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财务管理(Financial Management)是在一定的整体目标下,关于资产的购置(投资),资本的融通(筹资)和经营中现金流量(营运资金),以及利润分配的管理。财务管理是企业管理的一个组成部分,它是根据财经法规制度,按照财务管理的原则,组织企业财务活动,处理财务关系的一项经济管理工作。简单的说,财务管理是组织企业财务活动,处理财务关系的一项经济管理工作。

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货到销售存货,并收回现金为止的这段时间,营业周期的长短取决于存货周转天数和应---------------下面是这个论文的英语----Strengthen the management of accounts receivable and enhance the competitiveness of enterprisesAccounts receivable is an enterprise product or service because of credit and the formation of receivables, liquid assets is an important item. With the development of the market economy, the introduction of commercial credit, business accounts receivable increased the general level of accounts receivable management business activities has become an increasingly important , the functions of accounts receivableAccounts receivable function is its operation in the production process. There are some aspects:1, the expansion of sales, an increase of the competitiveness of enterprises. Comparison of intense competition in the market, the credit is to promote the sale of an important way. Business credit is to provide customers with the two transactions: selling products to their customers as well as in a limited period to provide funds to customers. Monetary tightening in the market weakness, lack of funds, the credit has a more visible role in the promotion of sales of new products, develop new markets and more , reduced inventory, reduced inventory risk and management costs. Finished goods inventory held by businesses, to the additional management fees, expenses such as storage and insurance costs; the contrary, holders of accounts receivable business, you do not need the above-mentioned expenses. Therefore, when the finished goods inventory business more generally can be a more favorable credit terms to credit, the inventory into accounts receivable to reduce finished goods inventory, conservation-related , poor management of accounts receivable of the drawbacks of1, reduces the efficiency in the use of corporate funds, so that enterprises declined. Given the logistics and cash flow are inconsistent, the issue of commodities, sales invoices out, money can not sync recovery, while the sales have been set up, this is not paid back the recorded sales is bound to have no cash inflow arising from the sale of the business profit and loss, During the year sales and income taxes paid in advance, in the case of-year sales result in accounts receivable, current assets can be advanced enterprises have an annual dividend to shareholders. Enterprises due to the above benefits arising from the pursuit of the surface of the pad and the advance payment of the tax dividend to shareholders, taking up a lot of liquidity, with the passage of time will affect the capital flow, which led to the actual situation of business was overshadowed by the impact of production plans, sales plans and so on, can not achieve the efficiency , exaggerated the results of business operations. As a result of China's enterprises, the accounting is based on an accrual basis (accrual basis), the occurrence of the current credit all revenue credited to the current period. Therefore, on account of the increase in profits does not mean that the cash inflow will be materialized. Enterprise accounting system in accordance with the percentage of accounts receivable balances to extract the bad preparation, bad debt reserve rate is generally 3% -5% (except for special business). If the actual extraction of the bad debt bad debt a loss of more than prepared to give a great deal of loss of business. Therefore, the existence of a large number of receivables, inflated the book's sales revenue, to some extent