中体育论文:学校体育课程改革是根据社会和教育发展的需要,对原有的学校体育指导思想、目标、内容、方法、评价等进行的带有质变的扬弃过程。 体育课程改革涉及到体育、教育和社会情境。它的核心部分就是体育课程标准的实施,这一过程是复杂的、系统的和整体的,整个体育实施过程有着许多不可预期性和不确定性,这与影响体育课程实施因素的复杂程度是明显相关的。从体育课程本身上来说,它包括体育课程自身的价值取向、新旧体育课程在观念、方法和组织评价等方面的冲突,体育教师的支持程度及素质基础、体育课程改革给体育教师与学生带来的利益、各级教育行政管理部门的保障力度等。从外界影响因素来说,它包括学生家长、各类媒体等对体育课程改革的认可度与宣传的力度。从整体上来说,体育课程实施就是调和影响体育课程实施诸因素,平衡体育课程标准与实施情境的关系,建立体育课程新文化的过程。 本文采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法、专家访谈等方法,对山西省大同市、太原市、长治市、临汾四市普通高中的体育教师进行问卷调查。得出以下结论:(1)山西省体育课程改革的现状正在积极的实施过程中,已经初步完成对高中《课程标准》的培训工作;山西省体育课程改革的进程处在实验阶段...山西省普通高中体育课程改革若干问题研究【英文题名】 The Study of the Problems in PE Curriculum Reform of Senior High School of Shanxi Province【作者中文名】 高雷;【导师】 李金龙;【学位授予单位】 山西大学;【高中体育论文】 体育人文社会学【学位年度】 2007【论文级别】 硕士【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学【网络出版投稿时间】 2008-03-19【关键词】 山西省; 普通高中; 体育课程改革; 区域研究;【英文关键词】 Shan Xi Province; Ordinary high school; The sports curriculum reforms; Region research;【中文摘要】 学校体育课程改革是根据社会和教育发展的需要,对原有的学校体育指导思想、目标、内容、方法、评价等进行的带有质变的扬弃过程。 体育课程改革涉及到体育、教育和社会情境。它的核心部分就是体育课程标准的实施,这一过程是复杂的、系统的和整体的,整个体育实施过程有着许多不可预期性和不确定性,这与影响体育课程实施因素的复杂程度是明显相关的。从体育课程本身上来说,它包括体育课程自身的价值取向、新旧体育课程在观念、方法和组织评价等方面的冲突,体育教师的支持程度及素质基础、体育课程改革给体育教师与学生带来的利益、各级教育行政管理部门的保障力度等。从外界影响因素来说,它包括学生家长、各类媒体等对体育课程改革的认可度与宣传的力度。从整体上来说,体育课程实施就是调和影响体育课程实施诸因素,平衡体育课程标准与实施情境的关系,建立体育课程新文化的过程。 本文采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法、专家访谈等方法,对山西省大同市、太原市、长治市、临汾四市普通高中的体育教师进行问卷调查。得出以下结论:(1)山西省体育课程改革的现状正在积极的实施过程中,已经初步完成对高中《课程标准》的培训工作;山西省体育课程改革的进程处在实验阶段...【英文摘要】 The reform of PE curriculum, based on need of the development of society and education, is a process with qualitative change which develops the useful and discard the useless. It changes direct thought, object, content, method, evaluate of former PE. The reform of PE curriculum relates to physical education and social condition. The core is practice of the standard of PE curriculum. This process is complete systemic and unitary and there are much of unrespectable and uncertain in the whole of the proces...【DOI】 CNKI:CDMD:2.2008.038421 【相同导师文献】 导师:李金龙 导师单位:山西大学 学位授予单位:山西大学[1] 白志勇.太原市初中学生使用体育教科书现状的研究[D]. 山西大学,2008[2] 梁高飞.关于山西省中小学生体育竞赛弄虚作假问题的研究[D]. 山西大学,2008[3] 张志学.河北省高中生奥林匹克知识普及现状研究[D]. 山西大学,2008[4] 雷兴华.太原市中学生体育锻炼态度与锻炼行为的现状及相关性研究[D]. 山西大学,2008[5] 刘颖.太原市小学棋类项目教学人才需求现状与对策研究[D]. 山西大学,2008[6] 周艳宇.成功体育教学基本特征的研究[D]. 山西大学,2008[7] 阴国栋.太原市初中生体育学习成绩评价方式问题的研究[D]. 山西大学,2008[8] 耿延敏.山西省肥胖初中生体育教学现状及其存在问题的研究[D]. 山西大学,2007[9] 李智斌.太原市中学生暑假参加体育活动现状的研究[D]. 山西大学,2007[10] 孟云萍.太原市幼儿园体育教育现状与发展对策研究[D]. 山西大学,2007上海市听力残疾高中学生课外体育锻炼行为现状及对策研究【作者中文名】 齐彬;【导师】 陆遵义;【学位授予单位】 上海师范大学;【高中体育论文】 体育人文社会学【学位年度】 2007【论文级别】 硕士【网络出版投稿人】 上海师范大学【网络出版投稿时间】 2008-03-28【关键词】 听力残疾高中学生; 课外体育锻炼; 锻炼态度; 锻炼动机; 现状; 对策;【英文关键词】 the high school students with hearing disability; extra-curricular physical exercise; exercise attitude; exercise motivation; actualities; countermeasures;【中文摘要】 本文以上海市聋哑青年技术学校150名听力残疾高中学生为研究对象,运用问卷法、文献资料、数理统计及访谈等研究方法,对其课外体育锻炼行为现状及其影响因素进行调查研究,通过定量和定性分析得出他们在锻炼时间、锻炼频度、锻炼强度、锻炼时间段、锻炼场所以及锻炼项目等方面的现状特征;另对其锻炼态度的八个维度、锻炼动机以及其他影响听力残疾高中学生课外体育锻炼行为因素进行统计分析,探讨影响他们课外体育锻炼行为的具体因素。结果如下: 现状部分:绝大多数同学都表示愿意参加课外体育锻炼,但闲暇时间里选择参与体育锻炼者比例却较低;不管男女,课外体育锻炼均以小运动量为主;锻炼频度、锻炼时间上部分学生尚显不足,锻炼强度男、女生大都停留在低强度,女生更为明显;参与锻炼的时间段,男生分布较为集中,女生则较分散;锻炼项目呈多样化趋势,但仍以球类等常规体育教学项目为主。 