翻译是将一种语言所表达的意思用另一种语言准确而完整地表达出来。下文是我为大家整理的关于的范文,欢迎大家阅读参考! 篇1 漫谈英文定语从句的翻译 摘 要:英文中有大量的定语从句,在翻译时不仅要正确理解定语从句和句子其它成分之间的语法关系和内在逻辑关系,进行必要的句子结构分析和语义分析,还要根据表达的需要对句式做适当变动和调整,使译文顺畅,符合汉语表达习惯。 关键词:定语从句 前置 后置 状语 在英文中,用来修饰、限制、说明句中某一名词、代词、名词或代词短语乃至整个句子的从句叫定语从句。在语序上,定语从句置于先行词之后,是句子中起形容词作用的主谓结构。定语从句是英语语言表达中重要的基本句型之一,在英语中大量出现,它的句子有长有短,结构有繁有简,对先行词的限制作用有强有弱,还有的定语从句在逻辑上具有表示原因、结果、让步、目的、条件、假设等意义。 由于英汉两种语言分属于不同的语系,它们的行文结构存在很大的差异。定语从句虽然在英文中很常见,但却是中文中所没有的结构之一。所以,在将英文中含有定语从句的复合句翻译成汉语时,需要作适当的调整,具有较大的灵活性。在具体翻译时,必须正确体会原文的逻辑概念,合理安排译文的语序,根据其结构和含义采用不同的译法。 一、前置译法 前置译法主要用于限制性定语从句,尤其是一些较短的限制性定语从句。此时,定语从句与它所修饰的先行词关系非常密切,如果分开译会影响主句意思的完整。翻译时可按照汉语定语前置的习惯,将其译成带“的”的定语片语,放在先行词的前面,使译文简洁明了,符合汉语的行文习惯。例如: 1The boy who just went out is my nephew. 刚出去的那个男孩是我的侄儿。 2The old lady died on the day when her son arrived. 那个老太太在她儿子到达的那天去世了。 3Objects that do not transfer light cause shadows. 不透光的物体会造成阴影。 4Shanghai is the place where he was born. 上海是他出生的地方。 5I know the reason why he came late. 我知道他来迟的原因。 6I want to buy a watch which is waterproof. 我想买一块防水的表。 7This is the reservoir that we bulit after the flood last year. 这就是去年洪水过后我们修建的水库。 8Our two countries are neighbors whose friendship is of long standing. 我们两国是有着悠久友好历史的邻邦。 除此之外,一些非限制性定语从句,或因结构短小,或因与先行词关系较密切,或因拆译后会造成译文结构松散,在翻译时也可以译成前置定语结构。例如: 1My brother-in-law’s laugh,which was very infectious,broke the silence. 我姐夫富有感染力的笑声打破了沉默。 2The American busines *** an,who had long been interested in Chinese products,was invited to visit a development zone in East China. 早就对中国产品感兴趣的那个美国商人应邀参观了华东地区的一个开发区。 3He likes his sister,who is warm and pleasant,but he doesn’t like his brother,who is aloof and arrogant. 他喜欢热情愉快的妹妹,而不喜欢冷漠高傲的哥哥。 4Last night I saw a very good film,which was about the French revolution. 昨晚我一部关于法国革命的精彩电影。 5A man,who bites others,gets bitten himself. 害人者, 反害已。 二、后置译法 后置译法在翻译非限制性定语从句时使用比较普遍。英语中的非限制性定语与先行词的关系较为松散,在文字上一般有逗号与先行词隔开。非限制性定语从句对先行词不起限制作用,有些只是用来对其先行词加以描述、解释或补充说明,在语意上与主句接近于并列结构。翻译时可将其与主句分开,译成一个独立的汉语句子,放在先行词的后面。将非限制性定语从句单独译成一句可以使译文层次分明,并符合汉语简洁、明了的表达习惯。例如: 1She has two brothers,who are both doctors. 她有两个兄弟,他们都是医生。 2We will put off the party until next week,when we won’t be so busy. 我们将把聚会推迟到下星期,那时我们不会这样忙。 3They turned a deaf ear to our demands,which enraged all of us. 他们对我们的要求置之不理,这使我们大家都很气愤。 4I told the interesting story to Jessica,who told it to her hu *** and. 我把这个有趣的的故事告诉了杰西嘉,杰西嘉又告诉了她的丈夫。 5Nevertheless the problem was solved successfully,which showed that the putations were accurate. 不过问题还是圆满地解决了,这说明计算很准确。 6Mechanical energy is changed into electric energy,which in turn is changed into mechanical energy. 机械能转变为电能,电能又转变为机械能。 7He had talked to Vice-President Nixon,who assured him that everything that could be done would be done. 他和副总统尼克松谈过话。副总统向他担保,凡是能够做到的都会去做。 另外,有些较长的限制性的定语从句结构相对复杂,若译成前置定语结构往往显得冗长,而且也不符合汉语的表达习惯。在这种情况下,也可译成后置的并列分句。例如: 1A fuel is a material which will burn at a reasonable temperature and produce heat. 燃料是一种物质,在适当温度下能够燃烧并放出热量。 2Statuses are marvelous human inventions that enable us to get along with one another and to determine where we fit in society. 身份是人类的奇妙发明,它可以使人们相互之间相处融洽,并使人们得以确定在社会中所处的恰当地位。 3Philosophy is speculative in that it attempts to construct patterns from life experiences that give meaning to reality in the universe. 哲学的推断性在于试图从生活经历中构筑模式,这些模式给天下存在的万物赋以意义。 4The airline has a booklet that will tell you most of the important things about the trip to Eorope. 这家航空公司备有一本小册子,小册子会告诉你有关欧洲之行的大部分重要事情。 5Late last century all the universities in the United States adopted the credit system which benefited students a great deal. 上世纪末,美国所有大学都实行了学分制。学生们从中受益匪浅。 三、合成译法 英语中有些限制性定语从句与主句关系十分紧密,并且在意义上突出了全句的重点;而主句仅起结构上的作用,其本身的意义并不突出。这时,可将原句中的主句和定语从句融合在―起译成一个独立的汉语句子。英语中带定语从句的There be…结构和它的变体结构或先行词在逻辑上与定语从句中的动词构成主谓或动宾关系时,汉译时常用这种方法来处理。例如: 1There are some metals that are lighter than water. 有些金属比水轻。 2There are many people who want to see the film. 许多人要看这部电影。 3There is a man downstairs who wants to see you. 楼下有人要见你。 4What's the time you usually go to bed? 你通常什么时候睡觉? 5Her hair is the same color as her mother's. 她的头发和她母亲的头发一样颜色。 6ABC is a triangle whose sides are of unequal length. ABC是不等边三角形。 7This is the paper mill that they set up in 1980. 这个造纸厂是他们在1980年建造的。 8I saw a cow that was grazing under a tree. 我看见一头牛在树下吃草。 