exaggerated the results of business operations and increase the risk of the cost of the , accelerated the outflow of corporate cash. Although credit to enable businesses to generate more profits, but has not really enable enterprises to increase the cash inflow, but the enterprise had to use our limited working capital to advance a variety of taxes and costs, to accelerate the company's cash outflow is mainly as follows:(1) business turnover tax expenditure. Bring sales of accounts receivable, not cash is actually received, turnover tax is calculated on the basis of sales, the companies must pay on time and in cash. Turnover tax paid by enterprises such as value-added tax, business tax, consumption tax, resource tax and city taxes will inevitably increase as sales increase.(2) income tax expenses. Accounts receivable arising from the profits, but did not achieve the cash, and pay income tax on time must be paid in cash.(3) the distribution of cash profits, there is also such a problem, In addition, the cost of accounts receivable management, cost recovery, accounts receivable cash outflow will be , an impact on the enterprise business cycle. Business cycle that is made from the sale of inventory to stock, and to recover the cash so far this period, the business cycle, depending on the number of days inventory turnover and receivables turnover days, business cycle and between. This shows that unreasonable existence of accounts receivable to extend the business cycle, affecting the capital cycle, so a lot of liquidity in precipitation in non-production areas, resulting in cash shortages, the impact of payment of wages and raw materials purchase, has seriously affected the normal production and operation , an increase of accounts receivable management process in the error probability of additional losses to the enterprise. The face of complex enterprise accounts receivable, accounting errors difficult to detect, unable to understand the dynamics of receivables and other receivables business details, resulting in responsibility is not clear, the contract accounts receivable, contract, commitment, approval procedures, such as the scattered data, lost business may have occurred in the accounts receivable can not be collected on time and on time to recover, the only part of the total recovery of the recovery, through the legal means to recover, but as a result of incomplete information can not be recovered until to the final form of the loss of enterprise , accounts receivable management objectivesFor an enterprise, the existence of accounts receivable is a continuum of production and marketing enterprises on the one hand, it would help to promote sales, increase sales revenue, and enhance competitiveness, while at the same time wish to avoid accounts receivable the existence of the business cash flow difficulties, drawbacks such as bad debt losses. How to deal with and solve the problem of confrontation and reunification is the management of corporate accounts receivable receivable management objective is to formulate a scientific and rational accounts receivable credit policy and credit policy in such an increase in sales earnings and the use of such a policy is expected to take to make trade-offs between the cost. Only when the increase in sales profit of more than the increase in the use of this policy when the cost to implement and promote the use of this credit policy. At the same time, accounts receivable management companies also include the prospects for future sales and market forecasts and judgments, and accounts receivable security investigation. Good prospects such as business sales, accounts receivable safety can be further relaxation of its receivables credit policy, the expansion