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Accounting for R&D in the National Accounts Dennis Fixler Bureau of Economic Analysis 24 February 2009 Paper presented at ASSA meetings in San Francisco, January 2009 Accounting information as political currency* Karthik Ramanna Harvard Business School and Sugata Roychowdhury MIT Sloan School of Management This draft: March 31, 2008 Abstract: We test whether accounting can be used as political currency. Our setting is the US congressional election of 2004, where outsourcing of US jobs was a campaign issue. We find that the largest corporate donors to principal candidates in closely watched congressional races manage earnings downwards in the two quarters immediately preceding the 2004 election. We find no evidence of such downwards earnings management among corporate donors to candidates in all other congressional races. Election outcomes for candidates are also systematically associated with the extent of donors' downwards earnings management in closely watched races, but not all other races. The findings are consistent with firms managing accounting information in circumstances where this is likely to benefit allied politicians. 哈佛商学院2008年3月31日

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参考文献的引用应当实事求是、科学合理,不可以为了凑数随便引用,下面是我搜集整理的2017 会计 英文参考文献,欢迎阅读查看。










































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经济环境下的财务会计.Financial accounting in an economic context = 原书第6版:(美)杰米·帕拉特(Jamie Pratt)著/来明佳,彭红英,徐虹等译 财务会计 北京;机械工业出版社:2009 978-7-111-24756-2 12,545页 共14章,分为五部分。第一部分是财务会计概述;第二部分介绍财务报表的计量、结构及其使用;第三部分详细地介绍与资产有关的事项;第四部分介绍负债和股东权益;第五部分介绍收益和现金流量表。 管理会计.Management accounting = 第5版:安东尼·A. 阿特金森(Anthony ...[等]著/王立彦,陆勇,樊铮译 管理会计 北京;清华大学出版社:2009 978-7-302-18858-2 20,523页 包括:创造价值的信息、成本管理的概念与成本习性、传统的成本管理系统、作业成本系统、利用预算实现组织目标等。 高级会计学.Advanced accounting = 第9版:(美)Joe ,(美)Thomas ,(美)Timothy 著/王鑫改编 会计学 高等学校 英文 北京;北京大学出版社:2009 978-7-301-14752-8 490页 实证会计理论.Positive Accounting Theory:罗斯·L. 瓦茨(Ross L. Watts),杰罗尔德·L. 齐默尔曼(Jerold L. Zimmerman)著 会计学 英文 北京;中国人民大学出版社:2009 978-7-300-10133-0 22,381页 内容包括:会计理论的作用、竞争性假说的辨识、会计与政治活动、会计选择的经验检验等。 税务会计.TAX ACCOUNTING = 第七版 SEVENTH EDITION:盖地[主编] 税务会计 上海;立信会计出版社:2009 978-7-5429-2240-3 9,676页 系统介绍税务会计有关基础知识,其内容包括纳税基础、增值税会计、消费税会计、关税会计、营业税会计、资源税会计、土地增殖税会计、出口货物免退税会计和税务筹划等。

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