现在好像是看脸时代,越漂亮越受欢迎。论文也不例外,很多人都追逐漂亮的图形,把大部分时间和精力放在绘图上。 但是有时候图片太漂亮了,可能也是一种错。 例如有位粉丝可能因为图片太漂亮了,而论文被拒稿。具体审稿意见如下: #Reviewer 2 The pictures of GO and KEGG in this article are very beautiful. However, the important part of the article is not GO enrichment analysis and KEGG enrichment analysis, but construction Cox regression model. The picture of lasso regression is very important, which is related to how the author selects factors, but the author did not give it. In addition, the author did not give a Univariate Cox regression result. It can be seen that the author spends most of his time and energy on drawing beautiful pictures (GO and KEGG), which is not of much use, but ignores the important part of the article. Therefore, the conclusion of this article is not very reliable and is not suitable for acceptance and publication. 从上面审稿人的意见来看,审稿人说得是有一定的道理。作者没有把握住文章的重点部分,没有给出lasso 回归相关的图 。但是也不至于拒稿呀,而是应该小修或者大修补上相关的图和结果。 可是令人遗憾的是, 主编就根据第二个审稿人的意见进行了拒稿。难道就是因为审稿人嫉妒图片太漂亮而进行拒稿?难道审稿人就没有体会到作者绘图的用心和艰苦?
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sci论文期刊包括以下: 1、北京科技大学学报(MMM英文版)2材料科学技术(英文版) 2、大气科学进展(英文版)4代数集刊(英文版) 3、地球物理学报 6地质
TIFF: Colour or greyscale photographs (halftones): always use a minimum of 300 d