of credit volume, to obtain greater profits, on the contrary, should have a strict credit policy, or the creditworthiness of different customers appropriate adjustments to ensure that enterprises get the most income, and so may minimize the receivable management business focus is on the basis of the actual operation of enterprises and customers to develop the credibility of the situation of enterprises reasonable credit policy, which is an important financial management forms an integral part of corporate management to achieve the purpose of accounts receivable must be a reasonable strategy for the development of the , the company accounts receivable solutions to the problemsManagement of accounts receivable to do good, first of all, should be established to improve the accounts receivable management system. Accounts receivable credit management policy is a key component of the system, including credit standards, credit terms and collection of three aspects of policy. Credit standards is agreed to provide commercial credit made by the basic requirements. Usually expected loss rate of bad debts as a criterion. If the business more stringent credit standards, only a very good reputation, a very low rate of bad debt losses of the users to give credit, it will reduce bad debt losses, reduce the opportunity cost of accounts receivable, but this may not be conducive to the expansion of sales, and even is to reduce sales; the contrary, if the payment of credit standards, although it will increase sales, but will be a corresponding increase in bad debt losses and the opportunity cost of accounts receivable. Refers to corporate credit conditions require users to pay for credit is subject to a condition, including the credit period, discount and cash discount period. Credit period is provided for users to pay a maximum time period of the discount provided for the user can enjoy time cash payment discount, cash discount is a solid advance in the user shall be given preferential treatment. More favorable credit terms to increase sales, but it can also bring the opportunity cost of accounts receivable, bad debt costs, cash discounts and other cost an additional burden. Collection policy is to refer to when credit terms have been violated, business strategy to take the accounts receivable. Enterprises in a more positive if the billing policy may reduce the cost of accounts receivable and reduce bad debt losses, but to increase collection costs. If more negative accounts receivable policies, accounts receivable may increase costs and increase bad debt losses, collection costs will be reduced. Accounts receivable in the formulation of policy, should be weighed against the increase in collection costs and reduce the opportunity cost of accounts receivable and bad debt losses between losses. The credit policy should be reasonable to credit standards, credit terms, collection policies, to consider comprehensive changes in the three sales, the opportunity cost of accounts receivable, bad debt costs and costs of to accounts receivable management system, for analysis of accounts receivable in the enterprise of the issues found in the corresponding solutions to the recovery of accounts receivable in the problems the company's funds to speed up the cycle, to improve the efficiency of the use of funds to achieve enterprises are to be , to enhance day-to-day accounts receivable managementIn day-to-day management of accounts receivable work, not enough has been done in some detail, for example, the user of the credit analysis, aging analysis, such as table. Specifically, can do a good job in the following aspects of day-to-day management of accounts receivable of work: (1) a good foundation for basic records, understand