首先看你写的是什么级别的论文,字数是要适当的,一般大学的毕业论文abstract在100到200字左右,内容要精练,包括所有的关键词,不能有废话,简单表明写这篇论文的必要性和目的性,不能长篇大论。给你个鲜活的例子,同学的论文,今年毕业,这是题目Onthe Factors Influencing the Viewon Marriage in Pride and PrejudiceAbstractPride and Prejudice is an exceedingly distinguished novel written by Jane Austenand it shows three different types of marriage. There are marriage for Physiology need,marriage for sense of security andmarriage for love. And there are three main reasons which influence these results--Thehistorical background of the novel, theinfluence of value concept, and the character of figures. JaneAusten criticizes the common value of marriage that most of the people marryfor money and status. She thinks it is wrong,love is vital to marriage, but the marriage without moneyis also foolish.
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