文献综述英文是literature review。
我正好看到一篇有关旅游景点名称;归化;异化;直译;音译;意译的文章,里面大概阐述了有关旅游景点翻译时注意的一些事项,你可以借鉴一下。:) 复制下摘要: 摘要:旅游景点名称的翻译是旅游翻译的重要环节。但是由于景点名称所包含文化的多样性以及中英文之间的不对等性,使得在中文景点名称的英译过程中信息传递的不完全,存在有许多困难以及误区。本文分析了中文景点名称的特点,并对其进行分类;剖析了“归化”和“异化”这两种翻译策略的优缺点,并对现在用得较多的翻译方法:“音译”,“直译”和“意译”进行了比较、分析。从而对于旅游景点名称的翻译进行初步的探讨。 再给你补充一些中英文的景点介绍,供你参考。 1.城隍庙的英文介绍稿: Chenghuang Miao Temple 城隍庙 The Temple of the Town Deity is located south of Yuyuan Gardan. There used to be a temple to the local deity, whick the inhabitants believed would protect them, in every city. The city deities were frequently real persons to whom the town owed something. Today, an arts aand crafts store is in the temple. 2.Yuyuan Garden 豫园 Yuyuan Garden is northeast of the Old Town. A high official had it designed in the Suzhou style as a private garden and built from 1559-- 1577. Later, it was restored several times. In spite of its relatively small area of two hectares it seems considerably larger due to the skillful arrangement of 30 different landscape scenes. The garden consists of an inner and an outer section. The inner garden, neiyuan, is in the southern part and substantially smaller than the outer one, but then, it is more impressive and romantic, if it is possible to visit it in the early moring hours in order to enjoy it alone. An excellent calligrapher displays his work in one of the halls. the outer part is in the north and contains numberous halls, pavilions and lakes. In 1853, the Pavilion of Spring in the northeast was the seat of the Xiaodao Hui, the Society of Little Swords, tho led an uprishing against Qing rule and occupied Shanghai for 17 months. Today, weapons and coins made by the Xiaodao Hui society, among other objects, are exhibited in this hall. A man-made, 11-m-high hill bounds the garden in the northwest. Huxin Ting teahouse is a favorite with the citizens of Shanghai. It is in the southwest, outside of the garden grounds, a two-story building resting on posts in the middle of a pond and connected to the shore by a 'Zigzag Bridge' 3.张家界旅游景点介绍 4.马鞍山景点英文介绍 Anhui Tour - Colorful Stones Rock (Caishiji) Anhui Tour - Colorful Stones Rock Rising precipitously beside the rolling Yangtze River seven kilometers southwest of Ma'anshan City, Anhui Province, this rock used to be called Bull Islet Rock (Niuzhuji) because a legendary gold bull is said to have appeared here in ancient times. The present name was adopted during the period of the Three Kingdoms (220-280) because the area abounded in colorful stones. The rock occupies a position of strategic importance. Its scenery is dominated by pines, bamboos, and the steep cliffs of Cuiluo Hill. Caishiji is one of the three most famous such rocks along the banks of the Yangtze River, the other two are Chenglingji in Yueyang, and Yanziji in Nanjing. It was here that Li Bai wrote many immortal poems. There are such places of interest as Taibai Tower, the Memorial Hall to Li Bai, and the Tower to Catch the Moon. Add: Caishi Township, Ma'anshan, Anhui Anhui Tour - Tomb of Libai Lying at the foot of Mt. Qingshan southeast of Dangtu County, Ma'anshan, the Tomb of Li Bai (701-762), a great poet of the Tang Dynasty, covers an area of three hectares, in the shade of ancient pines and willow trees. Near the tomb there is a memorial hall named Taibai, which houses stone inscriptions of past dynasties and paintings and calligraphy by distinguished artists. Through the ages, numerous men of letters came to show their respect to Li Bai. Green Snail Hill (Cuiluoshan) This hill, which faces the Yangtze and the Niuzhu rivers seven kilometers southwest of the city, got its name because it is shaped like a snail. The huge Taibai Tower on the hill was dedicated to the memory of the famous Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai (701-762). It is said that after a drinking spree Li Bai plunged into the Yangtze in an attempt to catch the moon, only to drown. The terrace from which he leaped is called Catching the Moon Terrace (Zhuoyuetai). Fishermen fetched his cap and clothes from the river and buried them in a tomb on the hill. 采石风景区以诗人李白为灵魂,以"翠螺出大江"的壮丽景观和锁溪河风光为载体,含翠螺山、荷包山、小九华和采石镇、小黄洲在内的名胜。景区内的太白楼,四角飞翘,斗拱画梁,古色古香,与黄鹤楼、岳阳楼、腾王阁并称为“三楼一阁”。沿石级向上,有联璧台、燃犀亭、三元洞、三台阁、李白衣冠冢等,像一串串珍珠镶篏在翠螺山上下,五彩斑烂,美不胜收。人类和大自然的和谒,在这里得到充分的诠释。希望采纳
旅游管理论文的参考文献范例 在现实的学习、工作中,大家总少不了接触论文吧,论文是探讨问题进行学术研究的一种手段。那要怎么写好论文呢?下面是我整理的旅游管理论文的
旅游专业毕业论文提纲 论文提纲可分为简单提纲和详细提纲两种。简单提纲是高度概括的,只提示论文的要点,如何展开则不涉及。这种提纲虽然简单,但由于它是经过深思熟虑构
生态旅游论文提纲 在学习和工作的日常里,大家都有写论文的经历,对论文很是熟悉吧,借助论文可以有效训练我们运用理论和技能解决实际问题的的能力。相信很多朋友都对写论
内详,复制网址地址下载。参与式乡村旅游开发模式探讨 郑群明, 钟林生 - 旅游学刊, 2004 关于乡村旅游, 农业旅游与民俗旅游的几点辨析 刘德谦 - 旅游