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树形图详细讲解1. Indicate the category of each word in the following ) The old lady suddenly left. Det A N Qual Vb) The car stopped at the end of the road. Det N V P Det N P Det Nc) The snow might have blocked the road. Det N Aux Aux V Det Nd) He never appears quite mature. N Qual V Deg A2. The following phrases include a head, a complement, and a specifier. Draw the appropriate tree structure for ) full of people AP A P Nfull of peopleb) a story about a sentimental girlNP NP PP Det N P NP Det A Na story about a sentimental girlc) often read detective stories VP ADV V NP A Noften read detective storiesd) the argument against the proposalsNP NP PP Det N P NP Det Nthe argument against the proposalse) move towards the window VPV PP P Det Nmove towards the window语言学概论是高等院校英语专业精品系列教材之一,由杨信彰编著。该书内容理论联系实际、重点突出。在介绍语言学的基本理论和概念的同时反映了语言学研究的新发展。全书共9章,本书体系完整、使用方便,每小节后配有练习题。书后提供了每小节的“参考书目”。可供英语专业学生使用,也可供理工科和其他文科学生使用。另一本由岑运强编著的语言学概论,主要介绍语言学的基础理论,了解语言的性质、功能以及它的结构。

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