摘 要:常德方言归属北方方言分支的西南官话,是湖南地区西南官话的重要代表,俗有“小北京话”之称,在语音、词汇、语法等方面都保留有不少北方话的`特征;同时由于处于湖南境内,受周边地区湘方言的影响,又往往体现出1些湘语的特点,毕业论文:论常德方言 - 语言文学毕业论文。本论文从语音、词汇、语法3方面对常德方言进行了描述,重在探究常德方言相对普通话以及临近方言的特殊之处,还从历史文化的角度对常德方言的形成以及某些方言词汇的构词理据作了分析和讨论。
关键词:轻声 儿化 变调 构词理据 文化理据
修辞理据 风俗词语
Abstract: Changde dialect which ownerships the branch of north dialect--- the southwest official words, is the important representative of southwest official words in Hunan region. It has " little Beijing words " fit customly, and it has the feature of a lot of north words in speech sound, vocabulary, grammar and such aspect remain .At the same time because it’s in Hunan boundary , receive the influence of Xiang dialect priphery region,again often embody some the characteristic of Xiang language. this paper describe for Changde dialect from speech sound, vocabulary and grammar aspectsvalue in probe Changde dialect relative to Putonghua as well as the special place of close to dialect, return from the angle of historical culture for Changde dialect form as well as some dialect vocabularies Gou word reason according to have made analysis and discussion.
Key words:light tone the retrofles ending modified tone
The reason of word formation the culture reason the rhetoric reason custom words
汉语言文学系毕业论文题目方言与语言怎么写,汉语⾔⽂学专业培养具有汉语⾔⽂学基本理论、基础知识和基本技能 ,能在新闻⽂艺出版部门、科研机构和机关企事业单位从事⽂学评论、汉语⾔⽂学教学与研究⼯作。
语言论文开题报告 开头报告是论文的重要组成部分,下面就是为大家整理的语言论文开题报告,欢迎大家阅读! 一、研究或设计的目的和意义 《金瓶梅》作为是中国的第1奇书
Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition Strategies
毕业论文论常德方言 摘 要:常德方言归属北方方言分支的西南官话,是湖南地区西南官话的重要代表,俗有“小北京话”之称,在语音、词汇、语法等方面都保留有不少北方话的
中国七大方言概述 1.北方话(简称:北语) 2.广东话(简称:粤语) 3.江浙话(简称:吴语):4.福建话(简称:闽语):5.湖南话(简称:湘语): 6.江西话