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克隆技术有利有弊利:1. 克隆技术与遗传育种 Cloning technology and genetic breeding 在农业方面,人们利用“克隆”技术培育出大量具有抗旱、抗倒伏、抗病虫害的优质高产品种,大大提高了粮食产量。 In agriculture, the use of "cloning" technology has created a large number of drought and lodging resistance, high-quality high-yielding pest resistant varieties, greatly increased food production. 在这方面我国已迈入世界最先进的前列。 In this regard we have entered the forefront of the world's most advanced. 2. 克隆技术与濒危生物保护 Cloning technology and Endangered Wildlife 克隆技术对保护物种特别是珍稀、濒危物种来讲是一个福音,具有很大的应用前景。 Cloning technology, especially the protection of rare species, endangered species is a good news is, has great application prospect. 从生物学的角度看,这也是克隆技术最有价值的地方之一。 From the biological point of view, cloning is also one of the most valuable. 3. 克隆技术与医学 Cloning technology and medicine 在当代,医生几乎能在所有人类器官和组织上施行移植手术。 In modern times, doctors in almost all human organs and tissues on the purposes of transplantation. 但就科学技术而言,器官移植中的排斥反应仍是最为头痛的事。 However, in terms of science and technology, organ transplantation rejection remains the most headaches. 排斥反应的原因是组织不配型导致相容性差。 The reasons for rejection is a result-based organizations do not deserve poor compatibility. 如果把“克隆人”的器官提供给“原版人”,作器官移植之用,则绝对没有排斥反应之虑,因为二者基因相配,组织也相配。 If the "human cloning" of organs available to the "original people" for use in organ transplants, the rejection of no concern, because the two genes match, match organizations. 问题是,利用“克隆人”作为器官供体合不合乎人道? The problem is that the use of "human cloning" as the organ donor is not combined with humanity? 是否合法? Legal? 经济是否合算? Economy is cost-effective? 克隆技术还可用来大量繁殖有价值的基因,例如,在医学方面,人们正是通过“克隆”技术生产出治疗糖尿病的胰岛素、使侏儒症患者重新长高的生长激素和能抗多种病毒感染的干挠素,等等。 Cloning technology can also be used to the large population of valuable genes, for example, in medicine, it is through the "cloning" technology to produce insulin to treat diabetes, dwarfism patients so long to re-growth and high resistance to multiple virus infection Su-torsion of the stem, and so on. 4. 生长周期短,遗传性状稳定 Short growth cycle, the stability of genetic traits 5 克隆技术可解除那些不能成为母亲的女性的痛苦。 5 cloning technology are able to remove those who can not become a mother, the suffering of women. 6克隆实验的实施促进了遗传学的发展,为“制造”能移植于人体的动物器官开辟了前景。 6 cloning experiment has promoted the implementation of the development of genetics, in order to "create" can be transplanted into the human body opens up the prospect of animal organs. 7克隆技术也可用于检测胎儿的遗传缺陷。 7 cloning technology can also be used to detect fetal genetic defects. 将受精卵克隆用于检测各种遗传疾病,克隆的胚胎与子宫中发育的胎儿遗传特征完全相同。 Cloning of the fertilized eggs for the detection of a variety of genetic diseases, cloning of embryos and the developing fetus in utero is identical to genetic characteristics. 8 克隆技术可用于治疗神经系统的损伤。 8 cloning technology can be used for the treatment of nervous system damage. 成年人的神经组织没有再生能力,但干细胞可以修复神经系统损伤。 Adults, there is no regeneration of nerve tissue, but stem cells can repair the nervous system injury. 9 在体外受精手术中,医生常常需要将多个受精卵植入子宫,以从中筛选一个进入妊娠阶段。 9 In the in vitro fertilization and surgery, doctors often need to be a number of fertilized eggs implanted into the uterus to draw into the pregnancy stage of screening. 但许多女性只能提供一个卵子用于受精。 However, many women only have one egg for fertilization. 通过克隆可以很好地解决这一问题。 Through cloning can solve this problem. 