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OBU学位怎么申请呢?必须满足以下条件:1、在通过F7-F9三门中任何一门之前,向ACCA官方提出申请。在学校官网注册学位2、可以在My ACCA中查看此学位的状态是否为opted-in。3、满足以下英语水平认证之一即可(1)雅思总分及以上(要求reading and writing都大于,listening and speaking都大于,成绩单两年有效)(2)BEC高级证书(3)六级400分以上(4)特别需要注意的是:·TOEFL和专四、专八都不可再作为OBU认可的英语水平证明;·完成F阶段9门科目的考试,F7、8、9不能免考·通过职业道德测试,不能豁免·然后,提前2个月就可以开始准备提交论文了。·论文必须在自注册ACCA学员起10年内完成,否则申请资格会被撤销。·如果您未能申请成功,通常是因为:您在注册时勾选了“不参加OBU学位项目”(did not wish to join the Oxford Brookes University degree program)OBU学位的获得方法远程进修OBU学位的项目叫做RAP项目(Research and Analysis Project/研究分析项目),该项目由一篇7500字的论文、一篇2500字的分析报告,还有一个15分钟的PPT讲演组成。每年,OBU都有两个RAP提交期,分别是5月和11月。一旦截止,您就无法上传RAP。 论文的评估分为A、B、C(三个皆为通过成绩)和F(失败记录);

206 评论


ACCA在2000年和牛津·布鲁克斯大学(OxfordBrookes University)建立了合作关系,使学员在学习ACCA专业资格的同时,有机会获得该校应用会计的(荣誉*)理学士学位。此项全球性的创举进一步突出了ACCA作为全球会计和培训领域领导者的地位。(*注:英国大学颁发的学士学位根据学生所学课程平均成绩的高低分为几个等级。荣誉学士学位意为高级学位。)牛津·布鲁克斯大学在2000年连续第五次被泰晤士报评为新大学中的第一名。该大学的应用会计(荣誉)理学士学位由于其充分考虑会计职业、实际工作及雇主对财会方面的要求,而受到高度评价。它不仅使学员证明他们专业方面的能力,还展示了他们实际的操作技能,这对ACCA的考试起到了补充作用,大大增强了学员的就业机会。学员在通过ACCA第一、二部分九门课程的考试后,向该校提交一份研究和分析报告及主要能力陈述书供校方评估,就有机会获得上述学士学位。为了有机会取得上述学位,学员最少必须通过、和。如果学员、和这三门获得了免试,他们就不能申请该学位。在此情况下,为了获得该学位,学员可以放弃这三门的免试,参加并通过考试。毕业10年以上的学员,若要申请该学位,就必须放弃以此学历可能取得的免试。另外,学员还必须达到英语方面的最低要求(如CET六级或TOFEL500分或GMAT550分或分),或者参加并通过(人力资源管理)的考试。"

98 评论


如果完成了会计学的本科,ACCA可以免5门.我觉得读硕士跟考ACCA的冲突不是很大,毕竟都是在学会计.应该是可以同事进行的.出国语言就是雅思,硕士得需要最低吧.我觉得出国语言和钱是最重要的两样东西...要准备好钱办签证.好像得100万的保证金吧.Good Luck!

211 评论


拿到的ACCA学位等级是要看F4到F9的平均分和论文成绩综合的,简单的说就是平均68以上不论论文什么等级都能拿FIRST CLASS,以此类推Class of Degree 68 or more A, B, C (First)67 A, B (First) C (Upper Second) 66 A (First)B. C (Upper Second)60-65 A, B, C (Upper Second)59 A, B(Upper Second) C (Lower Second)58 A(Upper Second) B, C (Lower Second)54-57 A, B, C (Lower Second) 53 A, B (Lower Second)C (Third)50-52 A, B, C (Third)'Average Mark' is the average of Papers F4 to F9 excluding those papers where credit entry or internal assessment has taken place.'A', 'B', or 'C' refers to the grade given to the project.我68也就是说无论论文什么成绩都只能拿Upper SecondACCA学位论文20个题目里选择一个,自己写别的题目要进行申请。An organisation’s budgetary control system and its links with performance management and decision making How the introduction of a new technology can assist an organisation in achieving its business objectives The impact of an aspect of impending legislation on the operations and financial position of an organisation The impact of e-business on an organisation The effects of globalisation on an organisation The key factors or indicators in the motivation of employees in an organisation The restructuring of an organisation’s operational activities and the effect on the organisation’s financial performance The business and financial performance of an organisation over a three year period The planning and implementation of an information system in an organisation The effectiveness of the use of costing techniques within an organisation The financial and operational costs and benefits of the internal audit / internal review activities within an organisation The possible effects of a proposed accounting standard on the financial statements and business activities of an organisation The relationship between an organisation’s human resources activities and its business objectives The business and financial objectives of a strategic investment decision made by an organisation and its impact on key stakeholders The management of an organisation’s working capital over a three year period and its impact on the organisation’s funding strategies The financial and operational risk management within an organisation The quality of the corporate governance within an organisation and the impact on an organisation’s key stakeholders The marketing strategy of an organisation and its effectiveness The financial and operational consequences of a merger between two organisations or of the acquisition of one organisation by another An organisation's corporate social responsibility policies, including business ethics, and their impact on business practice and key 学位论文过程中要和TUTOR(自己找,不一定要导师)做3次讨论,论文结束后还要做一次PRESENTATION,提纲也要交。

309 评论


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