四、转换译法 英语中有些定语从句,其表层结构虽为定语,实际上却起状语的作用,兼有状语从句的职能,在逻辑上与主句有状语关系,具有说明原因、结果、目的、让步、假设等含义。翻译时不能只注意定语从句及其所修饰的先行词,而应善于从原文的字里行间发现整个从句和主句的内在联络及它们之间逻辑上的关系,增译“由于”, “结果”,“尽管”,“不论”,“当”等词,将其译成相应意义的汉语偏正复句。例如: 1The newswoman wishes to write an article that will attract public attention to that assassination. 这位女记者想写一篇文章,以便能够引起公众对那起暗杀事件的注意。译成目的状语从句 2Electronic puters, which seems to play the role of a human brain, is often called an electronic brain. 由于电子计算机起著类似人脑的作用,所以常常被称做电脑。译成原因状语从句 3An automatic production line is excellent for the automotive industry where thousands of identical parts are produced. 自动生产线最适合用于汽车工业,因为那里要生产成千上百个同样的零件。译成原因状语从句 4Those who are in favor please hold up their hands. 如果赞成,就请举手。译成条件状语从句 5He insisted on buying another coat,which he had no use for. 他坚持要再买一件上衣,虽然他用不着。译成让步状语从句 6My assistant,who had carefully read through the instructions before doing his experiment,could not obtain satisfactory results. 虽然我的助手在做试验之前已经仔细阅读过说明书,但他还是未能得到满意的结果。译成让步状语从句 7Electronic puters,which have many advantages,cannot carry out creative work and replace man. 虽然电子计算机有很多优点,但它不能进行创造性的工作,也代替不了人。译成让步状语从句 8Friction,which is often considered as a trouble,is sometimes a help in the operation of machines. 摩擦虽然常被看作是一种麻烦,但有些时候却有助于机器的运转。译成让步状语从句 9Rubber is a light,elastic,durable and water-resistant material,which makes rubber industry very important. 橡胶是一种质轻、富有弹性、经久耐用和防水的材料,因此橡胶工业十分重要。译成结果状语从句 10He took Chinese medicine,which relieved her symptoms. 他服了中药,结果缓解了症状。译成结果状语从句 综上所述,中、英文关于定语修饰语的差别使得我们在翻译时必须善于变通,充分考虑汉语的表达习惯。英文中的大多数定语从句在翻译成汉语时并不译成中文中的定语,而是灵活变通,转换成其他型别的从句或译成各种型别的状语, 并体现他们之间因果、让步、并列等的关系,还有的甚至译成汉语的独立句。这就要求我们在实际的翻译中,不仅要正确理解定语从句和句子其它成分之间的语法关系和内在逻辑关系、进行必要的句子结构分析和语义分析,还要根据表达的需要对句式做适当变动和调整,使译文顺畅,符合汉语表达习惯。 参考文献: [1]浩瀚,马光.轻松掌握英语翻译[M]395-398.北京:中国书籍出版社,2001. [2]张先刚.英文被动语态的汉译技巧[J].安阳师范学院学报,2006,3. [3]任爱民.定语从句的状语功能例说[J].青海教育,2005,12. 篇2 浅谈中国菜肴的英文翻译 【摘 要】 饮食文化是中国悠久历史文化的重要组成部分,内涵丰富、博大精深.随着对外贸易的进一步扩大和全球化程度的不断加深,中国与国际交往日益频繁.外国朋友在品尝中国美食的同时,也想了解每道菜名的含义、使用原料、烹饪方法等.因此,中餐菜肴的准确英译在传播中华饮食文化上起着重要的作用.本文以宣传中国饮食文化为出发点,分析了中餐菜名和主食在英译中的基本原则,并结合具体示例提出了六种中餐菜名英译的方法和建议。 【关键词】 中国菜名;翻译原则;方法 俗话说,“民以食为天”,中国的烹饪艺术博大精深、源远流长,享有“烹饪王国”之美誉。近年来,随着全球化程度的不断深入,来华投资经商、旅游观光的外国客人越来越多。他们在工作之余或饱览中国的美丽风光之后也极想品尝一下中国的菜肴。因此,中餐菜名和主食的英译问题就突出地摆在了我们面前。因为这既是增进友谊与了解的需要,也是传播博大精深的中国传统文化的重要工作。 一、中国菜肴英译的基本原则 一求实避虚原则 根据Newmark对实用文字的划分,中餐菜名翻译文字应属资讯型文字,翻译的目的是让外国朋友了解菜肴的内容,以及菜名所包含的文化内涵。因此译者在翻译中餐菜名时所要遵循的首要原则应是求实避虚原则,如实翻译出菜肴的主料、配料、调料、烹调方法等真实内涵,而不是完全按照菜名的字面意思翻译。例如:有一道菜叫“金玉满堂”,其实就是虾仁鸡蛋汤,如果照菜名字面意思翻译成“Hall full of Gold and Jades”,外国客人准得大吃一惊,“How can Chinese people eat gold and jades?”;但如果译成 “shrimp and egg soup”,大家就很容易理解了。又如“百鸟归巢”应根据菜名组合实译为“chicken and pork with egg and bamboo shoots”。由此可见,对于这类改变了以原配料、加工形状和烹饪手段等常规命名方式的雅致菜名,必须化“虚”为“实”,翻译出该菜的原配料成分和烹调方法等辅助因素。 二避免文化冲突原则 在中式菜谱里,以龙、凤、鸳鸯、如意、芙蓉、翡翠、元宝、荷包等中华民族象征吉祥意义的动植物和象征著荣华富贵的物品来命名的菜名比比皆是。有些甚至借用了一些实际无法食用的物品或西方人所忌讳食用的动物名。如“龙凤配”这道名菜有些中餐馆直译成“Dragon & Phoenix”显然不妥。因为在西方文化中Dragon含有邪恶之意,而Phoenix是只在中国神话中才出现的飞禽,西方人对它没有感性认识。因此该菜名的翻译是不合适的。实际上这道菜的主料是Lobster龙虾和Chicken老母鸡,因此,我们可以译成Lobster and Chicken。又如脆皮乳鸽,象征著和平的鸽子烹而食之,西方人是无法接受的,还有诸如动物内脏、青蛙等。因此,又有如鱼香牛肝、火爆腰花、麻辣肥肠等菜名。译者应该具有跨文化意识,特别要注意那些根据联想意义而命名的菜肴,以免引起文化冲突和不必要的麻烦。 三舍繁取简原则 与西餐菜名相比,中国菜名显得过于冗长繁杂,如果将主料、配料、调料、烹调方法、刀工或蕴含的文化等全部逐字翻译,很难被外国人接受,应力求简明扼要。如corned beef罐头碎牛肉,corned的英文释义为pre-served in salt or brine用盐或盐卤腌制的,在这里涵盖了大量的资讯。有的菜名并不强调烹调方式、或者根据主配料的搭配可知其烹制程式,翻译时可将其省去。同样的道理,有些英译菜名可省去调料,甚至可省去配料。如蒜茸猪红拌时蔬,菜名太繁琐,把蒜茸省去,用spiced表示其部分语义,译为spiced pig’s blood with vegetables即可。省略调料或配料。如蜜汁烤叉烧:barbecued pork 略去调料蜜汁凉拌海蜇:special seaweed略去凉拌的调料,而用“special”来表示。 二、中餐菜名英译的方法 上面提到了中餐菜名英译的三个基本原则。下面通过一些范例对中餐菜名的英译进行一些具体探讨。 一直译法烹调法+原料 烹调法是指中国菜的做法,即煎、炸、煸、炒、蒸、煮等等。英译时把对应的制作法译出来,再以该菜的主要砂料为中心词就可以了。例如: 炒肉丝 Sauteed Stir-fried Pork Slices 炖牛肉Stewed Beef 清蒸桂鱼Steamed Mandarin Fish 煎鸡蛋Fried Eggs 红烧鱼 Braised Fish with Brown Sauce 灼海螺片 Scalded Sliced Conch 回锅肉 Twice-cooked Pork/Double Cooked Pork 软炸里脊soft-fried pork fillet 二直译+释意法 该方法就是在英译时直接按中文菜名译出其意,然后再补充说明其内在的含义。示例如下: 全家福Happy Family-A bination of shrimps, pork, beef, chicken, lobster and mixed vegetables with brown sauce 龙凤配Dragon & Phoenix Two separate dishes characterize this distinctive plate. On one side, lobster meat in Sichuan chili sauce, which is and inviting. On the other is house special chicken, which never fails in delighting. 