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我是怎样用不到两天搞定8000词的论文翻译的? | 看完也是大写的服好吧,在写下这段文字之前,我还是申明一下吧,这个方法算是应急之需。常规情况下还是谨慎点好。好了下面就来说说我那次用不到两天时间搞定论文翻译的事。话说时光荏苒,岁月如梭,回忆大学时光,已经是过去时了。毕业季的套路,大同小异。无非是考研的同学在准备复试。找工作的天天在面试,当然也有我这种,既不考研,也不急着找工作的。反正毕业了也不打算留在当地发展。网上投投简历,到时候毕业证拿了,再去面试不迟。那时候宿舍里的老大,和女票分手了。于是晚上出去陪他喝喝酒,北方的夏天,坐在黄昏的余晖里撸串,总是愉快的,再来上两口小啤酒,每每总是微醺之后,一群人摇摇晃晃地飘回宿舍。路上借着酒劲拍胸脯,侃大山,到了宿舍到头就睡。这样的日子,在毕业季总是频繁上演。又不找工作,又不考研,白天的时间感觉也过得特别快。大四下学期基本没啥课了。没压力,做什么都慢悠悠的,毕设一两天动一笔。时不时还出去兼个职,赚点小钱花花。不知不觉,时间就五月份了。六月份答辩,时间还有一个月不到了,想着就好好做做毕设啊,论文什么的。结果哪知道,这个时候,家里打电话给我,让我回去面试个工作。家里已经安排了,不可能不回去。于是只好带着毕设的资料,装好电脑,塞了几件衣服,匆匆忙忙上了南下的火车。等到再回到学校的时候,离答辩只剩一周了。毕设都还没写到一半,心里面感觉已经要凉凉了。于是乎,东摘西抄,自己再编一点,列公式,套原理。花了四五天总算基本完成了。最后就剩一个文献翻译了。按导师的要求,论文里面的文献翻译,不得少于8000英文单词。8000啊!我的天,只有不到两天了,按我平时看文献的那个龟速,8000词……按现在的话说,就是感觉心里面要凉凉了。想着吧,要不抄一个吧。但是貌似被逮着了。轻则重新再来一遍,重则……毕业证不保啊。于是只能硬着头皮开始。第一天晚上熬到12点,想想这基本和考试前临时抱佛脚感觉差不多。第二天,一早起来。干到中午,吃完饭回来。还剩6000词啊,掐指一算,几近完蛋。坐那就愣了。这个时候,老大回来了。看我一脸愁容,算是知道了我的困境。他慢悠悠拿出他的文献翻译给我看。厚度都接近一个小册子了,十几页下来,接近2万多词。不应该啊,按这家伙的平时的能力,应该比我快不了多少啊。我回来的那天,他才开始翻译,也没看他有多忙,难道这小子开挂了?老大露出了迷之微笑,原来他在某宝上找到了一个“快译宝毕业论文翻译”,这些文献,差不多两块钱一页就搞定了。拿到之后,自己又改了一下,语句就什么毛病了,基本上就都能用了。掐指一算,我的岂不就10块钱的事么?但是我还是想多了,这家伙始终不肯告诉我怎样才能在某宝上找到。于是以下午出去撸串为交换代价,才从他手里面搞到这个情报。其实就是找“快译宝毕业论文翻译”就行了。赶紧动手,发了要翻译的文献过去。不到5分钟就全好了。但是多少还是有点瑕疵,于是自己又改了下。两点钟开始干的。5点半,我已经和老大在学校北门的大排档撸串的。烤得油爆爆的羊肉,来上一口啤酒,那感觉,啧啧~也不知道,未来何时再能和老大相见了,今朝有酒今朝醉吧。

