《白鲸》(Moby Dick)是19世纪美国最重要的小说家之一赫尔曼·梅尔维尔于1851年发表的一篇海洋题材的小说,小说中既描绘了捕鲸水手的悲惨生活,也说明了依靠捕鲸而繁荣起来的城市是靠捕鲸人的尸体建立起来的。
英文题目:on the symbolic meaning in melville’s moby dick
1 引言
2 文献综述
3.1 复仇主题的象征意义
3.2 人与自然主题的象征意义
4.1.1 埃哈伯的象征意义
4.1.2 莫比.迪克的象征意义
4.1.3 白色的象征意义
4.2.1 伊西梅尔的象征意义
4.2.2 捕鲸活动的象征意义
4.2.3 皮阔得号的象征意义
4.2.4 大海的象征意义
5 结论
on the symbolic meaning in melville’s moby dick
ⅰ introduction
ⅱ literature review
ⅲ the symbolic meaning of the themes
3.1 the symbolic meaning of revenge
3.2 the symbolic meaning of human and nature
ⅳ the symbolic meaning of two main clues
4.1 ahab and moby dick
4.1.1 the symbolic meaning of ahab
4.1.2 the symbolic meaning of moby dick
4.1.3 the symbolic meaning of white
4.2 ishmael and the hunting
4.2.1 the symbolic meaning of ishmael
4.2.2 the symbolic meaning of the hunting
4.2.3 the symbolic meaning of pequod
4.2.4 the symbolic meaning of the sea
ⅴ conclusion
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A Comparative Study of Animal Words between English and Chinese[Abstract] In the history of developing process of human beings, some animals always keep relation with human and deeply influence human survival and development to some extent. This close relation repose human’s abounding emotions, like love, joy, hatred, fear and jealousy in animals, so there are lots of animal words in different languages. Words can reflect differences of culture and words are influenced by history, customs, values, and religion. Animal words are given special cultural connotations in different languages. There are many words of animals, such as dogs, birds, sheep, dragons, etc, used in metaphors in the human languages. These animal metaphors have explained the origins of different cultures. Research on comparisons of animal metaphors between Chinese and foreign language provides an answer to the explanations of cultural generalities. Cognitive interpretations of cultural differences or coincidence in different animal metaphors have been reflected from different language levels. Therefore, a reasonable explanation can only be found from the point of view of cognitive science. There are a lot of animal words in both English and Chinese. Their modes of thinking and background are different and they result in the implied meanings of animal words are possibly different. As we known, language is a culture carrier. Culture loaded words play an important role in language.This paper focuses on the similarities and differences of animal words in both Chinese and English. Different cultural backgrounds and ways of thinking result in the different connotation of animal words. To be aware of the different cultures and ways of thinking in the two countries will help us understand the usage of the animal words better, thus understand the language itself much better.[Key Words] Animal words; cultural connotation; similarities and differences 英汉动物词的对比研究 【摘 要】在人类历史发展的漫长进程中, 有些动物一直与人类保持着密切联系并对人类的生存、发展有着深刻的影响。这种关系使得人类对动物产生喜爱、同情、厌恶、恐惧等错综复杂的情感, 人们也常常借动物来寄托和表达人的感情, 所以在英汉两种文化中都有许许多多与动物相关的词汇。同时语言中的词汇反映了文化发展的差异, 由于受历史、习俗、价值观念、宗教信仰等诸方面文化因素的影响, 中英两种语言赋予动物词汇以各自特定的文化内涵众所周知, 在不同语言和不同文化背景下, 每个词除了具有字面意义外, 还有丰富的文化内涵, 即该词所隐含的附带的联想义、比喻义、象征义及带有感情色彩的褒义和贬义等。许多同一动物在不同语言中其语词有着不同的文化内涵。从文化语言学和对比语言学的角度来分析对比中英两种语言中动物词的文化内涵之异同会有助于语言学习。动物词在英汉两种语言中的出现频率都很高。英汉民族思维方式和文化背景不同,同一动物所承载的意义也就会出现差异。通过对动物词文化意义的揭示和研究,不仅可以避免交际中的语用失误,而且对于不同文化的比较与导入有一定的理论和实践意义.语言是文化的载体, 不同民族的语言使世界上的文化呈现出千姿百态。文化差异赋予同一动物词语不同的内涵, 词汇反映了特定的社会文化, 不同的社会背景和文化差异造成了词汇在文化内涵上的差异。通过比较, 人们可以更清楚地感受到英汉文化在动物词语上留下的历史文化差异。本文从同一个动物词代表相同的意义;同一个动物词代表不同的意义; 不同的动物词代表相同的意义; 英汉特有的动物词涵义这四个方面来讨论英汉动物词汇涵义的相同点和不同点。