这个卵细胞可以克隆成为多个用于受精,从而大大提高妊娠成功率。 Cloning of the egg cell can become more than used for fertilization, which greatly improved the success rate of pregnancy.植物的克隆 许多植物都有先天克隆的本领。例如,从一棵大柳树上剪下几根枝条插进土里,枝条就会长成一株株活泼可爱的小柳树;把马铃薯切成许多小块种进地里,就能收获许多新鲜的马铃薯;把仙人掌切成几块,每块落地不久就会生根,长成新的仙人掌……此外,一些植物可以通过压条或嫁接培育后代。凡此种种,都是植物的克隆。Plant Cloning Many plants have the innate ability to clone. For example, from the willow tree branches cut into several territories, the branches on the president into a lovely small willow; the potatoes and cut into many small pieces of land, will be able to harvest a number of fresh potatoes ; the cactus into a few, each floor will soon take root, grow into new cactus ... ... In addition, some plants by layering or grafting nurture future generations. All these are plants of the clone.弊:1. 生态层面,克隆技术导致的基因复制,会威胁基因多样性的保持,生物的演化将出现一个逆向的颠倒过程,即由复杂走向简单,这对生物的生存是极为不利的。 Ecological level, the cloning of the gene lead to reproduction, may threaten the maintenance of genetic diversity, biological evolution would be a reverse of the reverse process, that is, from complex to simple organisms which produce an adverse effect on survival.2. 文化层面,克隆人是对自然生殖的替代和否定,打破了生物演进的自律性,带有典型的反自然性质。 Cultural level, human cloning is an alternative to natural reproduction and the negative, to break the biological evolution of self-regulation, with the typical nature of the anti-natural. 与当今正在兴起的崇尚天人合一、回归自然的基本文化趋向相悖。 With today's emerging advocating harmony between man and nature, back-to-nature trend that runs counter to the basic culture.3. 哲学层面,通过克隆技术实现人的自我复制和自我再现之后,可能导致人的身心关系的紊乱。 Philosophical level, the adoption of cloning technology to achieve self-replication and self-reproduction, it may lead to the relationship between people's physical and mental disorders. 人的不可重复性和不可替代性的个性规定因大量复制而丧失了唯一性,丧失了自我及其个性特征的自然基础和生物学前提。 People can not be repetitive and non-substitutable because of a large number of personality and loss of the only copy, and loss of self and personality characteristics of the natural basis and prerequisite for biology.4. 血缘生育构成了社会结构和社会关系。 Reproductive blood constitutes the social structure and social relations. 为什么不同的国家、不同的种族几乎都反对克隆人,原因就是这是另一种生育模式,现在单亲家庭子女教育问题备受关注,就是关注一个情感培育问题,人的成长是在两性繁殖、双亲抚育的状态下完成的,几千年来一直如此,克隆人的出现,社会该如何应对,克隆人与被克隆人的关系到底该是什么呢? Why do different countries, different races to oppose almost all human cloning because it is a reproductive mode, single-parent families in their children's education is the issue of concern is the issue of concern to cultivate a sentiment, the growth of human reproduction in the sexes, both parents under the care of the state, thousands of years has been the case, the emergence of human cloning, how to deal with the social, human cloning and the cloning of human beings in the end of the relationship between what is it?5. 身份和社会权利难以分辨。 Identity and social rights, it is difficult to distinguish. 假如有一天,突然有20个儿子来分你的财产,他们的指纹、基因都一样,该咋办?是不是要像汽车挂牌照一样在他们额头上刻上克隆人川A0001、克隆人川A0002之类的标记才能识别。 If one day, suddenly, there will be 20 minutes of your son to the property, and their fingerprints are the same gene, the咋办? Is not the same as the car listed according to their forehead bearing human cloning Kawasaki A0001, Kawasaki A0002 human cloning like to identify the tag.6. 可能支持克隆人的人有一个观点:解决无法生育的问题。 