安徒生被世人称为"世界童话之王",1913年周作人把他的作品第一次介绍到中国以来,一直受到广大读者和儿童作家的关注和喜爱。曹文轩是北京大学中文系的教授,著名的中国儿童文学作家,其作品《红瓦》、《草房子》等儿童文学作品荣获了 2016年度的"国际安徒生奖",深受读者和研究者的广泛关注。曹文轩非常推崇和欣赏安徒生的艺术品质,安徒生和曹文轩的儿童文学作品,在创作风格和创作理念等方面,具有相似或契合之处,具有可比性。但是,由于两人所处的社会背景和所受传统文化的不同,他们的作品中所体现的悲剧意识既有相同之处,也有不同的表现形式。本文采用比较文学影响研究和平行研究的方法,在解读和理解《草房子》、《红瓦》和《安徒生童话》等作品的基础上,从安徒生和曹文轩两位作家的人生经历、作品中的悲剧意识、艺术手法等方面进行比较分析,探讨了悲剧意识的异同及产生这种差异的原因。本文共分四部分内容,首先,在绪论部分比较详细地阐述了国内外研究现状,论文的研究目的和意义,以及研究方法。其次,论述了安徒生童话对曹文轩儿童文学作品的影响,主要从现实意义和创作上的艺术表现等两个方面论述了相似性。第三,对两位作家作品中的悲剧意识进行比较分析,主要从作品中人物形象、诗意语言及诙谐幽默的表达方式等三个方面进行比较,分析了二者的异同点。第四,通过对文化社会背景、群体意识与个体意识、审美意识等的论述,分析了产生不同悲剧意识的原因。通过比较分析本文认为,曹文轩儿童文学作品中的古典悲剧美和创作风格,是中国传统文化民族心理和西方古典悲剧美学相互融合的产物,尤其是安徒生童话中的古典悲剧美,在曹文轩儿童文学作品中表现的极为突出。安徒生和曹文轩两位作家的儿童文学作品中所体现的悲剧意识,具有学术价值和现实意义,本文对曹文轩与安徒生儿童文学的深入理解和研究,具有抛砖引玉之功效。
Abstract: Works of Cao Wen Xuan always present us a kind of feeling that can be described as perfection, carrying shangri-la like aestheticism. Generally, the picturesque aestheticism is mainly from his ideology of literature---the pursue of beauty and philanthropy, and it is indicated by the following aspects: warmth of the sorrow is what sad and pity feelings ever stated by Cao Wen Xuan, poemizing the creatures of female and description of the images. This test attempts to indicate the inside purpose of Cao Wen Xuan's aesthetical writing does not disconnect to the reality, but to pass the literary ideology of beauty and philanthropy through the aesthetical writing, moving and warming the inside of the people for re-creating another module of personlity, module that is perfection, in order that human beings can build another upstanding and solid humanity base. Key Words: Cao Wen Xuan; Beauty; Philanthropy; Moving; Humanity -------------------------------------------------------------- 翻译完了,呵呵。这是我自己翻译的。 希望对楼主有帮助。
Cao Wen Xuan 's work always gives person one kind of extremely pure extremely satisfying feeling , aesthetic , cardinal principle as having the Peach Garden come say this idea is face to face beautiful if the poem is originated from his literature if aesthetic as painting is main go after kind and gentle, embodies in several the following aspect: Tender sentiments inside the suffering is just that what Cao Wen Xuan speaks has sympathy for feelings , the poem spends female's molding , the poem spends the imago depiction. But the main body of a book is passed to all above several aspect investigation and discussion , the significance coming to try to explain aesthetic writing of Cao Wen Xuan is not lain in fleeing from reality, the literature idea depending on be genial by the fact that this aesthetic writing goes to communicate one kind of US , people's inward , warm heart moving person, conduct
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