您好很高兴为您解答产品上 苹果的系统、流畅度、使用年限等 有一定优势 而华为产品种类多 涵盖高中低端各个消费层次的需求价格上 苹果价格比华为高端机略高 但差别在逐渐减少 但华为掉价比苹果快渠道的话 差不太多
苹果和华为在中国市场品牌营销策略的对比分析研究_英语论文The Analysis and Comparative Study of Brand Strategies of Apple and Huawei in Chinese Market摘要在现如今竞争激烈的手机市场中,国内手机品牌正在争取能在全球市场中留有一席之地。华为作为著名国内手机品牌近几年在手机业务上发展迅猛。华为采用多品牌策略为其扩大了目标消费人群并增加了销量。另一方面,苹果作为外国手机品牌,在全球市场中的成绩也可圈可点,通过与消费者建立情感联系来建立品牌忠诚度从而留住固定消费者。如今华为想要进军高端市场,这就意味着它要和苹果进行正面竞争。华为需要调整它的品牌策略来吸引中高端消费人群。本文主要阐释了苹果与华为现在采用的品牌策略,展现了两个品牌间的差异,以及华为能从苹果身上学到的优点。最后,论文对华为如何在竞争激烈的手机市场中提高竞争力提出一些建议。关键词:品牌策略;苹果;华为AbstractIn the fiercely competitive mobile phone market, domestic mobile phone brands are struggling to fight for a position in the global market. Huawei, as a famous domestic mobile phone brand, has developed its mobile phone business rapidly in the recent years. It employs multiple-brand strategy to enlarge the group of target audiences and to increase the sales volume. On the other hand, Apple as a foreign mobile phone brand, with a great reputation in the global market, retains its target consumer groups by building emotional relationship like fan-ship with its consumers to build brand Huawei begins to march to high-end mobile phone market, which means it needs to compete with Apple directly, Huawei has to change its brand strategy to adjust to the need of middle-class and upper-class consumer groups. This thesis mainly demonstrates the brand strategies that Apple and Huawei currently employ, the difference between the two brands, and what Huawei can learn from Apple. Finally, some suggestions are made for Huawei to increase its competitive edge in the fiercely competitive mobile phone Words: Brand Strategy; Apple; HuaweiContentsAcknowledgements iEnglish Abstract iiChinese Abstract iiiTable of Contents ivList of Tables vChapter One Introduction 1Chapter Two Literature Review 3Chapter Three Brand Effect on Chinese Consumers The Influence of Brand Awareness The Importance of A Good Brand Image Brand Loyalty 7Chapter Four The Analysis of Brand Strategies of Apple and Huawei in Chinese Market Brand Strategies of Apple in Chinese Market Brand Strategies of Huawei in Chinese Market Comparisons between Brand Strategies of Apple and Huawei in Chinese Market Product Price Place Promotion 13Chapter Five Conclusion 14References 16
:近年来,社会经济与科学技术在不断发展,而人们的生活水平也在日益提高,手机的普及率也愈来愈高,对人们的工作、生活和学习都有非常重要的帮助,中国手机产业也在高速增长。中国智能手机市场已超越美国成为最大的智能手机销售市场。 国内手机市场也处于日趋激烈的竞争环境下,国产手机厂商因为自身存在的多方面的问题,如品牌意识、市场营销能力、核心技术、质量及售后服务等,竞争的优势正不断弱化,在市场上的占有率也在逐年下降,如何能够抢先把握机会,成功摆脱困境,增强核心竞争力,制定更加符合竞争环境的营销策略,形成持久的竞争优势,在世界市场站稳脚,是国产手机企业现在最需考虑的问题。 在这种形势下,本文研究分析了华为在进入手机市场初期的营销战略和策略,还分析了中国手机行业发展的宏观环境和发展现状,进一步根据华为自身条件的分析,分析了华为在国内开拓手机业务的优势、劣势、机遇和挑战。本文提出了华为手机起初要进入大中城市的市场,应该采取集中化等策略,而要满足各阶层消费者的需求,首先必须专业化,在取得优势后,再利用适当策略占据其他消费者市场。文章在最后结合市场营销理论、战略管理理论、管理经济学等理论,进一步优化了华为的销售策略,希望能使华为公司在激烈的竞争环境下保持良好发展,也希望能在发展战略和策略方面给其他的国产手机品牌一些参考和启示。