影响因素部分:锻炼态度上,对于男生,行为习惯、行为意向、情感体验三个纬度与体育活动等级呈显著相关;对于女生,行为习惯、主观标准两个纬度与体育活动等级呈显著相关;锻炼动机上,对锻炼价值的认识是其主要集中点;制约参与课外体育锻炼的因素上,时间紧张、场地缺乏、项目少而不...【英文摘要】 150 hearing disabilities in Grade1-4 who study in Shanghai Deaf-mute Vocational School were chosen to be the samples of this paper, the author has made a thorough investigation into their extra-curricular physical exercises and its’factors that affect the present conditions by using questionnaire, the documentary data, mathematical statistics and interview, then obtains the present situation characteristic of the exercise time, frequency, intensity, compartment, stadium and content; Furthermore, through ana...【DOI】 CNKI:CDMD:2.2007.200043【相同导师文献】 导师:陆遵义 导师单位:上海师范大学 学位授予单位:上海师范大学[1] 朱宇波.影响上海市普通高校高水平足球运动队群体凝聚力若干因素的研究[D]. 上海师范大学,2008[2] 蒋立旗.浙江省青少年运动员情绪智力及其与应对效能关系的研究[D]. 上海师范大学,2008[3] 齐彬.上海市听力残疾高中学生课外体育锻炼行为现状及对策研究[D]. 上海师范大学,2007[4] 胡善云.不同的运动技能类型项目对大学生身体自尊影响的研究[D]. 上海师范大学,2007[5] 张美叶.武术考试中大学生自我效能感及自尊对自我妨碍影响的研究[D]. 上海师范大学,2006[6] 齐宏博.学生群体体育消费特征对上海市体育产业发展影响的研究[D]. 上海师范大学,2005[7] 葛耀君.体育情境兴趣量表(PESIS)中文修订版的信度与效度验证及其应用的实证研究[D]. 上海师范大学,2005山西省重点高中贯彻执行学校体育法规现状的调查研究【作者中文名】 张伟;【导师】 秦椿林;【学位授予单位】 北京体育大学;【高中体育论文】 体育人文社会学【学位年度】 2004【论文级别】 硕士【网络出版投稿人】 北京体育大学【网络出版投稿时间】 2007-12-27【中文摘要】 学校体育法规是国家法律法规体系的组成部分,各种法规在规定的适用范围内都具有国家强制性和约束力,都是人们必须遵守的行为规范。国家制定和实施学校体育法规的意义重大,表现为以法规的形式明确了学校体育的地位和作用,确保学校体育工作的顺利开展;充分保障学校、体育教师及学生实施体育教育和接受体育教育的合法权益;是实现学校体育工作管理向科学化、规范化和法制化管理的转变的重要依据;是我国学校体育工作改革和发展的必然趋势和结果。改革开放后,我国学校体育的法规建设得到了迅速的发展,对推动我国学校体育的发展,发挥着重要的保证作用。 本文从山西省重点高中入手,通过对山西省33所重点高中的学生、体育教师、体育教研组组长和分管学校体育工作的校领导进行调查及访谈,对山西省重点高中体育课、体育师资、课外体育活动等方面进行详细研究,剖析影响山西省重点中学学校体育法规贯彻落实的原因,解决当前山西省在落实学校体育法规中存在的问题,为山西省学校体育走上法制化发展轨道提供决策依据。 本文通过文献资料法、访问调查法、问卷调查法、数理统计法对山西省重点高中贯彻执行学校体育法规的基本现状进行了调查和研究,得出了以下主要结论: 1学校...【DOI】 CNKI:CDMD:2.2007.226115【相同导师文献】 导师:秦椿林 导师单位:北京体育大学 学位授予单位:北京体育大学[1] 张伟.山西省重点高中贯彻执行学校体育法规现状的调查研究[D]. 北京体育大学,2004[2] 段菊芳.大型体育赛事风险管理[D]. 北京体育大学,2004[3] 梁园.我国体育管理硕士学位教育研究[D]. 北京体育大学,2004[4] 张立.北京市体育健身消费场所团体会员消费群体的研究[D]. 北京体育大学,2004[5] 吴文峰.对北京市体育图书出版现状的调查与分析[D]. 北京体育大学,2004[6] 吴勇.体育竞赛的品牌营销策略研究[D]. 北京体育大学,2003[7] 刘健.职业体育俱乐部价值评价研究[D]. 北京体育大学,2003[8] 吴泽涛.论加入世贸组织对中国体育服务业的影响[D]. 北京体育大学,2002[9] 尹小光.中国传统体育性质与西方体育性质的比较研究[D]. 北京体育大学,2001[10] 李珺.对我国体育职业化初期体育经纪人经纪行为的研究[D]. 北京体育大学,2000
copy的The History of Table Tennis Like many other sports, table tennis began as a mild social diversion. Descending, along with lawn tennis and badminton, from the ancient medieval game of tennis. It was popular in England in the second half of the nineteenth century under its present name and various trade names such as Gossima and Whiff-Whaff. After the name Ping-Pong (an imitation of the sound made by the ball striking the table and the vellum bats that were used) was introduced by J. Jaques & Son, the game became a fashionable craze. The game was popular in Central Europe in 1905-10, and even before this is a modified version had been introduced to Japan , where it later spread to China and Korea. After a period when it had dropped out of favor in Europe, the game was revived in England and Wales in the early twenties. by that time 'Ping-Pong' had been registered as a trademark, so the earlier name of table tennis was re-introduced. National associations were formed and standardization of the rules began, both in Europe and the Far East.Then, over the next sixty years, table tennis developed into a major worldwide sport, played by perhaps thirty million competitive players and by uncountable millions who play less seriously. However, the game itself has not changed in essence since its earliest days, though it is faster, more subtle and more demanding than it was even only twenty years ago. Ping-pong Diplomacy One of the first public hints of improved U.S.