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In this poem the poet expressed a keen awareness of the loveliness and transience of nature.1.He not only meditated on mortality but also celebrated nature.It implies that life and death are inevitable law of nature, "the wild honey suckle"is Philip Freneau's most widely read natureal lyric with the theme of transience.2.The poem express the poet's view about the writing material of American writors.In the author's opinion, the origin land in America was fiiled with beauty and myth,which could compete with the rilics of Europ.It revealed on the basis of American beauty, the American writor can produce good works.

The central image is a nativewild flower,which makes a drastic difference from elite flower images typical of tradition english poems. The poem showed strong feelings for the natural beauty,which was the characteristic of romantic poets.

The poem was written in regular 6-line tetrameter stanzas,rhyming:ababcc .The structure of the poem is regular,so it has the neoclassic quality of proportion and balance. Alliteration ,assonance,masculine rhyme used in the poem also produce musical or melodious and harmonious,which matches the beautyof the flower,the beauty of poem is partly ambodied in the effects created through changes in the rhythm. The poem contains iambics trochaics and spondee. The arrangement of stressed and unstressed syllables suggests the transience of the life of the flower and the poet's emotional change.the poem is full of sensuous images such as fair flower visual image,comely grow kinasthetic image and honeyed blossoms olfactory image.All the images make us feel pity for the beautiful flower which has only a short life. The line"the sapace is but an hour"contains a hyperbole stressing and transience of life. The tone of the poem is both sentimental and optimistic.

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This is one of the most quoted works of Freneau. It was written in 1786 with 6 lines for each stanza and a rhyme scheme of ababcc which sounds just like musiC.Stanza 1: The first stanza of the poem shows the advantages and also the dis advantages of the flower's modest retirement-it is designed with beauty a nd well potected in solitude; whereas its beauty might be admired by few ·Stanza 2: This stanza suggested that the honey suckle bears a special relatio nship with nature which has advised it to keep away from the "vulgar eye"; Nature has designed it in white-a color of simplicity and purity,and it has S ent the soft waters flowing gently by. Howerer, in spite of all the nature's kindness, the flower cannot escape its doom. The best time of its life is fading, for death is waiting.Stanza 3: Here reveals the indifference of nature-the "upitying frost" are as much a part of nature as the "soft water". Thus we can see that the notion that nature has provided a 'guardian shade" for the protection of the honey suckle is a sentimental fancy. Actualy, it is relative, but death is absolute.Stanza 4: In this stanza, the poet sees his fate or life mirrored in that of the flower. Human beings, as any other creatures or flowers, are a part of nature. They originated from nature and will surely return to nature some day, that is why we say "no loss"In this poem, the lyric beauty, the heartfelt pathos, and the multiple emotional responses and echoes that the sight described are simply amazing. Here we can see the poet enjoys the beauty that the American landscape is capable of offering.The poem offers in a tangential way a vision of an abundant America with the potential for providing a good life for all. Meanwhile, the poem is also an indication of Freneau's dedication to American subject matter as he examined peculiarly American characteristics of te countryside.作为美国18世纪最出色的诗人,菲利普.弗瑞诺是新古典主义和浪漫主义之间的一个重要过渡人物。他的作品深深地滋润了后半个世纪的浪漫主义文人。1786年所写的《野忍冬花》,赫然地体现了他的创作作风,属于美国抒怀文学的珍宝。●奇丽而安静,是“美妙的花”的品质,也是大地发明的品质。她有着“甜蜜的花”跟“飘扬的渺小花枝”,但却没人亲昵,也没人欣赏。这多少显出了些许寂寥,但这寂寥同时也是幸运的,由于“没游来荡去的脚来 你踩碎,/没东攀西摘的手来催你落泪”。大自然要用树与柔波来将你细细庇护。●历经夏天、秋风和寒霜,这污浊的美终将消逝、萎蔫、安眠,对此,诗人备感销魂与疼爱,但同时诗人又想到当初“向阳和晚露”让“这小小的生命来到世上”,实在已划定了她的终局,只不外是让她回到了先前。所以,“本来若乌有,就没什么可失去”◇这一句就显得很主要,它把前面的所见、所感、所悟,稀释为一个惊人的表述:无中生有,有终将归于无,这是大做作部署的“天年”,生与逝世是无奈回避的天然法令,你还有担忧失去的必要或理由吗?●整首诗分为四节,第一节重要通过视觉描摹野忍冬花的品德,从“寂静烦闷”中,可看出“野”,从四个“没”中,可看出“忍”一对安静的忍受。野、忍作为诗眼,在第一节就被点出。第二小节由视觉描摹转入观感,答复了冬花之所以野、忍的起因。如果说第三节是因野忍冬花不可防止的消失而激动的话,第四节就转入了感性的思考,这种思考因野忍冬花而起,却已通过关系设想隐喻了伊甸园中的花儿,“别的那些花儿",所有的花儿,乃至大天然中的所有性命体的运气。●这是位了不起的诗人,想象与思考的品质在他那里同样杰出。他擅长捕获昙花一现的遐思,在遐思中吐露出对自然的酷爱与憧憬和自然神论的颜色。他与物直接交换的方法,他“惊花落泪”式的浪漫主义豪情,唤起了咱们对大自然原初的感情和立场。我们不得不信服诗人领悟自然的出色才能,他仿佛能将纯粹的自然和腐化的自然区离开来,他好像能居心灵的耳朵凝听到花儿静静地开放的愉悦和悄悄地消逝的轻叹。

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The Wild Honey-Suckle  野金银花

By Philip Freneau

Fair flower, that dost so comely grow,

Hid in this silent, dull retreat,



Untouched thy honied blossoms blow,


Unseen thy little branches greet;


...No roving foot shall crush thee here,


...No busy hand provoke a tear.


By Nature's self in white arrayed,


She bade thee shun the vulgar eye,


And planted here the gaurdian shade,


And sent soft waters murmuring by;


...Thus quietly thy summer goes,


...Thy days declinging to repose.


Smit with those charms, that must decay,


I grieve to see your future doom;


They died--nor were those flowers more gay,


The flowers that did in Eden bloom;


...Unpitying frosts, and Autumn's power


...Shall leave no vestige of this flower.


From morning suns and evenign dews


At first thy little being came:


If nothing once, you nothing lose,


For when you die you are the same;


...The space between, is but an hour,


...The frail duration of a flower.


288 评论


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