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1. Mei Jianjun, Xu Jianwei, Chen Kunlong, et al. Recent Research on Early Bronze Metallurgy in Northwest China, In Paul Jett (ed.), Scientific Research on Ancient Asian Metallurgy, Washington: Freer Gallery of Arts. 2012: 37-46. 2. 陈坤龙、梅建军、赵丛苍. 城固宝山遗址出土铜器的科学分析及其相关问题. 文物. 2012(7): 85-92.3. 张治国、马清林、梅建军、Heinz Berke. 中国古代人造硅酸铜钡颜料模拟制备研究. 中国国家博物馆馆刊. 2012(2): 128-140.4. 梅建军(执笔). 中国早期冶金术研究的新进展. 见:中国社会科学院考古研究所科技考古中心编,《科技考古》第三辑. 北京:科学出版社,2011:135-154.5. 梅建军、陈坤龙、曹玮. 汉中出土商代铜器的初步科学分析. 见:曹玮主编,《汉中出土商代青铜器》(卷四). 成都:四川出版集团、巴蜀书社,2011:250-297. 6. 郑蓉妮、梅建军. 使用劫掠文物进行科学研究的学术伦理问题. 甘肃社会科学. 2011(1): 38-41.7. 陈坤龙、梅建军. 辉县琉璃阁甲乙墓出土铜器的科学分析研究. 中原文物. 2011(6): 99-105.8. 梅建军、王璞、黄兴. 近两年我国科技考古研究的新进展. 中国科技史杂志. 2010(1): 1-13. 9. Jianjun Mei. A review of Donald B. Wagner, Science and Civilisation in China, Vol. Chemistry and Chemical Technology, part 11: Ferrous Metallurgy. Revue de Synthèse, 2010(3): 465-469. 10. 邵安定、梅建军、陈坤龙、周广济、王辉. 张家川马家塬战国墓地出土金属饰件的初步分析. 文物. 2010(10): 88-96. 11. 徐建炜、梅建军、格桑木、陈洪海:青海同德宗日遗址出土铜器的初步科学分析,西域研究. 2010(2): 31-37. 12. Jianjun Mei. Early Metallurgy in China: Some Challenging issues in Current Studies. In Jianjun Mei and Thilo Rehren (eds.). Metallurgy and Civilisation: Eurasia and Beyond. London: Archetype Publication, 36(2009): 9-16. 13. Jianjun Mei, Kunlong Chen and Wei Cao. Scientific Examination of Shang-Dynasty Bronzes from Hanzhong, Shaanxi Province, China. Journal of Archaeological Science 36 (2009): 1881-1891. 14. Kunlong Chen, Thilo Rehren, Jianjun Mei and Congcang Zhao. Special Alloys from Remote Frontiers: Scientific Study of the Shang Bronzes from Hanzhong, Southwest Shaanxi [J]. Journal of Archaeological Science 36(2009): 2108-2118. 15. Jianjun Mei. Early Metallurgy and Socio-Cultural Complexity: Archaeological Discoveries in Northwest China. In Bryan K Hanks and Katheryn M Linduff (eds.). Social Complexity in Prehistoric Eurasia, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009: 215-232. 16. 王文芝,梅建军.《鼓铜图录》浅探.自然科学史研究,2009(1):99-113。17. 陈坤龙,梅建军,孙秉君.梁带村两周墓地出土青铜器初步检测分析.考古与文物,2009(6):97-101。18. 陈刚,渭雄,梅建军.国外古代失蜡铸造工艺研究综述.南方文物,2009(2):109-113。19. 凌勇、梅建军、吕恩国:新疆伊犁地区出土时前铜器的科学分析,《自然科学史研究》2008年3期,359-369页。20. 凌勇、梅建军:关于新疆公元前第一千纪金属技术的几点思考,《西域研究》2008年4期,42-49页。21. 梅建军、李明华:关于我国北方商周墓葬所出“弓形饰”的若干问题,《西域研究》2007年3期,116-123页。 22. 陈坤龙、梅建军和岳连建:陕西县出土的两件薄壁铜容器的科学分析,收入陕西省考古研究所编著《西安北郊秦墓》,西安:三秦出版社,378-384页。 23. 梅建军:“北方系青铜器”:一个术语的“诞生”和“成长”,收入《法国汉学》丛书编辑委员会编《考古发掘与历史复原》,《法国汉学》第十一辑,北京:中华书局,2006年。132-147页。24. Jianjun Mei. The material culture of the Iron Age peoples in Xinjiang, Northwest China (中亚东部铁器时代的物质文化). In Joan Aruz and Ann Farkas (eds.), The Golden Deer of Eurasia. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art. 2006. 132-145. 25. 梅建军:关于新疆出土早期铜镜研究的几个问题,收入新疆吐鲁番地区文物局编《吐鲁番学研究——第二届吐鲁番学国际学术研讨会论文集》,上海:上海辞书出版社,2006年10月。246-251页。26. 