左宗鸡General Tso’s Chicken A mouth watering dish made with large chunks of marinated chicken, sautéed with scorched red chili peppers in special, tangy sauce. 三意译法 1.原料+with+作料 用原料为中心词,有时捎带把烹调法也译出,再加上用介词with或in与作料构成的短词即可。示例如下: 鱼香肉丝 Shredded Pork with Garlic Sauce 豆豉桂鱼 Mandarin Fish in Black Bean Sauce 黄焖大虾 Braised Prawns in Rice Wine 海米白菜Chinese Cabbage with Dried Shrimps 2.作料+原料 此方法是把作料用作修饰语,放在中心词原料的前面,用英文译出。示例如下: 咖哩鸡 Curry Chicken 麻辣豆腐 Spicy Bean Curd 怪味鸡 Multi-flavored Chicken 古老肉 Sweet & Sour Pork 3.以“实”对“虚”法 从严格的意义上说,该法也是意译法的一种。其方法是舍去中餐菜名里的喻义、夸张等说法而采用直接、明白的英语把它翻译出来。示例如下: 白玉虾球 Crystal White Shrimp Balls 红烧狮子头 Braised Meat Balls with Brawn Sauce 发财好市 Black Moss Cooked with Oysters 龙虎凤大烩 Thick Soup of Snake, Cat and Chicken 4.“移花接木”法 这种方法是用西方人熟悉并了解的欧洲菜名或主食名来译部分中国菜名与少数主食,因为它们之间有许多相似之处,故借彼之法为我所用。译文地道、通俗易懂,能收到事半功倍的效果。示例如下: 烤排骨 Barbecued Spare Ribs 盖浇面 Chinese-style Spaghetti 饺子 Chinese-style Ravioli 锅贴Pot Stickers 鸡肉串 Teriyaki Chicken Stick 这里的teriyaki一词是从日语来的借用词即“烤”的意思,该字用于此类英译在美国的中餐馆里十分流行。另外,spaghetti和ravioli两字均源自义大利语,其含义与吃法恰巧分别与我们的“盖浇面”和“饺子”非常相似,外国人都异常熟悉。PotStickers乃是一种通俗、诙谐的译法,较之呆板的译文pan-frieddumplings更显出其幽默而传神。另外,dumpling一字似有滥用之嫌,例如,在译“烧卖”、“馄饨”、“元宵”、“锅贴”、甚至“粽子”时,都用该字,往往容易引起误解。 5.音译+释义法 该方法是指先按中文用汉语拼音译出,然后再加以解释性的英译,使英译文保留点“中国味儿”。示例如下: 包子 Baozi Stuffed Bun 饺子 Jiaozi Chinese-style Ravioli 馒头Mantou Steamed Bread 锅贴 Guotie Pot Stickers 木须肉 Moo Shu Pork A bination of shredded pork and assorted vegetables as fillings rolled in *** all thin pan-cakes 6.“随机应变”法原料+地名+style 应用此方法可以灵活地处理一些难以对付的坟风味特色菜名。英译出原料名后,再稍加“点拨”就可以大功告成。示例如下: 广东龙虾 Lobster Cantonese Style 家常豆腐 Bean Curd Home Style 麻婆豆腐 Bean Curd Sichuan Style 中式泡菜 Chinese-style Pickles 湖南肉 Pork Hunan Style 另外,关于中餐主食的一些英译较之于中餐菜名来说就容易多了,这里简单举几个示例: 汤面 Noodles in Soup 炒面 Stir-fried Noodles 炒饭 Fried Rice 蛋炒饭 Egg Fried Rice 叉烧炒饭 Roast Pork Rice 由此可见,中餐菜名的英译方法是灵活多变的。至于我们在翻译中最终采用哪种方法,则可根据各人的习惯和具体情况确定。同时,有些译法也不是正式或固定译法,因为在口译或笔译时往往因人而异、因语境而异,常常会有不同的英译。 随着全球化程序的加快和我国对外交往活动的日益增多,餐饮业也逐渐走向世界。中国饮食文化历史悠久,博大精深,中国菜系多样,烹饪方法众多,各种菜式均有自己的品评标准和鲜明的民族特色。中餐菜名与主食的英译是中国饮食文化对外宣传工作中的重要一环。上面介绍到的几种翻译方法并非孤立,而是相互联络,可以并用。但不管采用哪种翻译方法,都要求译者首先必须熟悉中西饮食文化的差异,了解中餐菜名的构成及其内涵,这样才能对中餐菜名有更加准确的翻译,才能对中国文化的传播和促进世界烹饪文化的交流做出应有的贡献。 参考文献 [1]钟述孔.实用口译手册[M].北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,1999. 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浅论“点”在商业首饰设计中的应用更新时间 2009-2-23 21:30:32 打印此文 点击数 96 摘要:在当今商业首饰设计艺术中,用于珠宝设计的构成手段可谓风格各异、流派繁多。但最富于时代精神的表现形式莫过于“点”的构成运用。点的形状、方向、大小、位置、聚集,发散,组合能够给人带来不同的心理感受和艺术魅力。本文分析近几年来商业珠宝首饰设计艺术中“点”的表现形式大体总结归纳出三种类型:强调整齐划一,以形成秩序美。运用自然散点的构图,获得多变的视觉效应。采用类似群化的组合,显露时代风格。关键词:首饰设计形式风格艺术魅力“点”在几何学中的意义只是表明位置而不具备面积和方向,但在设计构成中,代写论文 “点”作为造型要素之一,却具有无法取代的重要作用。在人类远古时期,“点”在手工制品表面装饰纹样中就已经被得到了大量的运用,时至今日,设计师依然情衷于“点”的易变随性和多样组合,再现着“点”那令人惊叹的艺术魅力。一、强调整齐划一。以形成秩序美所谓秩序感,就是一种赋予了作品统一性,而体现出作品的美感与冲击力,从而给人带来的一种稳重感、流畅感和归整感。秩序美是种模式情怀。它蕴含在大小相同、间隔相等、横平竖直的严格模式中。整齐划一虽极易陷入单板,然而背水一战,在极致中追求突破,同样会产生极具个性的优秀作品。秩序美更是种韵律心思。它蕴含在罗列整齐、组合清晰的流畅旋律里。单纯却又意义丰富,代写毕业论文 简明却又规律连续,在统一性和重复性中体现作品的视觉冲击。珠宝首饰没计中的重要原则:条理与反复,同样也是形式美的一种法则。他们是构成秩序美的重要因素。所谓的条理就是有组织、有规律地在设计中对画面进行?概括整理;反复是指把相同、相似的形象有规律的重复排列。调整连续而反复排列的单元个体也会产生如音乐节奏一样的律动感,也能使单调的形式和色彩产生变化而变得缤纷。例如我们所接触的二方连续、四方连续。运用此项秩序美的典型作品是这款源于Tifany经典设计。整体造型装饰简洁、醒目,将横点的等间距排列法应用到了手链造型设计装饰中,把一种完整的秩序美感呈现在了人们的面前。这种“点“的等间距排列法在此款手链设计装饰中将Tifany的创作精髓和理念表现得十分贴切。简约鲜明的线条诉说着冷静超然的明晰与令人心动神移的优稚。和谐、比例与条理在每一件Tifany设计作品巾都得到了自然的融合呈现。图(1)的作品中前后环衬的设计展现了这一设计理念的主题,不是一次性简单的重复,而是采用了两种大小不同的点相互组合,从侧面观看,较大的“点”在一群较小的点的上方,使整个画面呈现出从大到小的流动感,这样一大一小的反复变化将相同的形和色作规律的重复排列,产生了单纯、统一的感觉,给佩带者带来鲜明而深刻的印象。二、运用自然散点的构图,获得多变的视觉效应如果说整齐划一如同节奏感很强的打击乐,那么散点构成就是旋律优美的丝竹乐。散点构成简而有序、散而不乱、活泼多变。设计者看似随性而为,实者已在不露声色中营造出了视觉美感。运用形式美的法则中另外的两个重要因素是节奏与韵律。节奏原本是指音乐中节拍的长短,用在珠宝设计中,主要体现在图画中点、线、面、形、色的大小、轻重、虚实、快慢的变化;而韵律原本是指诗词中的抑扬顿搓所产生的感觉,在珠宝设计运用中,体现在各元素之间的风格、样式在统一前提下的变化。在图(2)这款耳坠的造型设计中,运用的是一种近乎自然的设计风格。“点”状的花芯图案大小相同、层次分明,代写留学生论文 呈参差状悬吊在空中。耳坠的仿花造型十分逼真,花朵用白银制作,花芯用圆形珊瑚制作。花芯以点的形式呈流动状分布,彼此参差有序,十分自然,毫无做作,把一种自然的情态表现得淋漓尽致,带来一种美妙的艺术享受。图(3)的作品是香港珠宝设计比赛得奖作品中的一款,设计主题灵感来源于烟花。如同烟花的绚烂缤纷一样,散点构成的规律也是丰富多样的。此款设计的风格明显浪漫多于严谨,那么散点构成的手法是最合适不过的。我们通过作品来分析一下散点构成的变化:这款手镯用钻石材质的点做不规则的组织排列,形式自由,星罗棋布般地点缀着,或大或小,或穿透或凸显。光折射出钻石的缤纷火彩,晶莹而又绚烂,使人们联想到头顶灿烂的星空中,烟花以不同的形式在不断的燃烧赞放,具有很强的感染力。相比之下,图(4)作品的设计所采用的散点构成就显得含蓄而理性化了。设计者似乎是漫不经心地将珍珠散乱地排列在桌面上,但从排列的疏密聚散,色彩的协调搭配,均可以感到是经过设计者精密地计算的。作品以球形的点构成为主,大大小小的单元个体有序地排列,其间跳动的色彩或深或浅,与单元个体相呼应,比例有松有紧,从点到线,合理地表达了珍珠优雅含蓄的气质,在和谐中透出华美。