Support for human cloning may have a point: to solve the problem of fertility can not be. 但一个没有生育能力的人克隆的下一代还会没有生育能力。 However, a person unable to have children of the next generation of cloning will not fertility.你自认为优秀,可克隆出的人除血型、相貌、指纹、基因和你一样外,其性格、行为可能完全不同,你能保证克隆人会和你一样优秀而不误入歧途吗?在克隆人研究中,如果出现异常,有缺陷的克隆人不能像克隆的动物随意处理掉,这也是一个麻烦。因此在目前的环境下,不仅是观念、制度,包括整个社会结构都不知道怎么来接纳克隆人。You think best, the people can be cloned in addition to blood type, physical appearance, fingerprints, genetic, and like you, its personality, behavior may be totally different, you can guarantee that human cloning would be good like you do not go astray? In cloning one study, if abnormal, flawed human cloning animal cloning can not be arbitrarily disposed of, this is a trouble. Therefore in the current environment, not only is the concept of system, including the entire social structure do not know how to accept human cloning.7 .根据信息克隆生物有早衰性,"多利"也是,因而已逝世. According to information there is premature aging of biological cloning, "Victoria" is also, so have already passed away.8 .生命不再宝贵! 8. Life is no longer valuable! ! ! ! !反对者言之凿凿:“克隆人”的出现将对现有社会的家庭结构、伦理体系造成巨大冲击;会成为恐怖主义分子犯罪的工具;制造大量基因结构完全相同的“克隆人”可能诱发新型疾病的广泛传播;就目前技术而言,无法保证“克隆”的安全性,可能出现流产、早产、死胎、畸形等不良结果等等。尖刻的批评者说,在创造出一个健康的“克隆人”之前,科学家们可能会先造出成百上千的畸形儿。不管克隆人类的目的是什么,这个行动本身会把人的生命沦为商品,一种只是为了某人的方便随便制造、毁灭的商品 Cloning, regardless of intent, reduces human life to a commodity that is created and destroyed for convenience. 在去年8月联合国大会上,美国总统布什呼吁全面禁止克隆活动。他说:“人的生命,不应为另一个人的利益,被创造或毁灭。”In the United Nations General Assembly in August last year, former U.S. President George W. Bush called for a comprehensive ban on human cloning activities. He said: "human life should not be for the interests of another person, being created or destroyed."一位美国的科学家向外界透露 ,动物克隆实践中通常会有几百次失败才能制造出一个活的胚胎,克隆人成功的关键在于遗传信息的稳定性。实验将在一个地中海城市进行。An American scientist said to the outside world, the practice of animal cloning are usually hundreds of times a failure to create a living embryo, human cloning is key to the success of the stability of genetic information. Experiments will be conducted in a Mediterranean city. 在克隆人真正出世前,人们最好不要妄下结论,我们有必要把存在脑中的错误结论纠正过来。Human cloning really born in the former, it is best not to jump to conclusions, we need to erroneous conclusions about the existence of the brain to put things right. 1.一个克隆人不是一个正常人 不管克隆技术怎样发展,克隆人怎样产生,都是人,与被克隆人实质上是存在着年龄差的同胞胎,正是这一点让人们觉得很难应对克隆人出现的伦理关系。1. A human cloning is not a normalRegardless of how the development of cloning technology, cloning, how people are people, with human cloning is essentially the existence of fellow fetal age difference is that people find it difficult to deal with emerging human cloning ethics. 2.克隆创造人,在充当“上帝”的职责 克隆并不能创造生命,克隆只是从现在的生命中创造生命。2. Cloning to create people, to serve as "God" of the dutiesCloning does not create life, cloning, only from the current of life to create life. 3.克隆不是一种自然过程 克隆利用自然存在的生育程序,虽然有人说克隆并不是生育的一种自然形式,但可以说它是借助人造环境的生育过程。3. Cloning is not a natural processCloning of the existence of the use of natural reproductive process, although some people say that cloning is not a natural form of childbirth, but they can say it is man-made environment with the reproductive process. 4.克隆人没有心灵 克隆人同正常人一样有情感和感受,但克隆人的情感和被克隆人并不一样。一个广为人知的例子就是克隆希特勒,他是否会制造一场屠杀浩劫?虽然一个人的性格一部分由基因决定,是天生的,但外部环境对形成一个人的性格起更大作用。