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首页 > 学术期刊 > 美术毕业论文中英文摘要

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275 评论


At present, the complex shape stainless steel parts, the hand-polishing, or to occupy a dominant position. Hand-polishing the quality of instability, low efficiency, the impact of the production cycle, thus affecting the competitiveness of their markets. At present, only a small number of large companies use automatic polishing machine grinding. The main reason for the high cost, and only suitable for uniform polishing, so the low rate of return on investment. Existing small polishing machine, the drawback is not a very good position to control the load. Therefore the development of semi-automatic polishing machine for stainless steel has become a viable research direction. Can reduce costs, reduce labor intensity polishing, but also improve efficiency, while at the same time not subject to restrictions on the scale of business operations can be carried out uniformly and non-uniform polishing. In this paper, the development of stainless steel pot and the effect to be achieved by suitable polishing means, and on this basis, the use of AutoCAD software platform for the graphic design of the polishing body design, modeling. Finally, the study of polishing process parameters (spindle speed, feed rate, etc.) on the stainless steel surface roughness effects of knowledge acquisition through the use of forward reasoning mechanism, the establishment of polishing machine wheel machine the overall composition. Key words semi-automatic; load position; polishing;

186 评论


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