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商务谈判精华--团结出版社 石永恒 商务谈判==刘文广 张晓明 编著 出版社: 高等教育出版社 国际商务谈判 白远编著其他:中国人民大学出版社;

191 评论


Cultural Conflict between China and Western Countries and Our Policy in Inter-cultural Business Negotiation Abstract Nowadays the cooperation and relationship between countries have become closer and closer because the tendency of the world’s economy globalization become stronger and stronger. With the ongoing of China opening and reform policy, and success in entry WTO, the relationship between our country and other countries in the world will also become closer and closer. Various inter-cultural negotiation become more and more frequent, so about different cultures much attention is paid by business men in the inter-cultural negotiation. There are many aspects that affect the factors of cultural conflict, such as: thought, ideology and time etc. Therefore, correct understanding of cultural conflict between China and western countries becomes more and more important. And only when we make a good understanding and recognition correctly about the different cultures between our country and western countries can we have a better policy in business negotiation, and serve the socialist market economy. Key words: culture difference; business negotiation; countermeasure

215 评论


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