the user (including subsidiaries) of the timeliness of payments, based on work records, including business-to-users credit conditions, the date of the establishment of credit relationships, the user of the time of payment, the amount currently in arrears, as well as changes in credit ratings, such as users, companies only have this information in order to take appropriate and timely response. (2) to check whether the user credit limit exceeded. Enterprises to provide users with a credit for each business, we must check whether there are more than the record of the credit period, and pay attention to test whether the total debt owed by the user breaking the credit limit. (3) keep track of the debt over the credit period, the user is due to closely monitor the increase or decrease debt dynamics, in order to take timely measures associated with the users to remind them of their payment as soon as possible. (4) analysis of accounts receivable turnover and average collection period, to see whether the normal level of liquidity, businesses can, through the indicators, with the previous practice, is now planning and compared to the same industry in order to evaluate the management of accounts receivable achievements and shortcomings of, and amendments to the credit conditions. (5) study the situation of non-payment, inspection of accounts receivable by the percentage of non-payment, that is, the rate of bad debt losses to determine whether the enterprise's credit policies should be changed, such as the actual bad debt loss rate is greater than or less than the expected loss rate of bad debts, enterprises must look at whether credit standards are too strict or too lax credit standards in order to amend. (6) is an aged analysis of the preparation table to check the actual occupation of accounts receivable days, to recover its supervision of enterprises through the preparation of aging analysis table, which is understood that the number of credit during the period are still in arrears, should be timely monitoring, the number of arrears for more than a credit period, the length of time to calculate what percentage of each of the funds, it is estimated that the number of bad debts would cause, if the majority of extended enterprise should check their credit , to strengthen the management of accounts receivable afterAccounts receivable management, including the work of the following two parts: (1) determine the reasonable collection procedures, accounts receivable collection procedures in general as: letter to inform, Telegraph and Telephone Fax collection, sent to interview, resort to the law, in taking legal action should be considered before the principle of cost-effectiveness, the following situations when you do not need to prosecute: the cost of litigation over the amount of the debt claim; customers can write-off of debt discount collateral; customers the amount of debt not to prosecute the enterprise may be run by the damage; the prosecution withdrew the accounts limited possibility. (2) determine the reasonable collection methods. If customers do encounter temporary difficulties and to make a comeback through the efforts of enterprises to help them ride out the storm in order to recover the receivable, the general practice of accounts receivable for claims re: farmers to accept the market price of arrears below the amount of debt non-monetary assets to cover; change in the form of debt for the "long-term receivables" to determine a reasonable rate, agreed to debt service users to develop a phased plan; modify debt terms, to extend the payment period, and even reduce the principal amount, repayment incentives ; in the common economic interests, driven by the claims into the user's "long-term