三、采用类似群化的组合,显露时代风格“点”的外形并不局限于圆形一种,也可以是正方形、三角型、矩形及不规则形等等。但其面积的大小,要限制在“点”的视觉效应的范围之内。在等间隔构成的网络上,把某一个或某一组单元的圆点,变换为上述其它各种形状中的某种或某几种,这种手法被称为类似群化组合。类似群化组合的特点在于统一之中蕴育着变化。每一季配饰都有新的设计元素,从花朵、蝴蝶到几何图案无奇不有,而本季尤以环形配饰以及多种形状的类似群化组合构成为最新焦点,如图(5—7)所示。代写硕士论文与以往不同,本季环形不再简单地强调大,而是善于将不同材质、不同光泽的元素进行组合,使之具有现代感的造型。装饰图案是以圆点、方点、菱形点、十字花纹点等多种形状的类似群化组合为主,均匀分布在主线链条上。所用的材质有树胶、珍珠、金属、玻璃等等,此类具不同光泽的“点f”密集而有节奏地在链条上有序排列,不断延伸,形成一定的量感,与金属链条构架一起,给人以丰富而现代的感觉。不同的材质将活泼与时尚结合起来,将复杂、简约、古典、现代等多种元素融为一体。综上所述,我们不难发现珠宝设计师们正在无穷尽地挖掘着“点”的艺术表现力和感染力。也正因为如此,“点”也更具有无穷尽的艺术表现力和感染力。但愿我国的珠宝设计工作者们重视“点”这个最基本的造型要素,借以激发灵感,记录下自己艺术思维活动中那闪光的理念瞬间。参考文献:[1]英(克)莱夫·贝尔著同金环,马钟元译艺术[M]中国文艺联合出版公司,1984.[2]凌继尧,徐恒醇.艺术设计学[M].上海人民出社,2001.论文网 on the "point" in the commercial jewelry design updated 2009-2-23 21:30:32 Hits 96 Print this article Abstract: In today's art jewelry design business for jewelry design style can be described as the composition of the various means different from many schools. However, the most wealth to the manifestations of the spirit of the times is the "point" of the composition of the application. Point the shape, direction, size, location, gathering, divergent, different combinations can bring feelings of psychological and artistic charm. This paper analyzes the business in recent years the art of jewelry design, "points" summarized the general expressions of three types: emphasis on uniform,Order to form the United States. Scatter the use of natural composition, access to changing the visual effect. Use a similar combination of grouping, show : jewelry design art form style charm"Point" in the meaning of geometry shows that the location not only have the size and direction, but in the design of composition, writing papers, "point" as one of modeling elements, but with the important role that can not be replaced. In ancient times human beings, "points" in the artefacts on the surface of decorative patterns have been received a lot of use now, designers continue to work the situation to "point" with the volatile and diverse portfolio, again with " point "that amazing artistic , emphasis on uniform. Order to form the United StatesThe order of the so-called flu, is a unity given works, and works reflect the beauty and impact, and thus bring a sense of a stable, smooth feel and sense to the order of the United States is a mode of feeling. It contains the same in size, the same interval, Wang Ping strict vertical mode. Although vulnerable to a single uniform, but背水一战, in the ultimate breakthrough in the pursuit of the same will produce outstanding works of great order of the United States is thought of rhythm. It contains the list of neat, clear and smooth combination of melody in. Significance of a simple but rich, but simple to write graduation thesis for the law, uniformity and repeatability in the work embodied in visual jewelry of the important principles: systematic and repeated, but also a law of formal beauty. They constitute an important factor in the order of the United States. Is organized so-called well-organized, regularly in the design of the screen for? Summary of finishing; repeatedly refers to the same image is similar to regular repeat order. Repeated with adjustment for individual units will also have the same rhythm as the music dynamic law, but also enable the monotonous change in form and color has become fun. For example, we have come in contact with the second side row, row order of the United States the use of this work is typical of this classic design from Tifany. Modeling the overall decoration is simple and eye-catching, the horizontalPoint method with applications such as distance to the decorative design of bracelet to order a complete sense of beauty presented in front of people. This "point" with spacing, etc. This bracelet design in the decoration will be the essence of Tifany creative and very relevant concept. Simple story line with a distinct clarity and calm aloof exciting move of God's gifted young. Harmony, proportion and well-organized in every towel Tifany designs have been a natural convergence. Figure (1) before and after work in the design of liner ring demonstrated the theme of this design concept, not a simple one-time