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首页 > 学术论文 > 国外对京东商城的研究进展论文

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Centuries since 90 time, the electronic commerce rapidly by business circles and academic circles pay close attention to. Electronic commerce in China has been a breakthrough in budding and fermentation condition, and initial size and maintained a strong momentum of development. Now, many on the Internet retailing enterprises, more concerned about how to attract new customers, but neglected how to improve their service and product quality, to increase customer loyalty. The face of growing competition, many enterprises have taken a variety of marketing strategy, but the effect is not the same. Therefore, in this paper the Jingdong commercial city as research subject, analysis of a variety of marketing strategies on Jingdong Mall played the role of size, finally put forward some reasonable proposals. Thesis is divided into five parts: the first chapter is the introduction, the e-commerce to explore, understand the origin and development of e-business, analysis of China's present situation of e-commerce development. The second chapter is on the analysis of the development of Jingdong mall. In a further understanding of Jingdong Mall at the same time, understand the Jingdong Mall 's marketing strategy. The third chapter is the analysis method is introduced. Hierarchical analysis method is a practical and effective decision method, an abstract problem undertakes quantitative analysis, to make the analysis more intuitive, more scientific. The fourth chapter is the Jingdong Mall Marketing Strategy to specific analysis process. Put the problem into the target, principle, scheme three levels, according to the survey results to establish judgment matrix, calculating and comparing the result. The fifth chapter is on the basis of research results, Jingdong Mall to put forward rational suggestions, such as attention to customer satisfaction, the use of integrated marketing strategy.

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供应链 物流 目标客户定位 后端系统 营销策略

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