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Zhejiang province is located in the middle of the west circum-Pacific volcanic belt, which is the main structural and magmatic activity belt during Mesozoic and Cenozoic time in the eastern part of our country, and also the important component of the Pacific tectono-magmatic metallogenic belt. The giant Jiangshan - Shaoxing joint belt divide province into two major geological structures- east Zhejiang unit and west Zhejiang unit which belongs to the southeast edges of the Yangzi Platform. East Zhejiang belongs to South China fold system which features vast development of draped Mesozoic volcanic and red sedimentary basin. Widely invaded igneous rock and Proterozoic metamorphosed strata exposing like fault block uplift presents "one old, one new" geologic structure characteristics.

111 评论


浅谈土木工程地质野外实习 工程地质学是地质学的一个分支,是研究与工程建设有关的地质问题的学科。它的主要任务是:勘察和评价工程建筑场地的地质环境和工程地质条件;分析和预测工程建设活动与自然地质环境的相互作用和相互影响;选择最佳的场地位置;提出克服不良地质作用的工程措施;为工程建设的规划、设计、施工和运营提供可靠的地质依据。因此,工程地质学是每一个土木工程人员所应掌握的课程。 在工程地质学教学过程中,主要学习了基础地质和工程地质两部分内容。基础地质包括岩石和土的成因类型、地质特征及其工程性质;地质构造基本类型及特征、地史及地质图的基本知识;水的基本类型和特征等。基础地质是解决好工程地质问题必不可少的基本理论和知识。工程地质包括常见的各种地质灾害;地下洞室常见的工程地质问题;边坡工程常见的工程地质问题;地基工程常见的工程质问题等。这些知识要彻底掌握,必须作好野外实习工作。 在教学过程中学习得到的知识,如果不能运用于实践,这无疑于纸上谈兵。而要将课本知识转化为实践知识的最重要的手段就是野外地质实习。在课本上学习的知识很多是概念化的,或者说是标准化的东西。比如断层,在课本上是理想化的模型,断层面是一个平面,上下盘的移动方向在图上有标识,岩性差别也很明显,因此在课本上很容易识别。然而在野外,断层规模相差很大。小的断层在手标本上可以识别,而大的断层延伸数百公里甚至上千公里。断层是一种重要的地质构造,对工程建筑的稳定性起着重要作用。地震与活动性断层有关,隧道中大多数坍方、涌水均与断层有关。野外实际的断层不是课本上的模型,如何识别规模较大的断层呢?这就要野外实践知识。首先从地貌上识别,断层通过地区通常形成一些特殊的地貌现象,如断层崖、断层三角面、断层湖、断层泉等。其次岩层分布情况,往往断层会造成部分地层的重复或缺失现象。第三可观察断层伴生现象,如擦痕、阶步、摩擦镜面、牵引现象等。再比如说岩石,室内实习时见到的手标本均是比较标准的样本,而野外的岩石千差万别,形态各异。 虽然在课本上也能学到这些,但必须通过野外现场观察,亲手触摸、亲身体会才能记忆深刻,也就能够举一反三,遇到类似情况知道是什么,没有现场的体会根本就不知道野外的地质现象是什么样子,更不用说到野外进行识别。通过野外实习,不但巩固了课本上所学的知识,还能学到很多野外实践知识,这将为以后参加工作打下扎实的基础。

195 评论


Zhejiang province is located in the west Pacific middle volcanic belt, is in the east of the new generation of main structure and the magma activity take, is the Pacific rim tectono-magmatic metallogenic belt important component. The province to jiangshan-shaoxing pieced together the giant with divided into east west zhejiang, two major geological tectonic units, west of Yangtze platform of the southeast edge must part. The east of south China is of the development of large area, drape Mesozoic volcanics and red cover sedimentary basin is characteristic, igneous rock intrusion into with a widely fault block into the dew of uplift skylight GuZhou metamorphosed strata distribution, yuan showed "one old new" of the geological structure characteristics.In the east of geological evolution process is very complex, especially yanshan period volcano-magmatic activities is very strong, have more acidic lava rock mass distribution of the period, and the distribution of sex of magma, the distribution of the region's fault that metallogenic conditions is very complicated, predecessors have done a lot of work, a lot of achievements in guiding the prospecting work, but still lacks system and analyze the characteristics of volcanic magma activity this area--each type of mineral formed influenced, control function.This paper and continental volcanic relevant volcano times volcanic hydrothermal ore deposit, volcanic hydrothermal modification type ore deposits and volcanic sedimentary type ore deposits in the transformation the tectonic setting, igneous rock properties and mineralized alteration characteristics, metallogenic fluid source of ore-forming materials and reviewed the Mesozoic silver mining area of lead and zinc into strata, the structure, the geochemical characteristics, geophysical characteristics system analysis, summarized the characteristics of different deposit formation, the geochemical characteristics, structure characteristics, the earth physical feature and metallogenic relations, so as to analysis the east area of Mesozoic silver pb-zn deposit metallogenic conditions and the law, and the classification of different deposits are summarized. Volcanic magmatism at points out that in the process of metallogenic plays an important role in the east, that area looking for volcanic rock and continental silver lead-zinc mine has broad prospects.

342 评论


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