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目录应该列出所有带有页码的标题和副标题, 副标题应缩进。




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Name is translation often occurred in ingredients. It seemingly small component, but it is bad to can cause many misunderstandings and then. Translation even difficult difficult in its profound cultural connotations, and the source language and target language different expression and accept culture way. To appropriate and scientifically translation gaudentia, must comprehend the profound cultural connotation and to follow certain translation principles, make even in both languages can be correctly understood, and do not break the source language characteristic. This paper tries to Chinese name cultural differences, naming conventions comparison, Chinese and western literature works named after people cultural connotation and so on several aspects to explore even translation principles. A Chinese and western even cultural differences Name and name from 1.1 arranged sequencing see Chinese and western names cultural differences Have surnamed famous common features of the eastern and western people, but in the name of the permutation order is inverted: Chinese (li si) name permutation order is: the name is prior, name behind, While the westerners (George Bush) name permutation order by contrast, name prior, surname last. This surname and name different permutation order is east of traditional culture in different names. Name embodied on the code, and embody family name is individual code of Chinese and western names. In this name and name permutation order is orientals in "universality and individuality" relationship held by different idea reflected. In general supreme, "three cardinal guides emphasizes so-called p-five" of Chinese traditional culture, which is inevitable represents the fathers, family's "surname" prior, who represent the individual, human symbols -- "name" last. By contrast, westerners are stress individual character, respect personal independent personality and subject consciousness, therefore represent personality conception of "name" were put in front, and represents the common surname "concept" rear. The Chinese to "surname" hotly-contested three-week dash across, inspect if "sacred", While the westerners to "surname" is watching very light, very casually. Second, the Chinese and western naming conventions comparison 2.1 named principle Chinese name of total principle is: the form significance is beautiful, choose lucky words: such as "happiness", "wealth", "ting" etc, Or choose refined characters, such as "jia", "ag.bone" etc. We compare the Anglo-American name: Nancy (Nancy, meaning "elegant", Helen (Helen, meaning "sunshine", Frances (Frances, meaning "freedom", it can be seen in principle differences. Naming names from the west principle can be reflected in this sentence, that is "take a good name is better than riches", But Chinese naming principles might as well as "auspicious life, summarize grave life". 2.2 naming convention Chinese naming rich and colorful, reflects the nation in different social, different era of ideas, meanwhile reflected people's aspirations, ideal, etc. (1) the birth horoscope name. This is the Chinese a named custom, birth horoscope and gold, wood, water, fire and earth "five elements" to calculate, see lack a printing line is used the word name, like "f", "water", "sawasaki sichuan, etc; RunTu" Westerners natural don't believe this sets. (2) to be born time fame. Such as "chunsheng", "dawn", "song", Western naming, no this method. (3) ranking order name. Such as: "zhang SAN", "li si", "the king", The Anglo-American children ranked according to metal, such as: "ranking arrangement for the Gold (long children Gold) : Gold and Silver (Silver for children times) : ShiEr eph. (4) parents surname name. Such as: father's song, mother's name Korea, daughter named SongHan (harmonics). (5) to parents look forward to name. Such as: LiFuQin, Ruth (rose), meaning "beauty". (6) birthplace name. Such as: WangHuSheng, Scott (Scott), etc. . (7) on animals and plants for life. Such as: dragon, wild goose, tiger, chicken, rumei, Ephraim; etc. British and American names: started (Rose), Lily (lilies), etc. In addition, there are many Chinese to fame, use fixed degress word mean generation degress, make a cycle, from generation to generation. Three, sino-foreign literature works named after people cultural connotation of perspective Works of literature creation, character name selection is very important. Because in the characters, according to the purpose of writing, in order to deeply reveal characters' personalities, indicating that the fate of the characters, and end always carefully and cautiously for character select name. And, as in the names and nico panov society in his book "the more famous said, master, the more for his work carefully choose name hero." this means its connotation more rich, translation should be more ZiZhenGouZhuo, certain translation guiding principle is necessary. To sum up, the Chinese and western names reflect the differences between Chinese and western culture differences. Names is the carrier of culture and the mirror image, names and cultural change together. In symbiosis named after people more reflects different customs. Literary works named after people usually have clew character and the connotation of destiny. In translation names to follow "name from master", "conventional", "brief" principle of literary works middleman. The name of the translation and processing according to different circumstances, follow the coexistence and free translation, "" principle and" translate "refer to the significance of names principle.

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The Proposal假结婚;爱情限时签;求婚的恶魔;弄假成真






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