【关键词】动物词;文化内涵; 异同 1. IntroductionIn the history of developing process, human beings keep close relation with animals. They live together on the same earth, and they have great impact on each other. This close relation reposes human’s abounding emotions, like love, joy, hatred, fear and jealousy in animals and results in the emergence and enrichment of animal words in different languages. However, different people from different countries have different ways of thinking and social backgrounds. Therefore, the implied meaning of the words that have the same denotations may be totally different. They are given special cultural connotations for the different social backgrounds and national conventions. And as it is well-known, both English and Chinese have a sea of animal words, which are endowed abundant cultural connotations. So, this paper tries to discuss the cultural connotations of animal words both in English and Chinese from the following aspects: the words refer to the same animal with the same connotations; the words refer to the same animal but with different connotations; the words refer to different animals with the same connotation; the words refer to the same animal but only has connotation in English or Chinese. With comparison, the English learners can better understand the usage of the animal words. 2. The worth for the comparison of animal words between English and Chinese“Cultural connotation refers to the general meaning including connotative meaning and cultural meaning carried in different cultural circumstance. It includes the meaning added and the amplified meaning under special social and cultural background, and also includes the emotions and attitudes of some particular cultural colony.”[1] As we have mentioned above, different social backgrounds render diverse cultural connotations to different languages. Therefore, even if animal words of different languages have the same conceptual meanings, their connotative meanings are not totally the same. As we all know, English has become one of the most open languages around the world. Since it was born, it has never stopped its self-development and meanwhile assimilated other’s cultural essence from different countries. As the result, it can be sure that the animal words in English language have rich cultural implications. And Chinese, as one of the oldest languages in the world, has evolved over 5000 years. The animal words in Chinese have their own specific cultural connotations as well. Fore these reasons, it is worthwhile to make a good comparison of animal words between English and Chinese both for the English language learners and Chinese language learners. It can help them get a better comprehension of the intercultural communication as well. 3. The similarities and differences of animal words between English and Chinese3.1. Similar words or similar meaning3.1.1. The words refer to the same animal with the same connotation It is sure that people around the world live in similar surroundings, so they will have similar thinking on some aspects. When they learn some animal words from their basic cognition to the world, these animal words are endowed with the same cultural connotation. For example, regardless of English or Chinese culture, the animal, fox is the symbol of crafty. Phrases: old fox; play the foxSentences: (1) She is as cunning as a fox, you’ve got to watch her. [2] (2) I could not help reflecting on the strange by which the old fox had saved himself. (3) Are you sure you can trust that man------he is such a sly old fox. [3] Fox also means sly crafty and doubtful in Chinese, for example: (1) 狐假虎威: the ass in the lion’s skin;(fig) bully people by flaunting one'spowerful connections.(2) 狐狸尾巴: fox's tail-cloven hoof; something that gives away the evil intention of somebody like a fox tail(3) 狐朋狗友: a pack of rogues; a gang of scoundrels(4) 狐狸精: fox spirit symbolizing a seductive woman(5) 狐疑: doubt; suspicion [4]In Chinese, “old fox” means someone who is very crafty. For example:(1) 他是一只老狐狸,不要轻易相信他说的话。(He is an old fox, whose words cannot be believed.)(
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白鲸的开题报告 《白鲸》(Moby Dick)是19世纪美国最重要的小说家之一赫尔曼·梅尔维尔于1851年发表的一篇海洋题材的小说,小说中既描绘了捕鲸水手的悲惨
白鲸的开题报告 《白鲸》(Moby Dick)是19世纪美国最重要的小说家之一赫尔曼·梅尔维尔于1851年发表的一篇海洋题材的小说,小说中既描绘了捕鲸水手的悲惨