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Review and Prospect------ Textile Industry 2009-2010Although in 2010 textile industry still faces a series of uncertain factors, and export growth is difficult to recover in a short time, the domestic market will continue to play a significant role in the industry, structure adjustment and industrial upgrading will be carried out further in the nation. In the condition of the gradually stable international market environment, rebound can be seen in Chinese textile industry. Industry Performance 2009 In early 2009 affected by the global economic crisis, China textile industry also had a downturn in yield, sales, export and investment, efficiency even got worse seriously. However, accompanied by the industry self upgrading and national macro-control policies the economic circumstance starts to show a steady upward trend. Yield increased steadily From January to November 2009, 53 thousand above-designated size industrial enterprises in China realized output value 3426.804 billion Yuan totally, 9.71 percent higher than that in the same period 2008, the increasing speed went up 2.21 percentage points over that in January to August, or 4.5 percentage higher than that in January to May.Output of major products continues to grow generally. From January to November chemical fiber production rose by 14.89 percent compared with the same period of last year, increasing speed was up 1.58 and 7.06 percentage than the first eight months and the first five month respectively; yarn production jumped by 11.79 percent, compared with the first eight months and the first five month increasing speed went up by 2.04 and 2.77 percentage respectively; fabric production grew by 4.42 percent, increasing speed was up 3.32 and 5.28 percentage respectively.Export rose negatively Affected by the gloom in international market demands, a continuous fall can be seen in textile export 2009. From January to November China textile and apparel export totaled 154.12 billion US dollars, down by 11.02 percent compared with the same period of last year. Although the drop was lower than that in the first eight months and the first five months by 0.76 and 0.11 percentage points respectively, the export increasing rate has run into the bottom of recent years.The export decline mainly concentrated in small-scale enterprises. From January to November, export value of above-designated size industrial enterprises fell by 4.28 percent compared with the same period of last year, the decline was down by 2.57 percentage points than that in the first eight months, while that of small-scale enterprises dropped by 24.04 percent.Domestic sale growth speeded up Domestic market is the pillar of China textile industry. In 2009 under the national "domestic demand expansion" policy, the overall demands of domestic market maintained a steady growth and played a positive role to the whole industry for the sales' rebound. According to National Bureau of Statistics of China, in November 2009 retail sales of clothing consumable was 24.7 percent higher than that of the same period of last year, which was the highest point of growth speed of 2009. From November to January it was up 18.4 percent totally, three percentage points higher than that of last year. From January to November above-designated size industrial enterprises realized an accumulative total domestic output value of 2674.033 billion Yuan, 14.05 percent over that of last year, growth speed was 2.38 and 4.63 percentage higher than that of the first eight months and the five months respectively. Industrial proportion of domestic output value reached 79.89 percent, was up 2.96 percentage points compared with the same period of last year.Investment climbed up stably In the first eleven months of 2009, textile investment in fixed assets for more than five million Yuan totaled 270.802 billion Yuan, an increase of 9.53 percent higher than that in the same period of last year, growth speed went up 2.98 and 3.83 percentage points compared with the first eight months and five months, a trend of steady ascent lasted. The recovery of industrial investment growth is not only the significant achievement of "Textile Industry Restructuring and Revitalization Plan", but also reflects the confidence in the whole industry's restoration.Profit improved significantly Profit making can be affected by many factors, such as domestic demand, export VATs, loan costs and economic environment. Based on a positive role of these factors, China textile industry efficiency has been significantly improved in the year 2009. In the first eleven months total profits of textile above-designated size enterprises realized 133.149 billion Yuan, 25.39 percent higher than that of the same period last year, growth speed was up by 13.11 percentage points compared with the first eight months. From January to November the industry average profit margin reached 4.04 percent, an increase of 0.48 percentage than that of last year.Descent in employment continued In the first eleven months 2009, employment amount of above-designated size textile enterprises was 10.8424 million. Although it was higher than that of the end of August, compared with the same period of last year it went down by 0.46 percent (a total of 50.4 thousand people). The employment decrease has resulted from the decline in export, rise of labor costs, improvement of production efficiency etc.Industry Trend 2010 Compared with 2009, both in-and external environment for China textile economy will be improved. In general the industry has possessed the conditions for a steady recovery, but a series of uncertain factors are still in front of the whole industry.International market Thanks to rescue policies meted out by many governments, global economy started to show signs of picking up at the end of 2009. In 2010, with the further descent in the risk of developed countries' financial system and the improving environment of world economy, a certain degree of recovery in the international market can be seen. According to the latest statistics of the World Bank, in 2010 global GDP will go from negative growth 2.2 percent in 2009 up to positive growth 2.7 percent, also world trade growth will rebound from negative 14.4 percent to 4.3 percent. However, at present unemployment rates in the United States, Europe, Japan and other major developed economies are still at a high record. Affected by these limiting factors China textile industry's export growth will be slowed down in this year.Domestic market In recent years, accompanied by the steady development of the national economy and continuous improvement of living standards of urban and rural residents, China's domestic market shows an increasingly active performance. In 2010 China's macro-economic rebound will continue to accelerate; a steady growth can be seen in domestic market. At the same time, a series of national policies to promote domestic consumption and benefit people's livelihood will continue to be carried out in terms of support to the countryside and consumer credit, in order to encourage consumption directly. Investment in agriculture and social security is provided, so as to further improve residents' living standards. All these measures will motivate domestic market's vitality. Uncertain factors Although the general situation will look up in 2010, various uncertain factors still persist in front of the industry. Textile raw material prices, like cotton, are rising rapidly, which increase cost pressure. International trade protectionism is increasing too, making more stress on RMB appreciation, adding risk of textile export.Conclusion 2010 is the last year of 11th Five-Year Plan in textile industry, and the second year of "Textile Restructuring and Revitalization", the industry still has great potential in spite of the bad impact from the world financial crisis in 2009, and to expedite industrial structure adjustment and upgrading is the main task of this year. With this task taking effect total factor of productivity (TFP) will be increased to the point that the technology weighs more on the economic growth to meet the needs of the domestic consumption sufficient to offset an export slowdown estimated for 2010.

