate his understanding of the job and an ability in meeting these requirements. This may give the interviewer a good impression, which, in turn, will increase his chance of getting the job.

Nowadays, its essential for a person who hunts for a job to take an interview. Job interview is a formal meeting between employer and the job hunter, which I think its beneficial to both parts.

I would like to discuss about the advantages of job interview. On the one hand, for the employer, its the first time that the employer can know the hunter face to face. During the interview, employer can freely talk to the hunter and the form of interview is flexible that employer can know the hunter in depth from various aspects. It cant be accomplished by paper test. On the other hand, for the employee, its a must-step for job hunting that employee can fully show his or her talent. Its a golden chance to get the job that employee must well prepare for. Besides, employee can ask questions about the position and company so that to deeper understand the company. After all, its important to know whether you fit for the job or the company or not.

In short, a job interview is beneficial to both the employer and the employee that they all should attach importance to it.

The past 4 years,i spend most of my time on study,i have passed CET4--6 with a ease. And i have acquired basic knowledge of packaging and publishing both in they and in practice. Besides, i have attend several packaging exhibition hold in Beijing, this is our advantage study here, i have taken a tour to some big facty and company.Through these i have a deeply understanding of domestic packaging industry. Compared to developed ries such as us, unftunately, although we have made extradinary progress since 1983,our packaging industry are still underdeveloped, mess, unstable, the situation of employees in this field are awkard. But i have full confidence in a bright future if only our economy can keep the growth pace still. i guess you maybe interested in the reason itch to law, and what is my planduring graduate study life, i would to tell you that pursue law is one of my lifelong goal,my major is packaging and i wont give up,if i can pursue my degree here i will combine law with my fmer education. I will be hard in thesefields ,patent ,trademark, copyright, on the base of my years study in department of my acter. I cannot describe it well, but i know i am optimistic and confident. Sometimes i prefer to stay alone, reading, listening to music, but i am not lonely, to chat with my classmates, almost talk everything ,my favite pastime is valleyball,playing cards surf online. Through college life,i learn how to balance between study and entertainment. By the way, i was a act of our amazing drama club. I had a few glious memy on stage, that is my pride.

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  • 招聘面试技巧论文答辩


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  • 面试礼仪与技巧论文参考文献

    成功面试必备基本礼仪和技巧 成功面试必备基本礼仪和技巧,面试礼仪的表现关系到求职的成败。掌握正确的面试礼仪以及技巧会大大增加面试成功的机会。以下我分享一些面成功

    wangyuting3573 2人参与回答 2023-12-05
  • 人力面试论文参考文献


    程Celeste 5人参与回答 2023-12-11