-China relations came on April 6, 1971, when the American Ping-Pong team, in Japan for the 31st World Table Tennis Championship, received a surprise invitation from their Chinese colleagues for an all-expense paid visit to the People's Republic. Time magazine called it "The ping heard round the world." On April 10, nine players, four officials, and two spouses stepped across a bridge from Hong Kong to the Chinese mainland, ushering in an era of "Ping-Pong diplomacy." They were the first group of Americans allowed into China since the Communist takeover in 1949. In various ping-pong games, the most famous is the world championship competition, which was held once a year at the beginning, now, it is held twice a year ever since 1957. In 1904, a shanghai shop keeper called Wang Dao WU, brought 10 sets of table tennis tools home, the game was therein introduced to china. History of Swimming The English are considered the first modern society to develop swimming as a sport. By 1837, regular swimming competitions were being held in London's six artificial pools, organized by the National Swimming Society in England. As the sport grew in popularity many more pools were built, and when a new governing body, the Amateur Swimming Association of Great Britain, was organized in 1880, it numbered more than 300 member clubs. In 1896, swimming became an Olympic sport for men with the 100 metres and 1500 metres freestyle competitions held in open water. Soon after, as swimming gained popularity, more freestyle events were added, followed by the backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly and finally, the individual medley. The first modern Olympic Games had only four swimming events, three of them freestyle. The second Olympics in Paris in 1900 included three unusual swimming events. One used an obstacle course; another was a test of underwater swimming endurance; the third was a 4,000-metre event, the longest competitive swimming event ever. None of the three was ever used in the Olympics again. For a variety of reasons, women were excluded from swimming in the first several Olympic Games. In 1896 and again in 1906, women could not participate because the developer of the modern games, Baron Pierre de Coubertin, held firmly to the assumption, common in the Victorian era, that women were too frail to engage in competitive sports. It was only at the 1912 Games when women's swimming made its debut at the prompting of the group that later became known as the International Olympic Committee. From the humble beginning with four swimming events, the Olympics have developed to 32 swimming races, 16 for men and 16 for women. The Special Olympics, competitive swimming for people with disabilities, has 22 events for men and 22 for women.