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作为专业第三方纺织品检测公司,恒祥检测,很多服装企业并不清楚纺织品检测主要检测哪些项目,今天恒祥检测从以下十个方面给大家一一介绍一下。1.色牢度测试项目:耐洗色牢度、耐摩擦色牢度、耐干洗色牢度、耐汗渍色牢度、耐水色牢度、耐光照色牢度、耐氯水色牢度(游泳池水)、耐海水色牢度、耐漂白色牢度、耐唾液色牢度、实际洗涤色牢度(1次洗涤)、耐热压色牢度、耐干热色牢度、耐酸斑色牢度、耐碱斑色牢度、耐水斑色牢度、耐有机溶剂色牢度、光汗复合色牢度、泛黄测试、颜色转移、耐刷洗色牢度、色牢度评级等等;2.化学环保检测项目:GB18401全套标准检测,并进行纺织品、鞋类及箱包产品中SVHC、AZO Dye偶氮染料含量检测、DMF测试、UV测试、PFOS&PFOA检测、甲醛含量、邻苯二甲酸盐、重金属含量、VOC挥发性有机物、镍释放、PH值、壬基酚、气味量度、农药含量、apeo测试、含氯苯酚、致癌性分散染料、致敏性分散染料等检测分析服务。3.结构分析测试项目:织物密度(机织物)、织物密度(针织物)、编织密度系数、纱线支数、纱线捻度(每种纱)、幅宽、织物厚度、织物皱缩或织缩率、织物重量、纬斜、角度转曲等等;4.成分测试项目:纤维含量、纤维定性、材质鉴别等等;5.纺织品纱线和纤维测试项目:纤维细度、纤维直径、纤维线密度、长丝纱纤度(细度)、单纤维强力(钩接强力/打结强力)、单纱强力、束纤维强力、线长度(每筒)、长丝数量、纱线外观、纱线条干不匀、回潮率(烘箱法)、纱线收缩率、纱线毛羽、缝纫线可缝性能、缝纫线含油率、色牢度等;6.尺寸稳定性测试项目:水洗尺寸稳定性、每增加一次水洗循环、洗涤后外观、干洗尺寸稳定性、每增加一次干洗循环、商业干洗后外观保持性、织物和服装扭曲/歪斜、蒸汽尺寸稳定性、冷水浸洗尺寸稳定性、熨烫尺寸稳定性、熨烫后外观、松弛收缩/毡化收缩、落水变形、热收缩率(沸水收缩率)、服装成衣外观检验等等;7.强力和其他品质测试项目:拉伸强力、撕破强力、胀破强力、接缝性能、氯损强力测试、粘合强力、伸展及回复性、折痕回复角测试、耐磨性测试、抗起毛起球性测试、硬挺度测试、防钩丝测试、织物悬垂性、织物褶裥持久性、直横向延伸值(袜子)等等;8.功能性测试项目:防水性测试、吸水性、易去污性测试、拒油性测试、防静电测试、防紫外测试、燃烧性测试、抗菌、透气性测试、透湿性测试、吸湿快干、防辐射、耐磨性能、抗毛性、防勾丝、防水性、防油性、透气性、透湿性、弹性及回复力、防静电测试等等;9.物理测试项目:起毛起球/国标,起毛起球/外标、耐磨性、回潮率、勾丝性能、纱支、密度、克重、捻度、幅宽、纬斜等等。10. 燃烧性能测试项目:阻燃性/垂直法、可燃性、氧指数文章来源:浙江恒祥检测技术服务有限公司

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