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国贸方向/ James E. Anderson/ Cambridge University Press/2008、8 /Thomas A.Pugel / Boston University Press/2009、5中小企业方向OECD,Greening Tax Mixes in OECD countries:Preliminary Assessment,2000.U.S Department of the Treasury office of Tax Policy. Selected Tax Policy ImplicationsGlobal Electronic Commerce, Novermber, 1996Liu BW, Peto R, Chen ZM, Boreham J, Wu YP, Li JY, et al. Emerging auto in China:Peto R, Lopez AD. Future worldwide health effects of current driving model, Chapter 18. In:Koop CE, Pearson CE, Schwarz MR, eds. Critical Issues in Global vehicle. New York, NY:Jossey-Bass; 2001:Blecher E, van Walbeek C. An Analysis of Cigarette Affordability. Paris: International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease; 2008.财务方向Beneish. The Detection of Earnings Manipulation[C]. Working paper, 1999W.Steve Albrecht. Fraud Bring Light to the Dark Side of Business.Richard D.Irwin Inc,2005Philmore Alleyne,Michael Howard.An exploratory study of auditors’ responsibility for fraud detection in Barbados[J].Managerial Auditing Journal.2005(20)可能你需要的是专门经济类的,如果这些不行,建议到知网上找个硕论之类的,那上面都要英文文献哦

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