investment" to help start the loss-making enterprises to achieve the purpose of recovery. If the customer has reached the limits of bankruptcy, it should be a timely manner to the court, with a view to be part of bankruptcy settlement. Deliberately default on the payment for the collection, the options are: reasonable method; compassion operation method; fatigue tactics; blindingly; hardware and software operation , accounts receivable accounting methods and management systemAccounts receivable subsidiary accounts in arrears accounted for of the total, to strengthen internal financial management and monitoring, improve accounting approaches and accounts receivable management system, to resolve inter-company accounts with a subsidiary of recovery, the following several aspects from a number of recommendations are given: (1) strengthen the management and monitoring functions, in accordance with the principles of financial management of the internal check. The company set up under the Ministry of Finance in the financial monitoring group led by the Finance Director to configure full-time accounting staff, responsible for marketing and monitoring of accounting transactions for all accounts receivable for each analysis and accounting, to ensure that accounts receivable in line with norms of the operators at the same time part of the requirements and procedures so that systematic standardization of business activities. (2) improve internal accounting methods. Sales, respectively, for different services, such as purchases of the distributors with direct sales operations, sales offices and sales outlets, the company supply and trading company with the money owed to the company which occurred between the units against the sales business, product returns, etc. , respectively, using different accounting methods and procedures to show the difference and take the appropriate management. (3) accounts receivable and is responsible for the implementation of life-long responsibility of the person first. Who handles the occurrence of bad business, regardless of whether the transfer of responsibility for the company, have against the parties responsible. At the same time, the responsibility of staff to carry out a clearly defined, and as a basis for performance evaluation summary. (4) regular or ad hoc basis to conduct an inspection of the marketing network for monitoring and internal audit. Due to poor management to prevent the emergence of embezzlement, corruption and issues such as funding to reduce the risk of cardiopulmonary bypass. (5) establish a sound internal control system of organization.

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论文题目:试论市场经济条件下的企业财务管理方向摘 要随着社会经济的高速发展,知识经济的到来极大了提高了社会生产力,也给企业带来了无限的发展机会。如何在优胜劣汰的市场竞争中实现企业经营规模的快速扩大和经济效益的高速增长,除了选择风险小、盈利性强的投资项目和采用先进的科学技术外,加强企业的内部会计控制是关键。进一步认识企业内部会计控制对企业加强经营管理,提高经营效率的重要意义, 构建企业内部会计控制体系是新《会计法》《内部会计控制规范———基本规范(试行)》等法规对企业提出的重要任务之一,也是企业适应新的竞争形势、防范经营风险的迫切需要。构建企业内部会计控制体系必须对企业内部会计控制的目标、内容、方法等问题进行深入研究, 分析其存在的问题及原因,从而有针对性地提出具体的完善措施关键词: 内部会计控制; 存在问题; 完善措施with the high-speed development of social economy, the arrival of the kownledge economy has improved social productivity greatly, have brought the limitless development opportunity to enterprise too. How to realize the fast enlargement of enterprise's business scale and high growth of economic benefits in the market competition of selecting the superior and eliminating the inferior, choose risk little, profitability strong investment project and adopt advanced science and technology, it is a key to strengthen the accounting control in the enterprise. Accounting control strengthens management and administration to enterprises to further know inside enterprises, improve the important meaning of business