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156 评论


学术堂整理了一份毕业论文答辩的陈述技巧,供大家进行参考:1、要熟悉论文并反复练习.严格控制好时间,最好是准备两个讲述版本:3分钟和5分钟,3分钟版本有助于理清陈述的思路;而5分钟版本则能够进一步讲解论文中细节,也是多数答辩的时限要求.然后反复练习5-10遍,并进行录音回放,纠正自己的口音和口头语.2、逻辑清晰.虽然论文写作时会分章节进行,但这只是为了保证论文结构清晰.在答辩陈述时,则需围绕上述四个问题(What,Why, How, What)组织PPT的内容和结构,分章陈述反而会破坏思路的连贯性.各部分内容之间加入一些转承会让你的答辩陈述逻辑更加清晰.3、语速适中或略快,以清晰陈述为宜.略快可以,体现对内容的熟悉,学术上的自信,太快或太慢都不好.答辩陈述中要观察听众的反应,适当加入停顿或变换语调,以便重新聚合听众的注意力.4、肢体语言.可以用适当的肢体语言来强调,但不要背对听众,要诚恳地用眼睛交流.用目光照顾每一位评委,不要眼顾其他,飘忽不定.不要把手插到兜里,尤其是只把大拇指插到兜里;不要乱晃;不要双手交叉抱在胸前.5、注意开场白、结束语的礼仪,要用纯学术语言陈述.6、陈述的内容,是要提前在纸上写好的;口才较好的,也要有提纲.不能临时发挥.最好能脱稿陈述,读自己预先拟写的陈述稿也是可以的,但不能读论文本身,直接读论文摘要或论文的结论部分,都不太好.

261 评论





(1)关于选题:如Why did you choose this topic for your paper?或Why were you interested in this project?


商务方向:SWOT,COSTING,FLOWCHART,RISK,STAKEHOLDER,如 Do you think this point a piece of weakness of the shop?或 Do you think this a necessary activity for the project?

(3)关于背景知识及理论知识:如What does SWOT stand for?(商务)

(4)关于论文存在的'问题:如In the last sentence on page … there are some grammatical errors.

(5)关于项目或论文将来的发展:如:商务方向:If possible, will you carry out the project, and if so, do you think it will make profit?


准备Powerpoint文件内容(英文),内容不要太多,最好在5-10个幻灯片。字号最好是:封面标题44-50;各页标题40-44,正文 24-32。内容最好是提纲式的,不要用长句,也最好不用单词,可以用简单句子或短语。具体内容与上面提出的自述内容一致,这样有利于自述。格式一般是:封面(题目和姓名)-目录-各方面内容-结束页(可以表示感谢)。

94 评论




Good morning, all appraiser committee members. I am… and my supervisor is …

With her constant encouragement and guidance, I have finished my paper Now, it is the show time. I will present my efforts to you and welcome any correction. The title of my paper is An Analysis of the Influence of Popularity of Western Festival in China in Respect of Culture Diversity.

I choose this as my topic due to the following reasons. With the development of reform and the expanding of foreign exchanges in China, western festivals gradually become a fashion in China. It has a special and extensive influence on our culture diversity and the values of young people. Foreign festivals are celebrated for fun in China today and give people more opportunities to relax. However, many people worry about this phenomenon, so in the Internet and newspaper, many articles hold an opinion that western festivals should not be celebrated in China. So I want to know whether the popularity of western festivals only take disadvantages for China.

This paper aims to find out the underlying reasons of popularity of western festivals in China and their influences on our cultural diversity so as to guide people out of the wrong region inwardly and roster Chinese festival culture with an active attitude. That is, to absorb the foreign reasonable factors and use it. At the same time, we should exam and reform the unsuitable things with an epoch perspective so that we can meet the coming of the universal civilization.

Meanwhile, as a English major, learning western festival culture is important to the study of English. But in order to improve our culture awareness and language skills, we should know the western festivals origin connotation and influence so that we can work smoothly in the field of cross-cultural communication. Meanwhile, we should also understand deeply not only the western festival culture but also Chinese traditional culture and its festivals.

Next, it is an outline of my paper. In the main part of this paper, I divide it into five parts.

The first part introduces the background of popularity of western festivals in China and the meaning of researching.

The second part is about analyzing the result of the questionnaire of the investigation and drawing a conclusion that western festivals are quite popular but they don’t influence the leading position of tradition festivals; what’s more, they are helpful with cultural diversity.

The three part studies the reasons of popularity of western festival in China.

Analysis on the Influence of the Popularity.

Great Impact on Chinese Traditional Festivals.

Impact on Cultural Diversity.

The Correct Attitude to the West Festival in Cultural Diversity Part six draws some conclusions that the popularity of western festivals in China is just outward phenomenon and traditional festivals are still playing an important role in people’s daily life. However, everything has two sides. We do not receive all the popularity of western festival cultures, and we shouldn’t ignore our own festival cultures. The appropriate attitude may be “Remove the dross while keeping the essence”! Western cultures can serve for the development of our own cultures.

242 评论


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