如果克隆的希特勒生活在现在的美国,这时全世界都是处于稳定繁荣状态,这个希特勒与生活在战后的德国充满仇恨和一片废墟的希特勒性格是不一样的。4. There is no heart of human cloningHuman cloning, as with the normal emotions and feelings, but feelings of human cloning and human cloning are not the same. A well-known example is the cloning of Hitler, he will help to create a Holocaust catastrophe? Although the character of a person as part of the decision by the gene, are born, but the external environment for the formation of the character of a person to play a greater role. If the cloning of Hitler's life in the United States now, when the world is in a state of stability and prosperity, the life of Hitler and Germany in the post-war full of hatred and the ruins of Hitler's personality is not the same. 5.身体上任何一部分的细胞都可以用来克隆 不是,具体情况研究人员也不太说得清,他们认为,一种称为干细胞的细胞,制造起来较为方便。这种遍布全身的细胞,可以产生多种其他细胞,即使在头发上也可找到。 5. Any part of the body cells can be used to cloneNo, the specific circumstances of researchers is not very clear where we stand, in their view, a cell known as stem cells, manufacturing more convenient for them. Cells throughout the body that may give rise to a variety of other cells, even in the hair can also be found. 6.每人都能拥有克隆人 虽然克隆被认为是将来治疗不孕症的良方,但基本上讲,克隆还是父母制造的,并不是某个人就能随便克隆一下。许多人想可以让克隆人像奴隶一样做大量的工作,但不要忘记,克隆人同人一样有相同的权利和义务。6. Each person will have clonedAlthough cloning is considered a good way to the future treatment of infertility, but basically speaking, the parents created by cloning or not a person you can not clone. Many people would like to allow the slave the same as cloning portrait done, but do not forget that human cloning, like my colleagues have the same rights and obligations. 7.如果克隆植物人等等没有意识的人,克隆出来的器官可以提供给人类 一方面来讲,克隆无意识的人属于不道德行为,另一方面也要承认,克隆无意识的人需要更尖锐的知识与技术。意识并不具备能通过基因随便拿走的特性,也没有独立的DNA能决定意识是否存在。更进一步说,证明一个克隆人没有自我意识是非常困难的,即使是植物人,我们也得承认他内心还是有意识的。 有研究者理论上证实可以只克隆人的某些器官,科学家认为这样克隆出来的器官会同母体具备相同基因,这样在器官移植时排斥性会小。7. If the cloning of a vegetative state and so there is no awareness of the people, can be cloned to provide organs to humansOn the one hand, the cloning of the human unconscious acts are immoral, on the other hand, have to admit that cloning unconscious need more knowledge and skills sharp. Awareness does not have the gene can not take away the properties, there is no independent DNA to determine the existence of consciousness. Further said that human cloning is not a self-consciousness is very difficult, even in a vegetative state, we also have to admit that his heart is still conscious.In theory, researchers can confirm that human cloning only certain organs, scientists believe that such a cloned organ in the mother have the same genes, so that when the rejection of organ transplants will be small. 8.伟大的历史人物、英雄可以重生 目前克隆成人的技术是核细胞转移法,这一定要求合并两个活的细胞:卵子和含有想要复制的DNA的细胞,即使是冷冻的死人也不行,照目前来看,将来克隆死人的成功性并不大,即使这些人被克隆了,我们前面提过,他的性格发展与他生活的外部环境有不可分割的关系,所以克隆出来的希特勒不会像那个二战魔头希特勒,克隆的爱因斯坦也大概不会成为伟大的物理学家,从这个意义上讲,克隆他们并无意义。8. The great historical figures, heroes can be born againAt present, the cloning of adult cells in the transfer of nuclear technology is the law, this must be a merger of the two living cells: the egg and you want to copy the DNA containing cells, even the dead are not frozen line, according to the present situation, the future success of cloning the dead is not large, even if they were cloned, and we talked about in front of, his character development and his life is inseparable from the external environment, and therefore will not be cloned like that of Hitler in World War II Hitler魔头cloning love Feinstein is also unlikely to become a great physicist, in this sense, cloning will not be meaningful to them. 9.