李密青,郑金华。一种多目标进化算法解集分布广度评价方法,计算机学报,2011,34(4):642-664。 郑金华,周聪,李珂,吕卉。基于最小二乘法的高维目标减少算法,控制理论与应用。2011,28(7):947-955.李密青,郑金华,李珂。一种非均匀分布问题分布性维护方法,电子学报,2011,39(4):946-952。郑金华,李珂。一种基于Hypervolume指标的自适应邻域多目标进化算法,计算机研究与发展。(录用)郑金华,吕卉,伍军,周聪, 李珂,李密青. 基于空间交配遗传算法收敛性分析,模式识别与人工智能. 2010, 23(5): 639-645.Ke Li, Jinhua Zheng, Miqing Li, Cong Zhou, Hui Lv. A Novel Slicing Based Algorithm to Calculate Hypervolume for Multi-objective Optimization Problems. ICIC-Express Letters: An International journal of Research and Surveys, 2010, 4(4): 1113-1120. EI Compendex罗 彪, 郑金华, 朱云飞, 蔡自兴. 一种基于“探测”与“开采”的多目标进化算法. 高技术通讯. 2010, 20(2): 143-149. EI CompendexMiqing Li, Jinhua Zheng, Ruimin Shen, Ke Li, Qizhao Yuan. A Grid-Based Fitness Strategy for Evolutionary Many-Objective Optimization, 2010 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO'2010), Portland, Oregon, ACM, 463-470. EI CompendexJuan Zou, Jinhua Zheng, Jingye Zhou and Deng Cheng. A Study on Feature Extraction of Parallel Immune Genetic Clustering Algorithm Based on Clustering Center Optimization, ICNC 2010,2264-2267李密青, 郑金华, 罗彪. 一种基于最小生成树的多目标进化算法. 计算机研究与发展. 2009, 46(5): 803-813.郑金华, 罗彪, 周聪, 李望移. 用多目标进化算法搜索MOPs的鲁棒Pareto最优解. 电子学报. 2009,12(37).郑金华, 罗彪. 一种基于拉丁超立方体抽样的多目标进化算法. 模式识别与人工智能, 2009, 22(2): 223-233.李密青, 郑金华, 伍军. 一种新的分布度保持方法. 控制理论与应用. 2009, 26(8).李密青, 郑金华, 肖桂霞, 谢炯亮. 基于空间距离的多目标进化算法. 模式识别与人工智能. 2009, 22(4).郑金华,杨平,杨志伟. 一种用于AVS视频编码的块运动估计算法. 高技术通讯, 2009,19(1): 29-32.李密青, 郑金华. 一种基于生成树的分布性维护方法. 高技术通讯. 2009, 19(8).Miqing Li and Jinhua Zheng. Spread Assessment for Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization, Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization, 5th International Conference (EMO 2009), Nantes, France 216-230, 2009 .Ke Li ,Jinhua Zheng,Cong Zhou,Hui Lv. An improved Differential Evolution for Multi-objective optimization(CSIE 2009),2009(18):825-829.Wangyi Li,JinHua Zheng.A new Leading Crossover Operator for function Optimization(CSIE2009),2009(68):675-679.Hui Lv, Jinghua Zheng, Jun Wu, Cong Zhou and Ke Li, The Convergence Analysis of Genetic Algorithm Based on Space Mating(ICNC’09).2009(39), P557-562.李密青, 郑金华, 谢炯亮, 杨平, 李晶. 一种MOEA分布度的逐步评价方法. 电子学报. 2008, 36(10): 1986-1991. (EI收录)李密青, 郑金华, 肖桂霞, 杨平. 一种多目标进化算法的分布度评价方法. 模式识别与人工智能. 2008, 21(5): 695-703. (EI收录)27.Jinhua Zheng, Jun Wu, Hui Lu.A Multi-Objective Differential Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Spacial Distance. ISICA 2008. (EI, ISTP收录)Jinhua Zheng and Miqing Li. An Efficient Method for Maintaining Diversity in Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization. International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC’2008). (EI, ISTP收录)Jinhua Zheng, Biao Luo, Miqing Li, Jing Li. Combine LHS with MOEA to Optimize Complex Pareto Set MOPs. The 3rd International Symposium on Intelligence Computation and Applications (ISICA 2008), December 19-21, 2008 in Wuhan , China.Biao Luo, Jinhua Zheng. Latin Hypercube Sampling based MOEA for Solving Complex Pareto Set MOPs. ICNC'08. (EI, ISTP收录)Miqing Li, Jinhua Zheng and Guixia Xiao. An Efficient Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Minimum Spanning Tree, Proceedings of 2008 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC’2008), IEEE Service Center, Hongkong, June 2008. (EI, ISTP收录)郑金华, 蒋浩, 邝达, 史忠植. 擂台赛法则构造多目标Pareto最优解集的方法研究, 软件学报, 2007, 18(6): 1287-1297. (EI收录)蒋浩,郑金华,陈良军. 求解多目标优化问题的粒子群算法, 模式识别与人工智能, 2007, 20(5): 606-611. (EI收录)Jinhua Zheng, Qian Wu, Wu Song. An Improved Particle Swarm Algorithm for Solving Nonlinear Constrained Optimization Problems. The 3rd International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC'07), 2007.4.16. (EI, ISTP收录)Jinhua Zheng, Guixia Xiao, Wu Song, Xuyong Li. A Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm Based on Density. The 2nd International Symposium on Intelligence Computation and Application, 2007.5.22. (SCI, ISTP收录)Jinhua Zheng, Miqing Li. A Diversity Metric for MOEAs. The 7th international Conference on Optimization: Techniques and Applications (ICOTA7) Kobe Japan, December 2007. (EI, ISTP收录)Jinhua Zheng and Yan Peng. A Restricted Genetic Algorithm Based on Ascending of Tangent Planes,in 9th Conference on Information Sciences(JCIS' 2006), Advances in Intelligent Systems Research, Atlantis Press, PP.474-477, Taiwan, October 2006. (EI, ISTP收录)Hao Jiang, Jinhua Zheng, Liangjun Chen. Multi-Objective Particle Swarw Optimization Algorithm Based on Enhance e-Dominance. IEEE ICEIS’2006, June, 2006, Pakistan. (ISTP收录)邝达,郑金华.一种快速构造费支配集的方法——擂台法则.高技术通讯,2005,15(4):p11-14. (EI收录)郑金华,史忠植. 基于聚类的快速多目标遗传算法.计算机研究与发展,2004,41(7), 1081-1087. (EI收录)郑金华,叶正华,蒙祖强,蔡自兴.基于空间交配的遗传算法.模式识别与人工智能,2003,16(3):482-485. (EI收录)郑金华,蔡自兴.自动区域划分的分区域搜索狭义遗传算法,计算机研究与发展,2000,37(4):397-400. (EI收录)郑金华,蔡自兴.基于共享存储的并行RGA的设计与实现,高技术通讯,2000,10(3):23-27. (EI收录)
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李密青,郑金华。一种多目标进化算法解集分布广度评价方法,计算机学报,2011,34(4):642-664。 郑金华,周聪,李珂,吕卉。基于最小二乘法的高维目标减
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