根本在于加快经济发展,壮大国家经济实力。但是老龄化问题又有其自身的特殊性,处理的好,会成为经济社会发展的积极因素;处理不好,则可能成为制约因素。根据我国确定的社会主义现代化建设战略目标,结合老龄工作的实际,特提出21世纪前十五年的国家老龄工作宏观政策措施建议。 1、 将实施健康老龄化战略纳入国民经济和社会发展中的长期规划。我们提出 健康老龄化战略内涵,主要包括"老有所养、老有所医、老有所为、老有所学、老有所教、老有所乐"内容,这是对中国老龄工作的综合概括,是促使经济社会可持续发展的重要内容,是解决好我国人口老龄化问题的主体思路。具体建议是: 第一,提高对老龄化问题的认识。要加强舆论宣传和引导,强调我国人口 老龄化趋势加快的严峻性,对社会经济发展影响的紧迫性,以及实施健康老龄化战略的重要性,提高各级政府和领导的思想认识,增强全社会的老龄意识。 第二,明确国家老龄工作的方向。将实施健康老龄化战略纳入国家"十五" 计划和中长期发展规划中,结合经济发展进程和城乡不同情况,精心设计和构筑我国老龄的工作体系,明确提出目标要求、工作重点、投入力度、检查标准。 第三,落实到各地的发展计划中。要求各级政府高度重视,把本地区老龄工作列入议事日程,根据国家的要求,结合自己的实际,纳入当地的经济和社会发展计划中,采取分工负责和齐抓共管方式,对老龄工作有管理、有服务、有措施、有检查。 2、 走家庭养老和社会养老相结合的养老道路。建立以家庭养老为基础,社 区养老服务网络为辅助,公共福利设施养老手段为补充,社会保险制度为保障的居家养老体系,把老年人自身、家庭、社会和国家作用有机的组合起来,使之发挥出最佳效用。具体建议是: 第一,居家养老环境。为了使老年人起居方便,住宅设计要充分考虑方便老年人和满足老少户可分可合的需求,公共设施要安排方便老年人活动的场所,使得绝大多数老年人生活在自己的家庭里,继续发挥家庭养老功能,倡导健康的生活方式,完善具有尊老敬老传统的家庭养老体系。 第二,加快社区老年服务建设。在城镇建设规划中,要充分考虑人口老龄化趋势,合理规划社区蓝图,使老年人能就近得到咨询、购物、清扫、陪伴、护理、紧急救护等各种服务,并为老年人学习、文体、康乐、交往等社会活动的需求提供条件,逐步建成适合城乡不同特点、多层次、多功能、多项目的社区老年人服务体系。 第三,适度发展公共养老的福利设施。对政府设立的敬老院等养老、安老机构和设施,要根据当地经济发展水平和需要公共福利机构抚养的老人情况,政府要继续增加投入,努力改善设施条件,逐步提高居养水平。鼓励和扶持社会民办公共养老设施,制定优惠政策积极发展福利性公共养老设施,形成对家庭养护困难老人的救助保障体系。 第四,健全老年人社会保障制度。要采取各种措施,完善城镇离退休人员基本养老金的正常增长机制,完善相对独立的养老金经办机构,负责养老金的征收、给付、营运和管理,用发国债形式探索建立养老保险基金,保证全额按期予以支付。农村要逐步推行自我储蓄和家庭保障为主、集体补助为辅、国家予以政策扶持的农村养老保障制度,并积极推进城乡养老、医疗方面的社会保险和商业保险,逐步建立起城乡老年人的社会保障体系。 3、 积极发展老龄产业。老龄产业是为了满足老年人物质和精神生活需求而 形成的产业,既包括生产性产业,也包括服务性产业,是解决人口老龄化问题的重要手段。发展老龄产业,一是要从我国实际出发,以满足老人物质和精神生活的需要为目的;二是要以市场为导向,按经济规律办事,三是要保证养老费用的合理使用,提高老年人的消费能力。具体建议是: 第一,市场机制带动老龄产业发展。国家要根据人口老龄化发展趋势,围绕老年人物质需求和精神需求,对一些产业进行结构调整,开发生产适用对路的各种老年用品,鼓励和引导老年产品市场的发展。经济管理部门应运用市场机制,制定一些必要的优惠政策,扶持具有福利性质的为老服务产业发展。 第二,以老龄产业发展社会福利事业。城乡养老社会化服务要逐步走产业化发展路子,在财政给予必要资助的同时,鼓励社会团体和个人参与,启动老龄产业机制来兴办社会福利设施,实行谁投资谁管理,依法进行经营,调动各方面的积极性。 第三,努力降低为老服务产业发展成本。要充分利用现有社会资源发展老龄产业,多层次、多渠道筹集发展老龄产业的资金,努力提高资金利用率。充分利用金融杠杆作用,在税费征收政策上,考虑扶持为老服务产业的发展。4、加快完善老年法律法规体系。依法治国是我国社会主义现代化建设的基本方略,依法治理人口老龄化带来的社会经济问题,应是下个世纪老龄工作重要内容。具体建议是: 第一,加大有关老年法律法规的执法力度。法律部门要坚决制裁侵害老年人合法权益的不法行为,依法合理调整老年群体与其他群体、老年人之间的关系,加强民事调解工作,促进家庭和睦与社会稳定。 第二,加快完善老年立法步伐。在2005年左右时间,国家要尽快出台养老保险、医疗保险、社会救济、老年人福利等有关社会保障方面的法律法规,使老年人的生活获得切实保障;在2010年左右时间,制定出老年人参与社会发展法、新的老龄事业发展纲要等大部分老年法律法规,形成以老年人权益保障法为基本法的老年法律体系。 第三,进一步弘扬中华民族敬老养老的传统美德。加大宣传普及老年法的力度,将老年人法规列入国家普法教育计划,加强执法检查监督,积极开展老年人的守法教育和政治思想教育工作,表彰敬老养老先进典型,依法惩处残害和虐待老人行为,营造出健康老龄化的良好社会环境。 5、进一步加强对老龄工作的领导。面对我国人口老龄化趋势,老龄工作只能加强,不能削弱。各级党委和政府要充分认识做好老龄工作的重要性,进一步加强和改善对老龄工作的领导。具体建议是: 第一,加强党中央对老龄工作的领导。在2000年前,以党中央名义发布公开信或文件,要求各级党组织、各级政府和广大党团员从战略高度和政治高度做好老龄工作。将老龄工作纳入到每年三月全国人代会中央政治局召开的人口、资源、环境座谈会内容,及时对我国老龄工作进行重大部署。 第二,健全政府的老龄事务管理机构。国家应尽快成立高层次的老龄事务议事协调机构,通盘制定我国老龄事业发展的方针政策,对一些重大问题进行协调。将中国老龄协会改组为国务院直属的老龄事务管理局,作为国家老龄事务议事协调机构的办事机构,授权行使必要的行政职能,理顺老龄工作管理系统的体制,充实老龄专职工作人员,加强对老年人工作的管理、教育和服务。 第三,扩大老龄工作社会化服务队伍。安排部分下岗职工和社会各方面的志愿力量,承担起社区为老年人服务的有关工作,发动居委会、村委会组织低龄老年人开展自助服务。在一些大学对老龄专业管理人才进行培养,加强老龄科研机构建设,组合各方面专家学者,深入开展老龄问题的科学研究。健全立法监督管理机构,加强老龄事务的立法工作和法律监督,推动老龄事业步入法制化管理的轨道。战 略 对 策 1、发展经济,增强经济承受能力 实现老年人与其他人共同享受经济社会发展成果 2、 建立和完善老年社会福利保障体系 养老保险、医疗保险、老年社会福利、老年社会救济 3、 建立以社区为中心的老年服务体系 老年福利服务、生活照料、医疗保健、体育健身、文化教育和法律服 务的硬件和软件建设 4、 建立和完善老年法规体系 老年人权益保障法 6章50条 5、建立有中国特色的安老、养老安全网 家庭保障安全网 社区养老服务安全网 社会养老保障制度和政策安全网 居家养老为基础、社区服务为依托、社会机构养老为补充养老机制 6、提高老年人生活质量,营造健康老龄化的环境 工作思路:三个意识 三个体系 两只队伍 工作目标: 实现老有所养、老有所医、老有所为、老有所学、老有所乐 战略目标: 促进健康老龄化,实现人人享有健康,老年人健康长寿 我们该为老人做什么?我国进入老龄化社会以后,因老人这个社会特殊群体而产生的社会问题将会越来越多,“比如护理、临终关怀等问题,我国与国外一些发达国家相比还存在较大差距”。我们必须直面这些不断产生的新问题,认真加以解决,为老人这一群体解决后顾之忧,让他们有一种安全感和归属感。这一方面需要政府职能部门行动起来,积极为老年群体谋福利,另一方面需要大家自觉承担起这个责任来,主动为老年人提供便利和帮助。如此,我们所生活的大家庭才会更加和谐美好。