把人的细胞核放进绵羊的卵子里会有奇迹发生 这是不可能的,由于放进卵子里的遗传物质开始分裂之时,是依据卵子里的蛋白质所发出的指示工作,倘若卵子和DNA来自不同的物质,则有关的指示不能配合,就像人听不懂绵羊的语言一样。9. The human nucleus into a sheep's egg would be a miracle took place inThis is impossible, because the egg into the genetic material in the beginning of separation, it is the basis of egg protein in the instructions issued by the work, if the egg and the DNA from different substances, then the instructions are not in line with, like people do not understand the language, like sheep. 10.人可以无休止地被克隆 克隆羊多莉刚出生时,它的染色体却告诉我们:当它离开母体时,就已经有好几岁了。 苏格兰罗斯林研究院的科学家们对多莉的染色体做了仔细的研究,发现其染色体末端,即端粒,比同龄的普通绵羊短。科学家认为,端粒是决定细胞老化的主要因素,端粒越短的细胞越接近死亡。变短的端粒或许表明遗传的蓝本会随着时间流逝而老化,无休止地克隆一个动物是不可能的。10. People can be endlessly cloningDolly the cloned sheep was born, it is telling us that the chromosome: when it left its mother's body, it has been a good age.Scientists at Roslin Institute in Scotland of Dolly's chromosomes have done a careful study and found that chromosome ends, or telomeres than ordinary sheep short of the same age. Scientists believe that the decision of telomere cells is a major factor in aging, telomeres, the shorter the closer the death of the cells. Telomere shortening may indicate that the genetic blueprint will be aging with the passage of time, endlessly cloning an animal is impossible.目前的克隆技术,只能克隆生命的肉体而已,并不能克隆生命的“灵魂”。也就是说,克隆出来的人无感情,以前学过的东西、遇过的... At present, cloning technology, cloning can only physical life but life can not be cloned "soul." In other words, the cloned person who, without the feelings of the past, learned things, come across the ...在实践中,克隆动物的成功率还很低,维尔穆特研究组在培育“多莉“的实验中,融合了277枚移植核的卵细胞,仅获得了“多莉”这一只成活羔羊,成功率只有0.36%,同时进行的胎儿成纤维细胞和胚胎细胞的克隆实验的成功率也分别只有1.7%和1.1%,即使是使用“檀香山”技术,以分化程度较低的卵丘细胞为核供体,其成功率也只有百分之几。In practice, the success rate of cloned animals is still very low, Wilmut Study Group in nurturing "Dolly" experiment, the convergence of the 277 egg cell nuclear transplantation, only the "Dolly" the only lamb survival, the success rate of only 0.36 percent, at the same time the fetal fibroblast cells and embryonic cells in cloning experiments were also the success rate of only 1.7% and 1.1%, even using the "Honolulu" technology to a lower degree of differentiation of cumulus cells for nuclear donor, the success rate of only a few per cent.另一方面,它将对生物多样性提出挑战。生物多样性是自然进化的结果,也是进化的动力,有性繁殖是形成生物多样性的重要基础,而“克隆动物”则会导致生物品系减少,个体生存能力下降。 On the other hand, it will challenge on biodiversity. Biological diversity is the result of natural evolution, but also the driving force of evolution, sexual reproduction is important to form the basis of biological diversity, and "cloned animals" will result in reduced biological strains, decreased the viability of the individual.

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今天,妈妈带我去参观人体奥秘科普展。 科普展览共分五大部分供人们观参:1、人体九大系统的塑化标本。2、健康与疾病的介绍。3、血管铸型标本。4、生物化技术与转化。5人体的骨骼。我首先参观了人体九大系统的塑化标本:胃、肝脏、肾脏、脾、肺、心脏、大脑……接着参观健康与疾病的介绍。看着看着,忽然看到有一个黑色的肺,我想:“我们的肺是黑色的吗?” 我便翻开说明书,目标射中了一行字:吸烟者的肺是黑的。我吓得不敢看,急忙走开。我又看了人的骨骼,仔细一数,居然有206块! 今天我又学到了好多书本上学不到的知识,这一天我过得真有意义!

