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The source coding theory, as the research information theory basis, have been paid much attention to by the people. Information in storage and transmission process often need compressed. The source coding through compression to remove the source redundancies, achieves the compression bitrate, improve communication efficiency, achieve the purpose of effective transmission signal. This paper introduces digital communication fields for language, graphic, video and other data practical source coding technology. To hoffmann coding for example introduces the source coding in digital communication, finally file compression introduced the application of the source coding the future trend of development.

303 评论


摘 要:随着技术革新的不断发展,产业融合正日益成为产业经济发展中的重要现象。产业融合产生的前提是技术融合、业务融合、市场融合以及产业管制环境的变化。按照技术发展的方向,产业融合有产业渗透、产业交叉和产业重组三种形式。由于信息技术的渗透性、带动性、倍增性、网络性和系统性等特征,信息产业的产业融合呈现加速发展的趋势。

275 评论


Source coding theory, information theory research as a theoretical basis, has long been widespread concern. Information storage, transmission and other processes often require compression. Source coding to remove the signal through the coding redundancy of source components to achieve the compression rate and improve the efficiency of communication, the purpose of achieving efficient transmission of signals. This article introduces the various areas of digital communications for language, graphics, video and other data useful source coding techniques. Huffman coding as an example of the source code file compression in digital communication applications, and finally describes the source code for future development trends.

320 评论


摘 要:随着技术革新的不断发展,产业融合正日益成为产业经济发展中的重要现象。产业融合产生的前提是技术融合、业务融合、市场融合以及产业管制环境的变化。按照技术发展的方向,产业融合有产业渗透、产业交叉和产业重组三种形式。由于信息技术的渗透性、带动性、倍增性、网络性和系统性等特征,信息产业的产业融合呈现加速发展的趋势。信息产业的融合有助于提高信息产业的生产效率,改善信息产业的管制方式,加速传统产业的升级改造以及促进信息技术的扩散和渗透。因此,深入研究产业融合理论以及产业融合对于我国信息产业发展的影响,对推动我国的信息化进程,促进产业结构的优化升级具有重要的理论和现实意义。

180 评论


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