Of the world's population aging and the aging of the population in developed countries the same time, China's aging population has intensified. The aging of the population have is social progress and economic development. China's population changes are generally believed to have started in the founding of new China, the mortality rate is initially clear and rapid decline. And the national fertility rate change is the 20th century began in the early 1970s to the national family planning policy intervention and quickly from the high level of fertility to low fertility level. Thus, the aging of the population has led to the burden of the working population growing problems affecting China's social and economic development, as well as the corresponding infrastructure, legal system and other material and the spirit of building the new requirements. View of this situation the National Committee on Aging issued a "development of the cause of aging," 11th Five-Year "plan" the "11th Five-Year Plan" period, China's old-age security, medical insurance, social relief, and the cause of aging infrastructure construction, older industries, the elderly spiritual and cultural life, and other fields to achieve the objectives and tasks. We should correctly understand China's population aging of the formation, basic features, Development trends and possible socio-economic consequences, more to be cognizant of the aging of the population and sustainable socio-economic operations development. Only then can we make decision-making more scientific and feasibility of solving the problem of aging population. to the implementation of a sustainable development strategy to create an enabling environment for the population. Based on the aging of the population scientific content defined clearly China's aging population causes. Based on the aging of the population evolution of the study focuses on the aging of China's population and the characteristics of the economy, society and the family, as well as the impact, so as to solve their own inadequate solve the problem of aging population in the corresponding countermeasures. Keywords : population aging population burden of old-age social security for sustainable development
How to solve the aging problemAs the aging problem is becoming more and more serious nowadays,I believe that perfect the social system and focus on the development of the old service are effective ways to tackle the my opinion,firstly,the government should perfect the social security and pensionsystem ,especially in the rural area,which can be helpful to promot the new rural endowment insurance and reduce the burden of elderly also will feel at ease and needn’t think too much more about should focus on thedevelopment of the old service,such as the community is a great way to develop the aging service industry and meet the muti-level demand of theelderly and offer diversified services to the that the elderly’s llife quality can be in all,the government and people shuold work together in order to arouse the positive effects of the aging population problem ,turn the challeges into