duplication,Instead of using the two different points, the size of each portfolio, from the side view, the larger "point" in the group of the top of the smaller points so that the whole screen showing the movement of smallest sense, so that small freshman repeated changes in the same shape and color of the repeat order for the law, resulting in a simple, unified feel to the wearer brings a clear and profound impression on , the use of the natural scatter of the composition, access to the visual effect of changingUniform, as if a strong sense of rhythm of percussion, then scatter the beautiful composition is the melody string and wind music. Scatter constitute simple and orderly, rather than scattered and chaotic, lively and changeable. Rather appears as the designer for, it has created in the quiet of the visual rules of use of the two important additional factor is the tempo and rhythm. Refers to the rhythm of the original length of the beat music, used in jewelry design, the main point in the picture, line, surface, shape, color, size, weight, actual situation, the pace of change; and the rhythm of poetry in the original refers to the circumflex Dayton feeling generated by rubbing in the use of jewelry design, manifested in the various elements of style, under the premise of a unified style Figure (2) The design of the earring, the use of a near-natural style. "Points" to spend like the size of the same core design, structured, students write papers on behalf of irregular shape were suspended in the air. Imitation earring flower shape is very realistic, with silver flower production, flower production of the core with a circular coral reef. Spent batteries were in the form of point-like flow distribution, vary with each other in an orderly, very natural, without affectation, and a natural modal performance thoroughly, bringing the enjoyment of a wonderful (3) the work is the Hong Kong Jewelry Design Competition winning entries in a design theme inspired by the fireworks. Fun as splendid fireworks, as posed by the law of scatter is also rich and varied. This design style obviously stringent than romantic, then scatter the way constitute the most appropriate. We work to analyze changes in the composition of scatter: The bracelets with diamond material points of the organizations do with irregular, free-form, dotted with well-like, large or small, or to penetrate or highlights. Light reflects colorful diamonds color of fire, crystal clear and gorgeous, so that people think of a brilliant sky overhead, theTo different forms of fireworks in the ongoing release of combustion Chan, has a strong contrast, Figure (4) used in the design of works of scatter it is constituted of a subtle and rational. Designers seem to be scattered pearls carelessly will arrange the desktop, but with the density separation, color coordinated with all the designer can feel is the result of precision calculations. Works to constitute the main points of the spherical, large and small, individual units arranged in an orderly manner, during which the beating of the color or deep or shallow, with echoes of individual units, the proportion of pine has tight line from a point to a reasonable expression of a pearl subtle elegant temperament, China and the United States revealed in , use a similar combination of grouping, show style"Point" is not confined to the shape of a circle, it can be square, triangular, rectangular and irregular-shaped and so on. However, the size of its area, it is necessary to limit the "point" of the visual effects within the scope of. In a network such as the interval to a particular unit or group of dots, for the other transformation of the shape of one or a few, this approach is known as the grouping of similar composition. Grouping of similar features of a unified portfolio changes among for every quarter are new design elements, from the flowers, butterflies into strange geometric patterns have, and this season especially in accessories, as well as a variety of ring-shaped grouping of similar combinations for the latest focus of Figure (5-7) by show. Master's thesis writing and the past, this season is no longer simply to emphasize the