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[1] Nan Xiang, Ke Chen, Sun Dong Ke, Wang Shan Fang, Yi Hong, Ni Zhong Hua*, Quantitative characterization of the focusing process and dynamic behavior of differently sized microparticles in a spiral microchannel, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 14(1): 89-99, 2013, (SCI, IF=)[2] Xiang Nan, Yi Hong, Chen Ke, Wang Shan Fang,Ni Zhong Hua*. Investigation of the maskless lithography technique for the rapid and cost-effective prototyping of microfluidic devices in laboratories. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 23(2):025016, 2013, (SCI, IF=)[3] Zhu Xiao Lu, Yin Zhi Feng, Ni Zhong Hua*, Dynamics simulation of positioning and assembling multi-microparticles utilizing optoelectronic tweezers, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 12(1): 529-544, 2012, (SCI, IF=)[4] Wei Zhi Yong, Ni Zhong Hua, Bi Ke Dong, Chen Min Hua, Chen Yun Fei, In-plane lattice thermal conductivities of multilayer graphene films, Carbon, 49(8): 2653-2658, 2011, (SCI, IF=)[5] Sha Jing Jie, Ni Zhong Hua*, Liu Lei, Yi Hong, Chen Yun Fe, A novel method of fabricating a nanopore based on a glass tube for single-molecule detection, Nanotechnology, 22(17): 175304, 2011 , (SCI, IF=)[6] Wang Zan,Ni Zhong Hua*, Zhao Rui Jie, Chen Min Hua, Bi Ke Dong, Chen Yun Fei, The effect of surface roughness on lattice thermal conductivity of silicon nanowires, Physica B-Condensed Matter, 406(13): 2515-2520, 2011, (SCI, IF=)[7] Ni Zhong Hua*, Zu Shu Cun, Chen Ke, Light-induced electro-rotation: Microspheres spin in micro-manipulation using light-induced dielectrophoresis, Science China-Technological Sciences, 54(11): 3035-3046, 2011, (SCI, IF=)[8] Yi Hong, Huang Jie, Gu Xing Zhong, Ni Zhong Hua*, Study on ultrasonic spray technology for the coating of vascular stent , Science China-Technological Sciences, 54(12): 3358-3370, 2011 , (SCI, IF=)[9] Zhu Xiao Lu, Yi Hong, Ni Zhong Hua*, Frequency-dependent behaviors of individual microscopic particles in an optically induced dielectrophoresis device, Biomicrofluidics,4(1): 013202 , 2010, (SCI, IF=)[10] Zhu Xiao Lu, Gao Zhi Qiang, Yin Zhi Feng, Ni Zhong Hua*, Electrode-rail dielectrophoretic assembly effect: formation ofsingle curvilinear particle-chains on spiral microelectrodes, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics,9(4-5): 981-988, 2010, (SCI, IF=)[11] Liu Lei, Hu Yuan, Song Lei, Gu Xing Zhong, Chen Yun Fei, Ni Zhong Hua*, Mesoporous hybrid from anionic polyhedraloligomeric silsesquioxanes (POSS) and cationic surfactant by hydrothermal approach, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 132(3): 567-571, 2010, (SCI, IF=)[12] Ni Zhong Hua, Bu Hao, Zou Min, Yi Hong, Bi Ke Dong, Chen Yun Fei, Anisotropic mechanical properties of graphenesheets from molecular dynamics, Physica B-Condensed Matter,405(5): 1301-1306, 2010, (SCI, IF=)[13] Zhu Xiao Lu, Yin Zhi Feng, Gao Zhi Qiang, Ni Zhong Hua*, Experimental study on filtering, transporting, concentrating and focusing of microparticles based on optically induced dielectrophoresis, Science China-Technological Sciences, 53(9): 2388-2396, 2010, (SCI, IF=)[14]NI ZhongHua, ZHANG XinJie. Molecular dynamics simulation for aggregation phenomenaof nanocolloids. 《Science in China, E》, 52(2): 484-490,2009(SCI收录)[15]NI ZhongHua, GU XingZhong & WANG YueXuan. Rapid prediction method for nonlinearexpansion process of medical vascular stent. 《Science in China, E》, 52(2): 1-8,2009(SCI收录)[16]NI ZhongHua, ZHANG XinJie,YI Hong. Separation of nanocolloids driven bydielectrophoresis: A molecular dynamics simulatio. 《Science in China, E》(录用,等待发表)[17]NI ZhongHua, ZHANG XinJie. Research on Critical Technology of Micro/Nano Bio-particles Manipulation Platform Based on Light-induced Dielectrophoresis.《Science inChina, E》(录用,等待发表)[18]Yunfei Chen, Zhonghua Ni, Guiming Wang. “Electroosmotic Flow in Nanotubes with Highsurface Charge Densities”, Nano Letters, 8(1), 42-48, 2008. (SCI收录,影响引子)[19] Yunfei Chen, Deyu Li, Jennifer R. 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Yang, Zhonghua. Ni, and J. R. Lukes, Interface Effect onLattice Thermal Conductivities of Superlattice Nanowires Proceedings of the 2004International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Anaheim, California,IMECE 2004 -59149,2004. (EI检索)[31]Wang YueXuan, Yi hong, Ni ZhongHua. Computational Biomechanics and ExperimentalVerification of Vascular Stent. International Conference on Computational Intelligenceand Security. Springer: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 2005,P870-877. (SCI和EI检索)[32]Wang YueXuan, Yi hong, Ni ZhongHua. Experimental Research on Balloon-expandableEndovascular Stent Expansion. 27th Annual International Conference of the IEEEEngineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Shanghai: IEEE-EMBS, 2005,shanghai china(EI检索)[33] Chen Gong, Yi hong, Ni ZhongHua. IGES Interface for Medical 3-D Volume Data. IEEEEngineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Shanghai: IEEE-EMBS, 2005,shanghai china.(EI检索)[34] Chen Gong, Yi hong, Ni ZhongHua. 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  • 东南大学学报自然科学报

    [1] Nan Xiang, Ke Chen, Sun Dong Ke, Wang Shan Fang, Yi Hong, Ni Zhong Hua*, Qua

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