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首页 > 学术论文 > 时尚杂志招聘记者广告英语

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WANTED: Do you like to meet lots of interesting people?Are you good at writing articles?Do you want to travel the all over world?Do you like to collect the news?Do you like to work for newspaper or magazines?We have a job for you as a call me at123456招聘: 你喜欢遇见许多有趣的人?你擅长写文章吗?你想周游世界吗?你喜欢收集新闻?你喜欢报纸或杂志工作?我们为你提供一份记者的工作。请拨打123456找我

279 评论


I saw your company's "wanted" ad on the newspaper. I read your comapany's advertising for employment on the newspaper.不是in the newspaper, 是 on the newspaper.

144 评论


One possible version: Dear Mr Chen,I’m a student of our school. I ’ m I_like_writing_and_I ’ m_good_ at_English. Can I become a reporter of the English magazine?Yours, Liu _ Peng 略

184 评论


Do you like to talk to people? Are you good at writing? Do you like to write stories? Do you want to work for a TV station? Do you like meeting different people? Do you like traveling a lot? Can you work late? Are you a person from 20 to 35 years old? We have a job for you as a report. Call at 5558823

98 评论


WANTED:Do you like to meet lots of interesting people?Are you good at writing articles?Do you want to travel the all over world?Do you like to collect the news?Do you like to work for newspaper or magazines?We have a job for you as a call me at*******招聘:你喜欢遇到很多有趣的人吗?你擅长写文章吗?你想周游世界吗?你喜欢收集新闻吗?你喜欢为报社或杂志社工作吗?我们有份工作给你当记者,请打电话********给我。

305 评论


Chinadaily RecruitmentReporter WantedResponsibilities: News GatheringJob description: Bachelor degree or above (include), English major or journalism is preferred. Experience in news report is preferred. Please send your resume to the following address:Personnel department, Newspaper Office of China Daily, Huixin East Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing. Contact: Song Hong. Postcode: 100029Or please email your resume to songhong@ do not call or visit us without an invitation.

188 评论


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