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汽车连杆加工工艺及夹具设计 种子丸化机的设计与研究残膜回收装置的设计 甜菜收获机的设计 倒立摆建模及仿真分析 垃圾车翻倒机构的设计及其仿真葡萄埋藤机的设计 国际通行棉包堆垛机的设计番茄种子除芒机的设计 棉花机械特性试验装置设计前支棉杆装配在线检测及其工艺装备的设计 玉米秸秆青贮型收获机的设计自走式番茄收获机割台机构的设计 简式龙门钻铣床的结构设计采棉机采摘装置关键零件 ——摘锭的分析 仿生海豚的推进机构与运动研究 城市道路破冰清雪机的设计 夹持式棉花精量点播器多功能保健床的设计 仿生两栖机器蛇的结构设计及优化微型棉花衣分试轧机的设计 哈密瓜糖度无损检测方法研究4ZT-8型摘棉桃机——摘桃装置及输送系统三维造型设计 辣椒干燥试验装置设计自动转向玩具小车的机构与运动研究 多模态仿生两栖机器鱼的推进机构与运动研究籽棉抓斗机构设计 洋葱收获机的设计单轮吊椅的改进设计 多模态仿生两栖机器鱼的推进机构与运动研究拖把甩干装置的机构设计 玉米秸秆还田机库尔勒香梨自动分级机 控制系统设计 线椒取种机的设计胶棒式软摘锭采棉机采摘头试验台设计 球形果采摘机器人设计及其三维仿真基于PMAC控制卡的开放式数控系统 仿生两栖机器蛇的结构设计与优化食品盒模具的三维设计及仿真加工 高压磨料水射流切割装置机械部分设计苗床育苗播种机的研究与设计 马铃薯种植机具的设计孔式穴播器核心部件取种器的模具设计 小型扫地车设计除雪机的系统设计 连杆加工工艺及夹具设计“珍爱生命”防震担架的研究与设计 挖坑机的设计葡萄籽皮分离机 倒立摆机械系统设计多控制面仿生机器鱼机构设计及优化 箱体工艺规程及卡具设计库尔勒香梨自动视觉检测分级装置设计 番茄翻秧机设计型孔式膜上精量排种器设计 切割试验台的结构设计大容量籽棉自卸拖车造型设计 倾斜圆盘玉米排种器的设计全位置焊接辅助器的设计 马铃薯种植机的设计数控线切割机床电参数采集系统设计 健身洗衣机机构设计四行集排型孔式精量排种器的设计玉米收获机割台的机构设计基于Pro/E的液力传动变速箱设计与仿真分析

156 评论


Plate Plate Mill is the main rolling equipment, shoulders rolling steel pressure vessels, Offshore Steel, ships and other high-quality steel-plate production tasks. In order to improve the production process of rolling automation level and production efficiency, need for the rolling process of plate deformation accurate prediction and control. Spread change prediction model is rolling width control technology set the width of the core functions of calculation, its accuracy will have a direct impact on the width of the finished product control effect. Only by correctly calculated and the estimated spread of size, can be rolled out in line with the requirements of the products. According to the same size and principles, spread by the size of the volume can be calculated directly for the blank size, So research process of rolling wide changes in the size of the development is of great significance. Is necessary considering the plate mill modern production methods of operation and modern art, Forecast to achieve automatic control system SL process of deformation spread. Spread a theoretical analysis and development of wide deformation refers to the rolling workpiece width along the direction of deformation. Rolling in different conditions, the blank in the process of rolling spread along the height of the cross-sectional analysis shown in Figure 1. Spread △ Says generally following components : sliding spread △ Yue. The figure △-wide outreach and drum-wide outreach △ B3 [11 o spread is a complex deformation of the deformation process. in the process of rolling wide impact on the development of many factors. Spread with a series of rolling factors have complicated relations : △ B = f (H, h, l, B, D, ψa, Δh. ε, f, t, m, Pδ, V, ε) (I) where : a ψ, H, h for the SL system before and after the deformation zone thickness; I, B, D deformation zone for the length, width and roll diameter; deformation of the cross-sectional shape; Δ h, ε, to pass, Reduction; . F, t, m coefficient of friction, rolling temperature, the chemical composition of metal; P δ for the metal mechanical properties; V, ε roller linear velocity and deformation rate. From the above analysis shows that the sheet rolling process, not only with the width of the thickness reduction has increased, sheet width but also by the process of rolling many factors, these factors between the relations are very complicated, difficult to traditional mathematical models to achieve changes in the spread forecast precision. If considering various parameters on the workpiece width of change, using a mathematical model expression is extremely complicated, can not be directly applied to engineering practice. For 42 oo ~ L machine width, the mathematical model for the information have also introduced, Researchers at home and abroad to establish the spread mathematical model has a very wide range, but mainly on the basis of the measured data of the scene, Spread consider the influence of changes in several key factors, ignore other factors, the use of regression analysis of the mathematical model, This is bound to cause certain error; and the spread of existing model are limited in their scope of application. Neural network is highly nonlinear processing capability, operation and high accuracy on-line real-time response characteristics, In describing the spread on the deformation has obvious advantages. Therefore, the deformation of the spread of automatic detection and forecast process, the use of artificial neural network, introduction GRNN (GRNN) model algorithm to achieve the width deformation forecast, Rolling to the actual production process spread deformation control provide precise control basis.

280 评论



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