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Quality control of projects refers to projects to meet quality requirements, that is, in order to guarantee the project quality to meet the project contract, standard series of measures taken, methods and means. Project quality control objectives include the following three aspects: 1. The work of quality control objectives The quality of work are involved in the project refers to the entire process of construction personnel, project construction in order to ensure the quality of job performance level and degree of perfection. The goal of quality control decomposed into: the management of the quality of work, political work quality, technical quality of work and logistics, such as the quality of work of four. 2. Process Quality Control Objectives Construction projects through the entire process together with procedures to be completed. The quality of each process must have to meet the corresponding requirements under the procedures of quality standards, process quality is bound to decide the quality of products. Project quality control objectives Resolvable as: personnel, materials, machinery, construction methods and construction of the environment 5. 3. Product quality control objectives Engineering product quality refers to the project to meet the relevant standards or contractual requirements, including in the use of functional, safety and durability and environmental protection of all visible and hidden characteristics of the sum of the capacity. Product quality control objectives of the project decomposed into: applicability, safety, durability, reliability, economy and in harmony with the environment, etc. 6.工程项目质量控制是指致力于满足工程项目质量要求,也就是为了保证工程项目质量满足工程合同、规范标准所采取的一系列措施、方法和手段。 项目质量控制目标包括以下三方面: 1. 工作质量控制目标 工作质量是指参与项目建设全过程人员,为保证项目建设质量所表现的工作水平和完善程度。该项质量控制目标可分解为:管理工作质量、政治工作质量、技术工作质量和后勤工作质量等四项。 2. 工序质量控制目标 工程项目建设全过程是通过一道道工序来完成的。 每道工序的质量,必须具有满足下道工序相应要求的质量标准,工序质量必然决定产品质量。 工程质量控制目标可分解为:人员、材料、机械、施工方法和施工环境等五项。 3. 产品质量控制目标 工程产品质量是指工程项目满足相关标准规定或合同约定的要求,包括在使用功能、安全及其耐久性能、环境保护等方面所有明显和隐含的能力的特性总和。 工程产品质量控制目标可分解为:适用性、安全性、耐久性、可靠性、经济性和与环境协调性等六项。 Quality Control Quality Control Norms or rules to achieve the quality requirements of data taken by the operating technologies and measures. That is to say, quality control are adopted in order to monitor the quality of the formation process, the elimination of all stages on the quality of Central India from failed or are not satisfied with the effect of factors. To meet the quality requirements, access to economic benefits and quality of operation with the various technologies and activities. Fields in the enterprise, quality control activities are enterprises within the production site management, it has nothing to do with whether the contract is to achieve and maintain quality control and technical measures and management measures for areas of activity. Quality Inspection subordinate quality control, quality control are important activities. "Operation technology" means and methods of control are a general term, "Activity" is the operation of these technologies has planned, organized use of the system is a scientific quality management practices. The former emphasis on methods, tools, and the latter focused on the activities of the process. The purpose of quality control to prevent the main factors governing the outcome of security to ensure that requirements, cost-effective implementation. The primary function of quality control is through a series of operating techniques and activities will be a variety of quality variations and to minimize the extent of fluctuations. Wear it in quality, the formation and implementation of the entire process. In addition to controlling product differentiation, quality control department is also involved in management decision-making activities in order to determine the level of quality. Quality Control of the witness point and stop point At the international level, the quality control of important objects according to their degree of control and monitoring requirements are different, can set the "witness points" or "stop point." "Witness points" and "stop point" is the quality control point, because of their importance or impact of the consequences of its quality are different, their operational procedures and monitoring requirements are also different. Witness point Witness point of the operational procedures and monitoring requirements are as follows: (1) Construction unit should arrive at a witness before a certain time, written notice of Supervision Engineer to illustrate points to witness the arrival of the preparation of construction time, supervisors will witness the scene and supervision. (2) Supervision Engineer After receipt of the notification should be in the "construction of the tracking files" marked on the date of receipt of the notice and signed. (3) supervisors should be agreed at the time to the scene to witness. Witnesses point to deal with supervisors to supervise the implementation process, inspection, and in the witness table on a detailed record signing. (4) If the provisions of supervisors at the time failed to witness the scene, the construction unit can consider supervision engineer has been recognized, the right to proceed with the construction. (5) If the supervisors at this inspection prior to the scene, and the comments written on the "construction of the tracking files" on, the construction unit shall include the improvement measures have been taken, or specific comments. Stop point Stop points are higher than the witness point of the importance of quality control points, it is usually for "special process" or "special process" is concerned. As a stop point where the control object must be provided at the control point before the arrival of parties sent notice of Supervision of the implementation of monitoring control points, if the Commissioner was unable at the time agreed to the site supervision, inspection, construction unit should cease to enter the control points corresponding processes, in accordance with the terms of the contract side Wait for supervision, unauthorized crossing of the point should not continue its activities. Usually approved in writing its continuing, but it may also be in accordance with the agreed system of delegation of approval to continue. Witness points and stop points are usually from works contractors in the quality plan clear, but the construction unit shall submit construction plans and the quality of supervision engineer for approval. If the Commissioner of the works on the witness point and stop settings have different views, the construction unit shall give notice in writing require to be modified, and then advised the implementation of the project approval SQC Software Quality Control (Software Quality Control) are very commonly used to test the team's name. The name comes from the manufacturing sector. QC inspector on the production line of product sampling and testing. If the test fails, QC inspectors have the right to quit the factory production line or an entire production. SQC team rarely has such a high level of authorization. 质量控制 Quality Control 为达到规范或规定对数据质量要求而采取的作业技术和措施。 这就是说,质量控制是为了通过监视质量形成过程,消除质量环上所有阶段印起不合格或不满意效果的因素。以达到质量要求,获取经济效益,而采用的各种质量作业技术和活动。在企业领域,质量控制活动主要是企业内部的生产现场管理,它与有否合同无关,是指为达到和保持质量而进行控制的技术措施和管理措施方面的活动。质量检验从属于质量控制,是质量控制的重要活动。 “作业技术”是控制手段和方法的总称,“活动”则是人们对这些作业技术的有计划、有组织的系统运用,是一种科学的质量管理方法。前者偏重于方法、工具,后者偏重于活动过程。质量控制的目的在于以预防为主,管因素保结果,确保达到规定要求,实现经济效益。 质量控制的主要功能就是通过一系列作业技术和活动将各种质量变异和波动减少到最小程度。它穿于质量产生、形成和实现的全过程中。除了控制产品差异,质量控制部门还参与管理决策活动以确定质量水平。 质量控制中的见证点和停止点 在国际上,质量控制对象根据它们的重要程度和监督控制要求不同,可以设置“见证点”或“停止点”。“见证点”和“停止点”都是质量控制点,由于它们的重要性或其质量后果影响程度有所不同,它们的运作程序和监督要求也不同。 见证点 见证点的运作程序和监督要求如下: (1)施工单位应在到达某个见证点之前的一定时间,书面通知监理工程师,说明将到达该见证点准备施工的时间,请监理人员届时现场进行见证和监督。 (2)监理工程师收到通知后,应在“施工跟踪档案”上注明收到该通知的日期并签字。 (3)监理人员应在约定的时间到现场见证。监理人员应对见证点实施过程进行监督、检查,并在见证表上作详细记录后签字。 (4)如果监理人员在规定的时间未能到场见证,施工单位可以认为已获监理工程师认可,有权进行该项施工。 (5)如果监理人员在此之前已到现场检查,并将有关意见写在“施工跟踪档案”上,则施工单位应写明已采取的改进措施,或具体意见。 停止点 停止点是重要性高于见证点的质量控制点,它通常是针对“特殊过程”或“特殊工艺”而言。凡列为停止点的控制对象,要求必须在规定的控制点到来之前通知监理方派人对控制点实施监控,如果监理方未能在约定的时间到现场监督、检查,施工单位应停止进入该控制点相应的工序,并按合同规定等待监理方,未经认可不能越过该点继续活动。通常用书面形式批准其继续进行,但也可以按商定的授权制度批准其继续进行。 见证点和停止点通常由工程承包单位在质量计划中明确,但施工单位应将施工计划和质量提交监理工程师审批。如果监理工程对见证点和停止的设置有不同意见,应书面通知施工单位,要求予以修改,再报监理工程审批后执行 SQC 软件质量控制(Software Quality Control )是测试团队很常用的名称。 该名称来源于制造行业。QC检验员对生产线上的产品进行采样、检测。如果测试失败,QC检验员有权停掉生产线或者整个工厂的生产。 SQC团队很少有如此高级别的授权。