ring, but that it is good to be different materials, different elements of the combination of gloss to make it with modern design. Decorative patterns are dots, square-point, diamond point, cross a variety of patterns, such as grouping similar combination of shape-based, uniformly distributed in the main line of the chain. Materials used are rubber, pearl, metal, glass, sum up, we can easily find designer jewelry are endless excavation to the "point" of artistic expression and influence. Precisely because of this, "point" has come to an end any more of the artistic expression and influence. Hopefully, our attention to jewelry design workers "point" of this basic design elements inspired to record their activities in the arts of thinking that the concept of instantaneous flash.
My favorite childhood memory Everybody has an unfettable childhood, which I pare to a piece of beautiful crystal. You can find it in children’s eyes and *** s’ memories. Going walking through the thick forest was satisfying when I was a child I thought . Some times I picked up a leaf with many kinds of marks that wind blew, rain hit and insects ate . I saw a circular light ball in the sky through the hole on the leap. My whole body felt warm. Sometimes I hid myself in a corner and read fairy tales. Sometimes I kept a kind of plants named cactus. I watched it for a long time and imaged I was the plant. There is no scenes for some people in doing these things. But these are my most meaningful memories in my childhood and I still think them priceless till now. I am an only child. So I grew up without one brother or sister. Parents were always not at home in the daytime as they needed to work for the family. They hardly bought toys for me because I liked pictures of books than dolls or building blocks. Therefore , various kinds of books were given to me by my parents and other people .And my favorite time was evening. I wanted my parents to tell stories, so I pretended to sleep on their big double bed. They lay next to me and mum on my right dad was on my left. Dad’s voice sounded fortable and his tone was low . Also he spoke slowly. And mum patted my back. Soon I dropped in to sweet sleep. White Snow Princess and seven Dwarves said hello to me Cinderella told me she lived well with her prince. And little Red Hat asked me if I wanted to eat her cakes. How glorious the time was! After I learned phoic alphabet and Chinese characters, I started to read those stories all by myself . Also there are many fairy tales books on my desk., Parents didn’t stay at home till very late then because of work. They often told me I could sleep earlier. But I was truly afraid of the dark and of being alone. These fears were very real and caused me some unfortable moments. I was very sensitive in the dark. Maybe it was the strange way things looked and sounded in my familiar room at right that frightened me so much. There was never total darkness, but a streetlight or passing car lights made clothes hung over a chair take on the shape of wild animal. Out of my eye. I saw the curtains seem to move when there was no wind. A tiny sound in the floor wound seem a hundred times louder than in the daylight. My imagination would run wild, and my heart would beat fast. So I decided to turned on all the lights and hid in the corner of the bed with a book. I felt safe when I read the story. Also when my parents came back, I was sleeping with a book in my hand and the lights on. As a child , I loved collected plant and insect samples. I have many leaves of pines, cypresses, camphor, poplars and so on. I loved to walk through forest. I thought it wonderful to breath fresh air and to see many animals. Nature attracted me to explore it. I felt fortable in the natural environment. As a child, I loved the plant, cactus. I loved it because it seemed never to die. Although I did not give it water or manure ,it could flower. The flower was white and it *** elt fragrant. I liked its spirit. It taught me how to grow with problems. I kept it happily and I still keep it now. My favorite childhood memory will be in my heart forever. These memories are just like drills shining all the time. I know I love them.
