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Abstract:The work of ship gas turbine marine environment is the atmosphere, the atmosphere and the ocean and contains a lot of salt in aerosol form into the gas turbines require a great intake filter must have a good efficiency of desalination. This article is for marine engines is getting higher and higher requirements of desalination, in the form of traditional intake filter (Tornado - former habitual level - screen - after the inertia level), based on a new attempt intake filter combinations (former habitual level - Tornado class - after the level of inertia). The idea of this program from the air after a whirlwind after the sub-micro-air pool with the role of aerosol particles, and the level of inertia with the exception of large droplets and the characteristics of small resistance. First of all, by the inertia class will get rid of most of the droplets, and then by the Tornado class will gather in small droplets, and finally by the inertial-grade filter out the remaining droplets. The use of numerical simulation and experimental study of the method of combining the form of the new intake of the resistance characteristics of filter performance and efficiency for high-performance marine gas turbine inlet air filter for a try to the study. To numerical simulation methods based on study of the flow characteristics of the various components, and components have been optimized, while the use of special wind tunnel experiments comparing the two filter model portfolio performance, verify the feasibility of the concept and numerical the accuracy of simulation. Keywords: marine filter inlet; numerical simulation; Experimental Study 楼上连关键词都没翻

209 评论


The work of ship gas turbine marine environment is the atmosphere, the atmosphere and the ocean and contains a lot of salt in aerosol form into the gas turbines require a great intake filter must have a good efficiency of desalination. This article is for marine engines is getting higher and higher requirements of desalination, in the form of traditional intake filter (Tornado - former habitual level - screen - after the inertia level), based on a new attempt intake filter combinations (former habitual level - Tornado class - after the level of inertia). The idea of this program from the air after a whirlwind after the sub-micro-air pool with the role of aerosol particles, and the level of inertia with the exception of large droplets and the characteristics of small resistance. First of all, by the inertia class will get rid of most of the droplets, and then by the Tornado class will gather in small droplets, and finally by the inertial-grade filter out the remaining droplets. The use of numerical simulation and experimental study of the method of combining the form of the new intake of the resistance characteristics of filter performance and efficiency for high-performance marine gas turbine inlet air filter for a try to the study. To numerical simulation methods based on study of the flow characteristics of the various components, and components have been optimized, while the use of special wind tunnel experiments comparing the two filter model portfolio performance, verify the feasibility of the concept and numerical the accuracy of simulation. Keywords: marine filter inlet; numerical simulation; Experimental Study

157 评论


The ship gas turbine work environment and atmosphere, ocean ocean is atmosphere contains a lot of salt and aerosol form existence, the amount of gas turbine inlet filter must have good requirements of salt efficiency. This article is aimed at increasingly high load Marine salt in the traditional form, the air filter (whirlwind -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- before screen after grade inertia) basis, the inertia to form a new intake filter (former inertial level -- -- after a whirlwind level). Inertial This scheme conception from the air in the air after the son through the whirlwind tiny aerosol particles, and inertia is condensed liquid level in large and small resistance characteristic. First class by inertia, most of the large drops by cyclone level will droplets, finally will surplus liquid level by inertia numerical simulation and experimental research method combining research combined form the new intake filter resistance properties and efficiency, high performance for the gas turbine inlet filter Marine research a try. With the method of numerical simulation of each component, based on the flow characteristics, and optimize the existing components, while using special experimental comparison of two kind of combination wind model performance, filter, the feasibility and the idea of the accuracy of the numerical simulation.

97 评论


节流孔特性论文:静压干气密封节流孔特性及端面热变形分析【中文摘要】文章依据国内外相关文献资料,对静压干气密封的发展状况、工作原理和典型结构进行了介绍;分析了节流孔特性对静压干气密封性能的影响,并对静压干气密封端面流场进行了数值计算。根据静压气体润滑止推轴承理论,建立了小孔节流式的稳态静压型气体润滑雷诺方程式和节流孔气体流量控制方程。为提高静压干气密封性能,将节流孔流量项引入到气体润滑雷诺方程式,建立了改进的N-S方程。并推导了端面开启力和气膜刚度等主要参数的计算公式。利用泛函求极值算法和有限元法,用MATLAB编制相应的计算程序,在节流孔直径和端面间隙变化的条件下进行数值计算。重点分析了气膜厚度、气源压力、节流孔个数和直径对端面开启力和气膜刚度的影响,以及端面压力分布情况。计算结果表明:密封气在流经节流孔后形成显著的压力降,气膜刚度随节流孔径增大而减小,随气源压力增大而增大;端面压力在节流孔处最高,向四周逐渐下降;开启力总体随端面间隙增大而减小,随气源压力增大而增大,端面间隙在3μm~13μm 左右时,开启力随间隙增大而迅速减小,端面气膜具有较大的刚度。根据国内外关于密封环温度场、密封环变形、和密封环优化等方面的研究状况与方法的相关资料,将热—结构耦合...

326 评论


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