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按照字面的意思,参考文献是文章或著作等写作过程中参考过的文献。然而,按照GB/T 7714-2015《信息与文献 参考文献著录规则》”的定义,文后参考文献是指:“为撰写或编辑论文和著作而引用的有关文献信息资源。









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1、外文文献的出处不要翻译成中文,且写在中文译文的右上角(不是放在页眉处);会议要求:名称、地点、年份、卷(期),等 。



4、Key words翻译成“关键词” 。

5、introduction 翻译成“引言”(不是导言)。

351 评论


1,不论是文末的参考文献还是行文中引文的外文文献,一般均用原始文献的名称、作者及出处.亦可视情在括号中译出中文文献名. 2,如果是纸质文献,还需注明期刊期号(某年某期)或书籍原出版社及出版时间.如果是来自网络,当注明网址. 3,如果采用的是中译本的外文文献,则直接用中译本作为参考文献. 4,行文中引用外文文章,有两种办法,一是直接引用外文,(此办法多半用于比较专业的学术论文,读者均具有理解能力)或者在外文后用括号译成中文.另一种是直接译成中文,然后在译文后用括号给出原文,或者在注释中给出原文.视情而定. 5,如果是给专业刊物投稿,最好了解一下该刊物对于参考文献列表以及注释的有关规定,按要求做.

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