334 评论



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175 评论


到目前为止,我国开发区运营模式可以大致概括为三种。其中,在行政管理体制框架下有两种,即实行完全行政管理手段的模式和实行有限市场化运作的模式;在产权责权框架内实行有限监督的公司化运作模式一种: 以行政手段管理运营开发区。在这一模式下,无论是通过地方职能部门在开发区设立垂直管理机构,还是在开发区管委会下另行成立一套相关的行政体系,开发区从土地划拨、项目审批、人力配置到协调基本都是在政府体系内运行。该模式主要应用于我国开发区的发展初期。随着我国市场经济体制的建立和完善以及政府职能的转变,该模式无法适应新的市场环境,公司制逐渐被引入开发区日常的运营管理。 行政管理与公司化运作并存。在这一运营模式下,作为行政管理主体的管委会和市场化运营的开发公司同时并存。开发公司在人事、审批(备案)、年度考核等方面接受管委会的监督管理,并在管委会制定的发展框架内进行市场化运作。包括:参与建立开发公司的主体开始多元化;在开发区经营过程中引入项目公司、中介服务、项目外包等多种经营形式。开发公司与管委会在职责分工上开始有了更多市场经济意义上的变化,但是开发公司在众多市场化运作上并没有独立的决策权,更多的是处于一种半事业、半企业的尴尬境地,管委会与开发公司之间仍然保持着一种事实上监控与被监控的关系。 公司制。20世纪90年代末,开发区作为类似于工业房地产一级开发商的主体地位逐渐被认同。同时,市场经济产权制度、现代企业管理制度更为广泛的应用于我国整体经济运行。在这一背景下,地方政府开始尝试放手由企业独立管理运营开发区,不再设立管委会机构,转而通过国有资产投资公司在开发公司的控股地位来约束公司的决策不突破地方或城市的发展规划。开发公司在产权清晰、权责明确的基础上,公开聘用管理层,管理层对公司的控股股东或董事会负责。开发区运营得以在一个相对完整的企业制度下开展。By now, our country the pattern developing area to be in motion and do business can be three kinds basically briefly. Among them, have two kinds under administrative system frame , be to put complete administration means pattern and the pattern putting become market-oriented limited operation into practice into practice; Company-rization operation pattern kind of putting limited supervision into practice within duty right frame in property right: Be in motion and do business with administrative means administration developing area. Under this one pattern, disregarding being that functional departments sets up perpendicularity administration by the place in the development zone , still setting up a set of relevance separately under development zone tube committee meeting administration system, development zone secondary land be appropriated, project examine and approve, manpower allocation arrive at be in harmony fundamental all be on government system inner work. That pattern is main apply to our country development zone development initial stage. The building-up sum is perfect with our country marketplace economic system and government function turn around, is a pattern's turn to have no way to be adjusted to new marketplace environment , corporate system is managed gradually quilt leading into daily being in motion and doing business of development zone. Administration coexists with company-rization operation. In this, one is in motion and does business shifting the development corporation being going to be become market-oriented drawing being in motion and doing business under the pattern, as the administration main body tube existing side by side at the same time. The development corporation is examined and approved in consciousness of the outside world, (put on record), year check the supervision waiting for aspect to accept the tube committee meeting carrying out become market-oriented operation within the frame managing, and shifting development that can work out in. Include: Participate in the main body building a development corporation starting a diversification; Multiple patterns of management such as managing the process middle introduction project company , being left all to outside intermediary services , the project in the development zone. Developing a company and running a committee is able to begin to have had more market economy significance is upper changes on duty division of work , develops a company on a lot of become market-oriented operation and does not have the independent decision-making power but, More being are in one kind of half cause , awkward half enterprise condition , are in charge of committee relation that can be monitored in fact and be monitored with being still keeping a kind of between the development corporation. Corporate system. The business main body position 1990's powder , industry of development zone similar to accomplishing real estate first order are developed is accepted gradually. For broad applying to, our country overall economy runs at the same time , market economy property order , modern enterprise management system more. Under this one background, the local government begins to attempt to have a free hand to manage from enterprise independence being in motion and doing business developing area , sets up tube committee meeting organization no longer, Turn to planning by the fact that state-owned assets investment company decision-making charging a share for restraining a company coming position in development corporation's does not break development of place or city. The development corporation is conscientious in clearly established ownership , the east weighing up duty engaging in an open manner on basis clear and definite, managing a tier , managing tier of holding the controlling share to the company or board of directors. The development zone is in motion and does business so that can carry out under a relatively entire enterprise system.

252 评论


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