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Guanzhong folk custom two-dimensional animation short film manufacture (two) abstract At present, along with the network development, the multimedia information disseminates by a quicker speed in the network, specially the graph image, the video frequency, the audio frequency information's dissemination, even more has demonstrated the network charm. FLASH pouch extravagant new times all fashionable elements: Network, interaction, immediate, music, animation and so on, is the technology and art “perfect” the union. the Flash animation design is an emerging discipline, it take the computer animation study as the foundation, take the fine arts creativity as the instruction. The Flash animation takes emerging media, its biggest superiority lies in the rich video and music effect and the man-machine interaction the two-way exchange pattern. The Flash animation is artistic and the technical community, therefore, the outstanding Flash animation designer must both have the high esthetics training, and can grasp the application software skilled. A successful Flash animation must pass through the screenwriter, the role design, the animation manufacture and dubbing and so on multi-channel link's careful manufacture. This graduation project takes the main animation manufacture tool by the FLASH software, softwares and so on Photoshop takes the auxiliary means the vector chart which must use to the animation to carry on the edition and the revision, and carries on film cutting dubbing and the picture format transformation and the size compression with the Premiere software, has completed the subject is “the Guanzhong folk custom two-dimensional animation short film” entire animation movie manufacture. The paper first introduced manufactures this flash animation the background, the goal significance; Then carries on the animation movie the script plan, bitmap processing, the movie prologue manufacture, and as the development kit has completed the animation detailed design take Flash; Then uses the Premiere software to carry on film cutting dubbing, then derives with the issue movie; Finally, the question which appeared to the animation design process in has made the thorough ponder and the summary in the paper ending part, the present paper introduced the Guanzhong folk custom characteristic, the flash animation manufacture flow as well as this graduation project manufacture flow. 回答者:匿名 2009-6-18 15:33Guanzhong folk custom two-dimensional animation short film manufacture (two) abstract At present, along with the network development, the multimedia information disseminates by a quicker speed in the network, specially the graph image, the video frequency, the audio frequency information's dissemination, even more has demonstrated the network charm. FLASH pouch extravagant new times all fashionable elements: Network, interaction, immediate, music, animation and so on, is the technology and art “perfect” the union. the Flash animation design is an emerging discipline, it take the computer animation study as the foundation, take the fine arts creativity as the instruction. The Flash animation takes emerging media, its biggest superiority lies in the rich video and music effect and the man-machine interaction the two-way exchange pattern. The Flash animation is artistic and the technical community, therefore, the outstanding Flash animation designer must both have the high esthetics training, and can grasp the application software skilled. A successful Flash animation must pass through the screenwriter, the role design, the animation manufacture and dubbing and so on multi-channel link's careful manufacture. This graduation project takes the main animation manufacture tool by the FLASH software, softwares and so on Photoshop takes the auxiliary means the vector chart which must use to the animation to carry on the edition and the revision, and carries on film cutting dubbing and the picture format transformation and the size compression with the Premiere software, has completed the subject is “the Guanzhong folk custom two-dimensional animation short film” entire animation movie manufacture. The paper first introduced manufactures this flash animation the background, the goal significance; Then carries on the animation movie the script plan, bitmap processing, the movie prologue manufacture, and as the development kit has completed the animation detailed design take Flash; Then uses the Premiere software to carry on film cutting dubbing, then derives with the issue movie; Finally, the question which appeared to the animation design process in has made the thorough ponder and the summary in the paper ending part, the present paper introduced the Guanzhong folk custom characteristic, the flash animation manufacture flow as well as this graduation project manufacture flow.