题要求写同学之间发生的事情,以表现当代中学生美好的人际关系。既然是“同学之间”,那么不能只写一个同学的事,至少要有两个主人公出现,或者是发生在群体中。写几件事,题目没有限定,可以围绕一个中心事件展开矛盾冲突,也可以用几件事多角度地反映同学之间的亲疏喜怒。写什么事,题目也没有限定,可以是学习上的,也可以是生活上的,可以是物质的,也可以是精神的。总而言之,此题限而不死,选好材,写出波澜,便能成功。 思路之一:买餐票时,我发现兜里的10元钱丢了。这可是一星期的菜金呀。不久,同学们先后送来我丢失的钱,可一看都不是我的。到了晚自习,我发现文具盒里有一叠钱,还有一张纸条,上面写着“这是全班同学的心意,请收下”。我激动得泪水夺眶而出。 思路之二:他在班上个子最小,同学们戏称他为“小不点”。大个子常常拿他寻开心,好几次把“小不点”弄哭了。这次上茶山劳动,不许坐车,刚走一半路程,“小不点”已累得气喘吁吁。大个子二没说,抢过“小不点”的背包。这回“小不点”感受到同学之间的温暖。 思路之三:我因病住进医院,好孤独好寂寞。这时班主任来看望我,给我带来一盒录好的磁带,里面是全班同学的歌声和问候。元旦到了,同学们给我寄来一封信,每个同学在信里说一句话,我又一次体会到同学之间的纯真友情。 [写法] 开篇先对同学之间的情谊抒 *** 怀,结尾针对主体所叙之事发表对同学之情看法,让首尾呼应,揭示全篇主旨。径直以事件的起因、结果自然开阖,也是一种谋篇的方法。为了辐射出同学们的情谊。比如思路之一,由于“我”丢失钱,才引起同学们送钱的事。先是暗送,说到拾到“我”丢失的钱;后来明送,同学们凑钱帮“我”渡过难关。这样,与“我”其实是在写同学,表现同学之间相互帮助的主题。如果“我”跳到事件的圈外,可用第三人称来写,比如思路之二。 整篇作文可以只写一件事,也可以写二三事。如果选几件事来写,要善于把事件有机地联系在一起。思路之二既写大个子戏弄“小不点”,又写大个子帮助 “小不点”,这两件事并非各自为政,而是相辅相成,构成有机的整体,更好地表现同学之间的感情。在详略方面,应以第二件事为重点。 选择同学之间相处不好的事来写可,但要从中提炼出教训,使之具备积极的思想意义。 常见的失误有:审错题目,把《同学之间》写成《我的同学》;选材不典型,所叙之事不能表现同学之间的情谊;平铺直叙,缺少波折。 [同类文题] 1、 我们之间(此题一定要用第一人称写,事情可发生在“我”和同学之间,也要发生在“我”和其他人之间。) 2.我和同桌(“同桌”自然是同学,但不是一般的同学,所以选材范围较狭小。) 3.友爱在 中(这是半命题作文,横线上可填“同学”、“班集体”等,也可超出校园的范围。) 4.爱在我们中间(此题以写同学之间的友爱为宜。) 5.我俩和解了(“和解”是结果,所以要先交代“我俩”的纠葛,详写和解的过程。) 6.疙瘩解开了(前题一定要用第一人称写,此题也可用第三人称写。“疙瘩”可以是人与人关系上的问题,也可以是思想上的问题。) 7.我忘不了他(此题是通过记叙揭示“忘不了”的原因,抒情性较强。) 8.风雨×年同学情(在“×”处填上相应的数字,如“风雨三年同学情”。要扣住同窗的时间来写同学的情谊。) 9.毕业前夕话友情(写在毕业前夕同学之间在思想上、学习上、生活上互相关心和互相帮助的感人事例。) 10.同学,你不能这样(题目采用呼告的手法,相当动情。要选择典型的事来写,然后奉劝同学不能这样做。) 11.同桌病了(同桌生病,你会怎样,同学们又会怎样,相信这篇作文可以表现出同学之间真挚的感情。) 同学,多么美好的字眼,他是我儿时的伙伴,陪我学习,陪我成长。 有一次,我们班有位同学的脚被烫伤了,在家休养了都快一个月了,大家都为他感到着急。每次放学后,同学们都会到他家去看望他,陪他聊天,把他抄作业题目,如果不会做时,同学们会给他耐心讲解,把当天上的可给他讲一遍,直到他弄懂了才离开,每一天都是如此,有时还会关心地问一句:“你的脚好点儿了吗?”看到同学为他不辞劳苦,他心存感激,一时都说不上话,眼泪在眼眶里打转。 同学之间应该要互相帮助,当你有困难的时候,同学们也会毫不犹豫地来帮助你。可是生活中一些矛盾也是不可避免的,关键是要互相谅解,互相宽容,化干戈为玉帛。 最近,我的同桌买了一支新的自动笔,周围的人看了都十分羡慕一位同学还用手摸了一下。过了一会儿,同桌的笔就不见了,他想了一下:一定是小兰拿的,他很生气地问小兰:“我今天新买的笔是不是你偷的。”小兰望了望他:“我没拿!”“人,今天只有你碰过我的笔,就是你拿的!”小兰感到很委屈,于是就哭了起来。老师来了,问清楚事情的前因后果,最后在老师的帮助下那支笔终于在墙角上找到了。同桌不好意思的低下了头,羞愧得说了声:“对不起。”小兰走过来,笑了笑:“没关系。”他们俩又和好如初了。 时光荏苒,岁月如梭,我们同在一个屋檐下,共浴一片朝阳。