Tennis as a sport has a long history, elegant and has a strong and competitive sports watch, with its inherent charm and value in the global scope of the growing popularity and prevalence. In our country, tennis sport has been rapid development, tennis sport has become much attention to the set leisure, entertainment, fitness sport as a whole, but gradually the modern college students loved and accepted, and at colleges and universities are gradually promote universal. Tennis sport flourish at colleges and universities has become a physical education and extra-curricular training important, but because the school's own objective conditions exist constraints, making sport of tennis is not carried out successfully. At present, the college tennis development conditions and University Students in the sport, the needs of the growing contradictions between are hindering the development of college tennis a major problem, how to solve this contradiction has become a physical education college managers and workers an important topic facing. In this paper, through literature, questionnaire, survey law, colleges and universities in Heilongjiang Province to carry out sport, the status of investigations and studies aimed at colleges and universities in Heilongjiang Province of the current state of tennis sports an objective evaluation and analysis, to identify colleges and universities in Heilongjiang Province constraints tennis sports development impact of factors, the corresponding development ideas and solutions for colleges and universities in Heilongjiang Province, the popularity of tennis and sustainable development and provide a theoretical reference. Study Results: The results showed that: (1) tennis as a fitness exercise with entertainment, watch, fitness characteristics, and college students to participate in sport, initiative, enthusiasm high. (2) colleges and universities in Heilongjiang Province to the lack of tennis courts, open to students free time is too short, far from being able to meet student demand in the sport. (3) Colleges and Universities in Heilongjiang Province tennis professional teacher shortage, and short tennis teacher seniority and teaching experience to be accumulated, the level of the need to further improve the business. (4) College of Heilongjiang Province Tennis Courses relatively short period of time, tennis lesson evaluation form, the contents of a single relative. (5) colleges and universities in Heilongjiang Province in leisure time physical exercise, tennis sport at colleges and universities to carry out leisure sports better. (6) colleges and universities in Heilongjiang Province tennis competition in recent years expanded scale. Because of the lack of systematic organization and leadership activities in schools tennis competitions great randomness. To make recommendations: (1) to increase tennis sports propaganda, improve school leadership in the sport, the degree of importance attached (2) increase the activity of the hardware facilities of tennis, school-related department to provide more funding for the construction of tennis court facilities. (3) to strengthen tennis teachers, improve teacher education standards in training and the introduction of tennis talent. (4) the creation of a clear purpose tennis curriculum to increase the length of PE curricula, and improve the content of curriculum. (5) to strengthen campus tennis cultural construction, increase after-school activity time. (6) colleges and universities active in cultural exchanges between the tennis and perfect competition system, create a favorable atmosphere for the campus tennis competition. Key words: colleges and universities in Heilongjiang Province; tennis sports; the status quo; Countermeasures
中体育论文:学校体育课程改革是根据社会和教育发展的需要,对原有的学校体育指导思想、目标、内容、方法、评价等进行的带有质变的扬弃过程。 体育课程改革涉及到体育、教
篮球体育运动毕业论文开题报告 一、课题的目的意义: 篮球运动起源于学校,并且在学校中迅速普及,尤其是在滨州学院发展更为迅速。大学校园篮球运动氛围浓厚,有很多大学
你知道体育锻炼会带来什么好处吗?下面我整理了有关于体育锻炼的好处的论文,供你参考。 体育锻炼的好处论文范文一 摘要:随着人们物质文化水平
体育运动 越来越成为素质 教育 下的一个重要的学科,体育运动能够锻炼人们的身体,同时体育运动相关的论文也有很多。下面我整理了关于体育运动的论文,供你参考。