Moves towards old age and developed country population old agedevelopment while the world population, the Chinese population old agealso is intensifying. The population old age production, is preciselythe society progresses, the economical development result. The Chinesepopulation transforms was generally considered the beginningestablishes new China, at first was the mortality rate obviously andrapidly drops. But the nationwide fertility rate transfers 变则 thebeginning to 20th century 70's initial period country birth controlpolicy involvement, and rapidly changes the low fertility rate levelby the high fertility rate level. Thus, the population old age hascaused the question which the labor force population burdenunceasingly increases, has affected our country social economydevelopment, and to corresponding material and the spiritual variousaspects and so on infrastructure, legal system construction set thenew request. Had issued in view of this situation nation old age committee "theChinese Old age Enterprise Develops" 十15 "Plan", proposed "十15"period, China is caring for the aged the safeguard, the medicalsafeguard, the social rescue and so on, as well as the old ageenterprise infrastructure construction, the old age industry, aspectand so on old age spirit culture life must realize goal and duty. Wealready must correctly understand the Chinese population old ageformation reason, the basic characteristic, the development tendencyas well as possibly produce the social economy consequence, needs toclarify the population old age to the social economy movement and thesustainable development influence. Only this, can enhancepolicy-making the scientific nature and the feasibility, solves thegood population old age problem, for implements the sustainabledevelopmental strategy creation advantageous population to the population old age scientific connotation limits, isclear about the our country population old age origin. Through topopulation old age evolution process research, key elaboration ourcountry population old age characteristic and its to economy, societyand family and so on various aspects influence, thus solves owninsufficiency, proposes the solution population old age questioncorresponding countermeasure measure. 关键词:Key word: Population old age population burden old age social securitysustainable development
For this problem, the government has to produce relevant reports, will improve the social levy time to suppress the problem of an aging population.
However, I feel a little far fetched, (like if our state government departments, can be less corrupt these problems may be able to improve.) The population of China is really more than we pay social security cannot meet the government fiscal expenditure?
I said some doubt. First, Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen are high tax city. The huge expenditure of government departments, high income and civil servants, a large staff, I think should have the need to reform.
(一)消费结构面临转变 老年人口的增加,对消费总的影响不大,但会引起消费结构的变化。老年人的消费支出,用于医疗方面的会大幅度上升。同时,旅游、老年服务消费、休闲
人口老龄化 小论文 1、摘要中应排除本学科领域已成为常识的内容;切忌把应在引言中出现的内容写入摘要;一般也不要对论文内容作诠释和评论(尤其是自我评价)。