陈坤龙、梅建军:山西灵石县旌介村商墓出土铜器的科学分析,收入海金乐、韩炳华编著《灵石旌介商墓》,北京:科学出版社,2006年9月。27. 梅建军:关于中国冶金起源及早期铜器研究的几个问题,《古代文明研究》第一辑,中国社会科学院考古研究所、中国社会科学院古代文明研究中心编,北京:文物出版社,2005年,168-179页。28. 梅建军、王博和李肖:新疆出土铜鍑的初步科学分析,《考古》,2005年第4期,78-84页。29. J. Mei & Th. Rehren. Copper Smelting from Xinjiang, Northwest China, Part I: Kangcun village, Kuche County, c. 18th century AD. Historical Metallurgy, 39.2(2005): 96-105. 30. Jianjun Mei. Qijia and Seima-Turbino: the question of early contacts between Northwest China and the Eurasian Steppe, Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, 2005. 75: 31-54.31. Jianjun Mei. Cultural interaction between China and Central Asia during the Bronze Age, Proceedings of the British Academy, 121(2003), 1-39. 32. Jianjun Mei. Metallurgical analysis of metal cauldrons from Xinjiang, Northwest China. In Paul Jett (ed.), Scientific Research in the Field of Asian Art. London: Archetype Publications. 2003: 53-59.33. Jianjun Mei, Guori Liu & Xi’en Chang. A metallurgical study of early metal objects from eastern Xinjiang, China. Bulletin of the Metals Museum, 36(2003): 45-62.34. Jianjun Mei & Yanxiang Li. Early copper technology in Xinjiang, China: The evidence so far. In Paul Craddock & Janet Lang (eds.), Mining and Metal Production Through the Ages. London: British Museum Press. 2003: 111-121.35. Jianjun Mei & Colin Shell. The Iron Age cultures in Xinjiang and their steppe connections. In Katie Boyle et al. (eds.), Ancient Interactions: East and West in Eurasia. Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research. 2002:. 213-34.36. 梅建军、刘国瑞、常喜恩:新疆东部地区出土早期铜器的初步分析和研究,《西域研究》2002年第2期,1-10页。 37. Jianjun Mei. Copper smelting technologies in Iron Age Xinjiang: The evidence from the Nulasai site. Bulletin of the Metals Museum, 34(2001): 22-38. 38. Jianjun Mei. Copper and Bronze Metallurgy in Late Prehistoric Xinjiang: Its Cultural Context and Relationship with Neighbouring Regions. BAR International Series 865, Oxford: Archaeopress. 2000.39. Jianjun Mei & Colin Shell: The existence of Andronovo cultural influence in Xinjiang during the 2nd millennium BC. Antiquity 73.281 (September 1999): 570-78. 40. Jianjun Mei & Colin Shell. Copper and bronze metallurgy in the late prehistoric Xinjiang. In Victor Mair (ed.), The Bronze Age and Iron Age Peoples of Eastern Central Asia. Washington: Institute for the Study of Man. 1998: 581-603 41. Jianjun Mei, Colin Shell, Xiao Li & Bo Wang (1998). A metallurgical study of early copper and bronze artefacts from Xinjiang, China. Bulletin of the Metals Museum, 30(1998): 1-2242. Mei Jianjun: The history, metallurgy and spread of Paktong. Bulletin of the Metals Museum, No. 24 (1995-II): 43-55. 43. Mei Jianjun & T. Ko: A comparison of ancient metallurgy in India and China. In K. Hashimoto et al. 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