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一般情况下你论文的第一部分就是绪论即要介绍你整篇论文的目的和意义,还要表明你的观点以及论证的论点的方法途径。正文主要就是提出问题-----分析问题-----解决问题了。我写论文的时候 无意间找到了一个很大的一个叫知源论文的,里面有好多资料,可以参考的。

180 评论


天鹅湖—蕾丝在婚纱中的运用【"Swan Lake"--The Application of Lace in Wedding Dresses】在越来越流行现代婚礼的今天,婚纱已经成为婚礼不可或缺的元素之一,白色婚纱更是每个新娘爱与梦幻的象征物,是每个新娘都渴望穿上的。婚纱的流行使其衍生出多样的风格潮流,【As modern weddings have become admired or enjoyed by most people, wedding dresses must be an indispensable element, especially white ones, which, as representation of love and dreams, should be thirsted for by every potential bride.】而这一季则是蕾丝当道。当大牌如PRADA,GUCCI,DIOR,CHANEL等纷纷以蕾丝作为本季主打后,婚纱的流行风潮也必定要在蕾丝上大做文章,复古风又将席卷而来。【At present it is lace rules the fashion in this fall season, expecially when it has become a hit element of numerous world brands including PRADA, GUCCI, DIOR and CHANNEL. Accordingly, when it comes to wedding dresses, such an element should also be focused on, thus soon sweeping by will be the vintage.】本文结合毕业设计《天鹅湖》,对蕾丝元素在婚纱中的运用进行了一系列的阐述。并逐步讲解了毕业设计作品的灵感来源、设计构思、制作成品的流程。陈述了对整个过程中遇到的问题以及收获的总结,并对作品进行了市场预测。【This paper tells the application of lace elements in wedding dresses and describes the origin of inspiration, the idea of design and the process of manufacture. The problems encountered and the summary of achievement are also included in this paper, and a market forcast for this work is made in the end.】小优解答,希望回答对你有帮助

241 评论



317 评论


Swan lake--the use of lace in weddingdressAs the modern wedding is getting more and more popular today, wedding dress is one of the essential elements which you cannot miss out from a wedding. And white wedding dress is representing every bride's love and dream. All the brides wil love to wear it. The newly fashion of the wedding has been spread out to many different kind of styles. And lace is the newest fashion in this season. As all the big brands like PRADA, GUCCI,DIOR, CHANEL ......uses lace as their hotest hit in this season, the use of lace in wedding dress disign will be used widely and old fasion will come back in season. This essay will in use of graduate  design to explain how lace element will be useed in wedding dress design. And will interpret where is the inspiration of this graduate design come from, the construct and the making process. And also, this essay will describe the problems occur from overall making processs and what I'v learned. Furthermore, the future market of this design has been predicted, 大致就这样吧···········

139 评论


潮汕婚嫁风俗论文论点可以是毕业论文网: 分类很细 栏目很多毕业论文: 毕业设计: 开题报告: 实习论文: 写作指导:

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