Dear 编辑, I am *,one of the authors to the manuscript of ID: 稿件ID entitled "稿件题目''. Many thanks to all responsible and kind editors and reviewers for their fast reply and their valuable comments on scientific and linguistic aspects, which are of great help to the improvement of the article. Thank you very much! As soon as receiving your E-mail, all the authors discussed the comments carefully. We totally agree with the editors and reviewers that major revisions need to make in our manuscript. Now, we are trying our best to revise the manuscript one by one according to the comments. It is hoped that the revised manuscript will be a perfect fit for the journal. According to the comments of the reviewers, I need to supplement 一些工作. But due to the influence of COVID-19, the experiments cannot be performed smoothly. So, we do not think the revised manuscript will be finished by 截稿时间. We estimate it will take more several days to prepare the revised manuscript and the response to the comments. We would be grateful if you could postpone the dealine on "希望的截稿时间". I am looking farword to your reply. Thank you once again for your attention to our article. Best regards
论文修回期限过了的处理办法有: 有的时候作者无法在期刊给出的返稿期限内完成修改,这种情况可能有两种原因: 1、返修时间过短。 2、修改意见作者无法理解,或者审稿
问题一:研究生论文答辩申请书? __________学院学位评定分委员会: 我已经完成硕士研究生培养计划中规定的全部学习内容,获得规定的学分,完成了必修环