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参考答案及评分标准一、选一选1-5CBDDA6-10CBABC11-15BADCD二、填一填16.骨骼;肌肉17.生物反应器;环境污染18.细胞核;有机物;分裂19.寄生;抗生素;抵抗力20.物种;基因;生态系统21.陆地;水域;自然保护区三、断一断22.√23.√24.×25.×26.√复习巩固( 初一下册)一、选择题1.人呼出的气体和吸入的气体相比,成分的主要变化是()A.氧增加,二氧化碳减少 B.氧和二氧化碳都不变C.氧和二氧化碳都减少 D.氧含量减少,二氧化碳含量增加2.某人戴着眼镜看报。窗外有人叫他,为了看清叫他的人,他摘下了眼镜,他戴的是()A.凸透镜 B.平光镜 C.凹透镜 D.凸面镜3.胚胎和胎儿发育的场所是()A.卵巢B.子宫 C.输卵管D.阴道4.人类起源于()A.猴子 B.黑猩猩 C.类人猿 D.森林古猿5.某小孩将尿排在路旁后,引来了许多蚂蚁,这说明他可能患有()A.地方性甲状腺肿 B.低血糖症 C.肥大症 D.糖尿病6.预防碘缺乏症的最有效、最简便的措施是()A.食用含碘食品 B.食用加碘盐 C.服用碘油制剂 D.药物补碘7.下列动物腺体中都能产生激素的是()A.汗腺和垂体 B.肠腺和胰腺 C.乳腺和胰腺 D.卵巢和胰岛8.举重运动员遵从教练的指导,一见灯亮就用力举起哑铃。这一反射的神经冲动传递途径是()A.眼→传入神经→脊髓→传出神经→肌肉 B.眼→传入神经→大脑→传出神经→肌肉C.皮肤→传入神经→脊髓→传出神经→肌肉 D.皮肤→传入神经→大脑→传出神经→肌肉9.下列各项中,形成血红蛋白所必不可少的物质是()A.铁 B.锌 C.碘 D.钙10.消化道的哪个部位吸收营养物质的能力最强()A.胃 B.十二指肠 C.小肠 D.大肠11.反射和反射弧的关系是()A.反射和反射弧在性质上完全相同 B.只要反射弧完整就有反射活动C.反射可以不通过反射弧来完成 D.反射必须通过反射弧来完成12.造成酸雨危害的主要气体是()A.二氧化碳 B.二氧化硫 C.二氧化氮 D.氮气13.艾滋病除了通过性传播外,还会通过下列哪种途径传播()A.水源传播 B.握手传播 C.输血传播 D.空气传播14.下列哪种认识是不正确的()A.青春期是学知识、长才干的关键时期 B.应在青春期前更加重视面部皮肤的清洁C.女孩子因担心脂肪积累而禁食含脂肪的物质 D.男女同学应保持正常的交往15.下列现象中,由废旧电池污染所致的是()A.饮用水中带有霍乱病菌 B.水中藻类迅速繁殖,使鱼类窒息而死C.汞、镉扩散到土壤中 D.渤海海域出现赤潮二、填空题1.购买带包装的食品时,应关注食品包装上的营养成分、是否含有添加剂,以及、、、厂址等方面的内容。2.人眼球结构中的晶状体相当于照相机的镜头,相当于照相机的光圈,当于胶卷。3.2002世界环境日的主题是。4.外界的声波经过外耳道传到,产生的震动通过传到内耳,刺激内的感觉细胞,再通过听觉神经传给大脑,产生听觉。5.显微镜下观察人血涂片,数量最多的血细胞是,数量最少的血细胞是,最大的血细胞是,最小的血细胞是。6.我国计划生育的具体要求是:晚婚、晚育、、。7.为了控制人口数量和提高人口素质,我国已经把列为一项基本国策。8.是人体细胞的主要成分之一,约占体重的60%~70%。9.科学实验证实,脂肪和蛋白质在口腔中消化,只有淀粉在的作用下,部分转变成糖。因此,口腔只具有的消化作用。10.消化系统是由和组成的。11.科学探究中的数据往往存在,因此需要设置,因此就同一个实验在相同条件下要重复做几次,实验结果应取多次实验的值。12.胎儿生活在子宫内半透明的液体—中,通过、从母体中获得所需要的营养物质和氧。13.组织内的气体交换是:血液中的进入细胞;细胞里的进入血液。参考答案一、选择题1.D2.A3.B4.D5.D6.B7.D8.B9.A10.C11.D12.B13.C 14.C15.C二、填空题1.生产日期 保质期 生产厂家2.瞳孔视网膜 3.让地球充满生机 4.鼓膜 听小骨耳蜗5.红细胞白细胞白细胞血小板6.少生优生7.计划生育8.水9.不被(意思相同也对)唾液淀粉酶麦芽初步10.消化道消化腺11.误差重复组平均值12.羊水胎盘脐带13.氧二氧化碳 采纳加分,谢谢

311 评论


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