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首页 > 学术期刊 > 智能电表远程控制毕业论文

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远程控制电能表也叫远程载波电能表,具有远程载波抄表功能,远程控制电能表必须在电表中安装载波芯片,另外安装一部台变和集抄器。 电能表数据集抄器大体原理 电能表是电力部门的计量器具,能正确反映供电与用电的情况。目前,一般的家用全电子式的电能表,大多只有电量计量电路,不具有电能计量功能,不能分时计量、预付费、定时供电控制。正常情况,给抄表、控制等带来困难。电能表数据集抄器是一种单相远程多用户多功能智能化电能表,采用微处理器、RS总线,不仅能实现对多个用户的电能计量,而且还具有计量、远程集中抄表、定时供电控制等功能。 电能表主要由电能计量单元、单片机系统和输出部分组成。电能计量单元主要由电流、电压采样和专用电能表芯片构成,完成电量累积、储存,并同时将电量输出信息送入单片机进行处理。经处理后控制显示器,显示各用户电量,控制对外通信,完成抄表或遥控等功能。输出部分主要包括显示器和对外通信、控制接口等。红外通讯和RS接口通讯可同时进行而互不干扰,RS总线自动抄表系统的电能表, 单片机可读取电能表的数据,然后将电能表数据传到电力部门的电能管理系统中。

159 评论


Since the electronic type electric energy meter from last centuries90 time rise in domestic shouldUse, now has more than 10 years of development history, but as a result of the technology, application of pushWide aspects, in the current market share is not high. Intelligent electricTable is based on this, in recent years before the development of practical function more richElectric energy meter, it has a series of advantages and functions, is the traditional induction meter can not beCompared to the.1smart meters in the structure, principle and characteristicsPrincipleElectronic type intelligent electric meter, the electronic meter based on, in recent years the development ofLaunch high-tech products, its composition, working principle and the traditional inductive energyTable has the very big difference. Induction type meter is mainly composed of aluminum plate, current and voltage lineRing, permanent magnet and other elements, its working principle is mainly through the current coil andDynamic disks in induction vortex interaction for measurement. Electronic type intelligent electricTable is mainly composed of electronic components, its working principle is based on customer firstElectric voltage and current sampling in real time, and then use special electric energy meter IC, onSampling the voltage and current signals are processed and converted into electrical energy, and directly proportional to the pulseImpulse output, finally through the single chip to carry on processing, control, display for electric pulseQuantity and output. We usually get smart metering of electricity when the A / D converter byThe number of pulses called pulse constant, for intelligent electric meter, which is one less than theThe more important constant, because the A / D converter in unit time by the number of pulsesA how many, will directly decide the meter measuring accuracy. The intelligent meterMostly uses a A / D converter design principles, but also some manufacturersProduction of the multi-user centralized intelligent electric meter with multiple families sharing one A / D conversionDevice, so that the electric energy measurement can only use time-sharing queuing to, will cause the meterQuantity accuracy declines, it should pay attention to in design and type selection.112characteristicsDue to the adoption of electronic integrated circuit design, coupled with a remote communicationFunction, can connect with computer and the software control, and therefore, inductiveTable, smart meter no matter whether in performance or function have a greatAdvantage.(1) power: due to the adoption of smart meters electronic components design, therefore aAs each power is only 016w ~017W left and right sides, for multi-user centralizedIntelligent electric meter, the average household power is smaller. While each inductionMeter power consumption is about 117w.(2) accuracy: Table error range,210 electric energy meter in5% ~ 400% calibration current range measurement error of + 2%, and the current generalAll applications are accurate grade 110 level, the error is smaller. Induction ammeterError range from + 186% to -517%, but due to mechanical wear thisTo overcome the defects, leading to the induction watthour meter walked more and more slowly, the final error more and moreLarge. The State Grid has the induction meter to undertake selectiving examination, the results found that more than 50%Induction type meter in use5 years later, the error will exceed the permissible range.(3), the frequency range of overload overload multiples: smart meters up to 6To 8 times, with a wide range of. At present 8to 10ratio table is more and moreMulti user choice, and some can even reach20rate in wide range. Working frequencyRate of wide, in the 40HZ ~ 1000HZ range. While induction meter overload timesCount as only 4 times, and the working frequency range is only 45~ 55HZ.(4): smart meters due to the use of electronic technology, can be achieved by phaseThe communication protocol with the computer networking, through software programming the hardwareControl and management. Therefore the intelligent meter not only has the characteristics of small size, but also with theRemote control ( remote meter reading, remote cutting-supplying electricity ), multi-rate, identification of malignant load, electricity anti-stealing electricity, prepaid expenses and other functions, and can pass on the control software ofWith the parameter modification, to meet the different requirements of control functions, and these functions onIn the traditional induction meter it is difficult or impossible.2smart meter function applicationAccording to the design of some engineering examples, the different characteristics, different engineeringElectrical properties, different use place, how to reasonably choose different functional characteristics of intelligentMeter, make some of shallow discuss.分享到

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