99 评论






1 绪论

1.1 研究背景

1.1.1 自媒体信息传播方式的普及

1.1.2 自媒体与动画技术结合的优势

1.1.3 丝路文物的文化价值

1.2 研究的目的与意义

1.2.1 研究目的

1.2.2 研究意义

1.3 研究现状

1.3.1 自媒体的研究现状

1.3.2 自媒体与动画相结合的研究现状

1.3.3 传统文化与自媒体相结合的研究现状

1.4 研究的内容与创新点

1.4.1 研究内容

1.4.2 创新点

1.5 研究方法

1.5.1 前期调研

1.5.2 论文主题研究运用的方法

2 自媒体作品创作发展现状分析与思考

2.1 自媒体的概念与发展探析

2.1.1 自媒体的基本概念

2.1.2 自媒体的发展探析

2.2 自媒体的分类

2.2.1 以媒介符号分类

2.2.2 以运营主体分类

2.3 媒体案例调研实例

2.3.1 华商报访谈实例

2.3.2 《TESTV值不值得买》自媒体调研实例

2.3.3 《大虎说球》自媒体访谈实例

2.3.4 访谈总结

2.4 自媒体动画创作现状分析

2.4.1 自媒体动画的界定范畴

2.4.2 自媒体动画的创作特点

2.4.3 自媒体动画的创作趋势

2.5 自媒体作品创作的特征

2.5.1 内容的创意性

2.5.2 日常化与即时性

2.5.3 互动性与包容性

2.6 自媒体中的审美活动

2.6.1 审美活动的普及

2.6.2 作品的“游戏”精神

2.6.3 创作与审美的实时互动

2.7 本章小结

3 丝路文物与自媒体动画创作结合的分析

3.1 丝路文物的历史背景

3.1.1 丝绸之路的开通

3.1.2 丝绸之路上的贸易与文化交流

3.2 丝路文物的分类.

3.3 自媒体在丝路文化作品创作中的优势

3.3.1 结合数字技术提升丝路文物的活力

3.3.2 结合新媒体对现有宣传方式的有益补充

3.3.3 扩展新平台促进丝路文物文化的广泛传播

3.4 丝路文物的自媒体动画创作思路

3.4.1 提炼丝路文物的艺术价值、文化特征

3.4.2 自媒体动画创作视角下丝路文物叙事方式

3.5 本章小结

4 丝路文物主题自媒体动画创作实践

4.1 前期调研与策划.

4.1.1 丝路文物个案的选定与分析

4.1.2 自媒体平台的选定与创建

4.2 丝路文物主题自媒体动画的创作流程

4.2.1 剧本与解说词的设定

4.2.2 动画角色场景设计与分镜的绘制

4.2.3 创作实践过程

5 总结

5.1 总结.

5.2 课题完成存在的不足




223 评论


Guanzhong folk custom two-dimensional animation short film manufacture (two) abstract At present, along with the network development, the multimedia information disseminates by a quicker speed in the network, specially the graph image, the video frequency, the audio frequency information's dissemination, even more has demonstrated the network charm. FLASH pouch extravagant new times all fashionable elements: Network, interaction, immediate, music, animation and so on, is the technology and art “perfect” the union. the Flash animation design is an emerging discipline, it take the computer animation study as the foundation, take the fine arts creativity as the instruction. The Flash animation takes emerging media, its biggest superiority lies in the rich video and music effect and the man-machine interaction the two-way exchange pattern. The Flash animation is artistic and the technical community, therefore, the outstanding Flash animation designer must both have the high esthetics training, and can grasp the application software skilled. A successful Flash animation must pass through the screenwriter, the role design, the animation manufacture and dubbing and so on multi-channel link's careful manufacture. This graduation project takes the main animation manufacture tool by the FLASH software, softwares and so on Photoshop takes the auxiliary means the vector chart which must use to the animation to carry on the edition and the revision, and carries on film cutting dubbing and the picture format transformation and the size compression with the Premiere software, has completed the subject is “the Guanzhong folk custom two-dimensional animation short film” entire animation movie manufacture. The paper first introduced manufactures this flash animation the background, the goal significance; Then carries on the animation movie the script plan, bitmap processing, the movie prologue manufacture, and as the development kit has completed the animation detailed design take Flash; Then uses the Premiere software to carry on film cutting dubbing, then derives with the issue movie; Finally, the question which appeared to the animation design process in has made the thorough ponder and the summary in the paper ending part, the present paper introduced the Guanzhong folk custom characteristic, the flash animation manufacture flow as well as this graduation project manufacture flow. 给分谢谢

248 评论


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