学习上,我们相互激励,生活中,我们相互帮助。同学之间的友谊是十分珍贵的,六年的时光就这样匆匆地流逝。我们应该珍惜友谊,珍惜同学之间的点点滴滴。 - 每当我打开铅笔盒,看见那支黑色水笔,就会不由地想起几天前发生的一件事情。那是星期四晚托班上,我正在写作业,朱老师走了进来,给了我一份少代会提案,要我在下课前填好交给王老师,而且要求用黑色水笔填写。我听清后,便拿起黑色水笔写了起来。写着写着,纸上的字迹渐渐淡了下来,我一看,原来水笔里没有墨水了。这可怎么办?马上要交的,问同学借?大家都要写作业,不可能借给我的。我急得像热锅上的蚂蚁,不知怎么办才好。忽然,正在写作业的同桌——小宜看见了,便关心地问:“怎么了,小婷,需要我帮忙吗?” 我回答道:“你就是神仙也帮不了我!”“到底什么事?快点说啊!”“我水笔写不出了,可是提案马上就要交的,急死人了!”“我还以为什么大惊小怪的事情呢!”小宜说道,“我借你。”坐在前面的小琪听到了,转过身来说:“老师不是要求做这个作业只能用黑色水笔写,而你只有一支,借给了小婷,你怎么办?难道你不怕因为作业写不完,被留下来吗?我们不是说好了,今天放学后去小桂家玩吗?“小宜笑了笑说:“既然她有急用,我当然先借给小婷用,大局为重吗!”说完,他将水笔递给了我,我用感激的眼光看了她一眼,飞快地写了起来。不一会儿,提案写完了,我把笔还给了小宜,小宜在下课铃响之前顺利地做完了作业。 这件事虽小,但却给我留下了深刻的印象,一支水笔凝聚着我和小宜之间真挚的友谊
帮你翻译如下: 1. 下面哪一个关于Cisneros童年的描述是正确的? A. 她有7个兄弟。 B. 她觉得自己什么都不是。 C. 她太害羞以至于不能去上学。 D. 她没有老师。 2. 毕业项目给了Cisneros一个___________机会。 A. 为校杂志工作 B. 离开家 C. 结识许多朋友 D. 发展她的写作风格 3 对于Cisneros, 下列哪一项对她的成功起到了决定性的作用? A. 早期的大学生活。 B. 车间里/研习会上的培训。 C. 她与众不同的感觉。 D. 她的童年生活经历。 4 我们能从《芒果街道上房子》学到什么? A. 它很受学生的欢迎。 B. 这是Cisneros写的唯一的一本书。 C. 这本书不是很成功由于是西班牙语。 D. 在Cisneros29岁的时候活得了关于这本书的奖项。 5 作者喜欢慈善商店的主要原因是________. A. 位置方便 B. 货物种类繁多 C. 态度友好 D. 很好的购物环境 6 . 英国第一个慈善商店的建立是为了____. A. 卖便宜东西 B. 处理不需要的东西 C. 为病人集钱 D. 帮助外国 7 关于慈善商店,下面哪个是正确的? A. 运营成本很低。 B. 员工薪水很好。 C. 90%的捐赠是二手的。 D. 一天24小时营业。 8 下面哪一个可以作为文章的标题最好? A. 在慈善商店买什么? B. 慈善商店:起源及发展 C. 慈善商店:在哪里买到捐赠品 D. 公众对慈善商店的关心。 9 此段话最有可能摘自 _____. A. 关于收藏的小故事。 B. 一个非常受欢迎的杂志 C. 一篇研究论文 D. 一篇私人日记 10 . 从本篇的前四段中能学到什么? A. 鲨鱼可能被用来预测糟糕天气。 B. 鲨鱼的行为可以被掌控。 C. Michael Fish不适合他的工作。 D. Lauren Smith 将会成为一个天气播报员。
伯牙鼓琴,志在高山,钟子期曰:“善哉,峨峨兮若泰山!”志在流水,钟子期曰:“善哉,洋洋兮若江河!” ——志在明月......澹澹兮若明月
征集已经出来了,现在去河北考试院看看,格式是pdf的,下一个这个格式的浏览器就可以看了。 还有专科投档也有。按照那个结合自己分数就差不多知道自己能否征集成功了。 二志愿录取结束:8月19日16时
我生活了九年,其实真的不怎么样.你怎么现在才要报名的,竟然还有名额,我的建议是你不要去那,去找一些更好的学校吧.全封闭式挺苦的.老师其实也不怎么样.不过,也有很好的老师,要看你幸不幸运了. 最重要的是要提醒你,校长挺贪财的(曾被抓起来,出来后在中学部当过主任,又去平阳新纪元当过校长),你不要心疼你的钱.要是真的成了我学妹(弟),碰到好老师,请尊重,希望你不压迫在新纪元这个大泥缸中沉沦
论文常用来指进行各个学术领域的研究和描述学术研究成果的 文章 ,简称之为论文。本文是我为大家整理的1000字的论文 范文 ,仅供参考。 在现代社会中,人
怎样馔写科技论文 一、科技论文的含义� 科学技术论文简称科技论文。它一般包括:报刊科技论文、学年论文、毕业论文,学位论文(又分学士、硕士、博士论文。科技论文是在
翻译是将一种语言所表达的意思用另一种语言准确而完整地表达出来。下文是我为大家整理的关于的范文,欢迎大家阅读参考! 篇1 漫谈英文定语从句的翻译