efficiency, construct inside enterprises the accounting control system is a new " accounting law " <>Wait for regulation to important task that enterprise put forward one of, it is enterprise that meet new competition situation, urgent need to take precautions against business risk too. Construct enterprise accounting control system must problems such as accounting control goal, content, method,etc. further investigate to enterprise, analyze its existing problem and reason, thus put forward the concrete completion measurekeyword : Internal accounting control; The problem exists; Improve the measure现代企业是产权清晰、权责明确、政企分开、管理科学的相对独立的法人实体和市场主体。随着我国现代企业制度的探索和实践的深入,现代企业的财务管理日益重要,成为企业经营管理的核心。由于受计划经济体制的影响,我国现代企业财务管理基本上仍属于以费用核算为主的报表型财务管理,难以适应现代企业生存和发展的需要,因而全面提升现代企业财务管理水平,已是形势发展的必然。本文拟从以下几方面对现代财务管理发展方向略予论述。一、市场经济条件下财务管理的重要地位在任何条件下,企业一旦成立,首先要考虑的问题是如何在竞争中求得生存和发展,这也是企业管理的总目标。企业为了实现自己的总目标,必须通过财务管理在以下三方面作出承诺和保证。1.力求保持以收抵支和偿还到期债务的能力,减少破产的风险,使企业能够长期、稳定、持续地生存下去,是对财务管理的第一个要求。2.投入经营资金就必须筹集企业发展所需的资金,这是对财务管理的第二个要求。在激烈的市场竞争中,一个企业如果不能提高产品和服务质量,不能扩大自己的市场份额,不能发展自己,就会被其他企业排挤出去。企业的发展同时也集中表现为扩大收入,其中根本途径是生产市场需要的产品,提高产品质量,扩大销售的数量,这就必须投入资金。3.财务管理的责任就是通过合理、有效地使用资金使企业获利,这是对财务管理的第三个要求。企业必须能够获利,才有存在的价值;只有获利,才有发展的可能。不难看出,只有当财务管理达到上述三方面的要求,企业的总目标才能实现。所以企业管理必须以财务管理为核心,以资金管理为中心。我国企业财务管理可以归纳为两个主要特点:第一,随着我国金融市场的逐步发展,企业财务管理内容变得更加丰富,比如在资金筹集问题上,所选择的方式会因为品种的多样性而灵活机动。第二,我国企业财务管理在投资、筹资以及收益分配等主要工作上不够完善,日常财务管理工作一直是资金管理的“主旋律”。造成这一现象的原因除了与企业所处的客观经济环境有关外,可能与认为投资、筹资以及收益分配等是涉及企业经营发展的大事,单单依靠财务部门很难完成有关,也有可能有些人把财务工作与会计工作混淆起来有关。二、财务管理的发展命脉及中国加入WTO后面临的新形势传统意义上的财务管理是一项实践活动,无疑有着与人类生产活动同样悠久的历史。但现代意义上的财务管理无论就其实践还是就其理论发展而言,都只是近百年的事情。早在l5世纪,商业发达的地中海沿岸城市就出现了有社会公众入股的城市商业组织。商业股份经济的初步发展,要求企业做好资金筹集、股息分派和股本管理等财务管理工作。到了20世纪初,由于股份公司的迅速发展,许多公司都面临如何为扩大企业生产经营规模和加速企业发展筹措所需资金的问题,这种状况一直延续到2O世纪2O年代末。近代、现代西方财务管理的发展,在不同时期表现出不同的特征。其发展过程基本上可以划分为以下三个主要阶段:1.筹资财务管理阶段。2O世纪3O年代的大危机使得破产倒闭的企业空前增多,于是企业财务管理重点迅速转移到破产与重组以及公司偿债能力的管理上,财务管理的主要任务是如何为公司的组建和发展筹集所需要的资金。这一时期财务管理的重点是企业与外部市场之间的财务关系处理。2.外部财务管理阶段。2O世纪5O年代后期,企业财务管理的焦点开始从外部转向内部,企业财务管理决策成为公司管理的重心,人们将计算机应用于财务分析的财务规划,以及现金、应收帐款、存货、固定资产等的日常管理,各种计量模型也得到日益广泛的应用。导致这一变化的主要推动力量,是第二次世界大战以后,激烈的市场竞争对企业内部管理带来的巨大压力。3.投资财务管理阶段。到了20世纪6O年代后期和2O世纪7O年代,财务管理的重心又重新从内部向外部转移,结构和投资组合的优化,成为这一时期财务管理的核心问题。而2O世纪8O年代以来通货膨胀及利率的多变、金融市场的迅速发展、计算机的广泛应用、市场竞争的白热化、企业集团化和国际化等,使财务管理面临新的挑战。加入WTO,对我国社会经济各个方面带来很大影响。我国企业在这变化着的环境中如何适应和发展,在企业管理中占据着重要位置的财务管理应如何调整、变革以适应未来这一形势,这又是财务管理面临的新的挑战。如果充分发挥了财务管理工作的作用,则在投资收益方面会以较小风险取得较大收益;在融资决策方面,使企业勇于开拓进取,合理有效地利用外资;在日常资金营运方面,可保证销售收入及时收回,保证企业的固定资产和流动资产高效使用,从而保证企业在国际竞争中得以生存和发展。三、面对新形势,全面加强和发挥财务管理的作用(一) 更新理财观念,建立现代企业理财文化在现代企业制度下,企业要建立真正独立的适应市场经济的财务管理体制。企业管理人员及普通员工都要彻底更新旧的理财观念,按照市场经济的发展要求建立现代企业制度下的财务新观念。企业职工只有更新理财观念,在企业内部建立现代企业理财文化,才能在工作中发挥主观能动性和创造性,寻找新的突破口,为现代企业的生存和发展拓展空间,把企业办成一个管理严谨、经营稳健、实力雄厚和效益优良的现代企业。理财观念的更新重点在于:1.更新财务管理基本目标的观念。财务管理的基本目标应是“财富最大化”,而非“利润最大化”。从企业的内部管理来看,“财富最大化”目标能方便和合理地解释现代企业稳健经营、追求利润的管理要求,有利于强化内部管理和业绩考核。而传统的“利润最大化”则存在未能有效地考虑风险及只能重视短期行为而忽视长远发展等问题。“财富最大化”考虑了取得报酬的时间因素,考虑了货币的时间价值以及风险和报酬之间的关系,克服了企业在追求利润时的短期行为,日益得到了企业界的认同。2.将“风险”管理纳入现代企业财务管理之中。企业财务管理应从各类财务信息及深入的财务分析等专业角度,对各类风险给予评价和估算。通过资产负债表管理、预算管理、风险资产配置、盈利预测分析、业绩评价等财务手段,对业务经营活动进行于预和控制,以维护现代企业的正当权益。3.建立“全员理财”的现代企业理财文化。现代企业财务管理应适应现代企业制度的需要,建立有效的“全员理财”的现代企业理财文化,使理财观念深入到各部门、各岗位每一员工理念之中,使财务管理渗透到企业经营过程中的各个领域,有效降低成本,全面提高企业的竞争力。(二) 财务管理的对象是资金循环和周转。因此,围绕资金管理应该做到:1.选择筹资渠道,降低资金成本。筹集资金,不仅要研究资金的数量和时间,而且要选择经济方便的资金来源,更重要的是考虑合理的资金结构,以求达到资金渠道和筹资方式的最优组合。2.把握资金使用的方向。财务管理不仅要为企业管理提供信息资料,而且要利用自身的管理职能参与企业经营决策。如在项目可行性研究中,通过对不同方案进行分析和评价,为企业选择风险小、利润大的决策方案,确保资金使用的合理和科学,提高资金利用率,保证经营目标的实现。3.压缩成本、费用支出,加强应收帐款的回收力度。应收帐款居高不下。企业风险程度会加剧,只有通过压缩成本、费用支出,加强应收帐款的回收力度,企业资金紧张的状况才会得到缓解。4.现金流量管理的加强。表现在企业对应收帐款管理、原料物资合理库存、设备购置与管理等方面的细致工作。所以必须做好资金的流动性、安全性和收益性的协调关系。(三)财务管理的工作方式和组织机构合理化有利于提高财务管理工作的效率和水平企业财务管理的工作方式在市场经济体制下表现为现代化、信息化的模式。在加入WTO的经济环境中,资金运动从物资运动中独出来,财务管理主动地支配企业再生产过程,引导企业生产提供市场需要的产品和服务.灵活地进行各类有利可图的投资,并根据市场需求灵活地调度资金,最大限度地实现企业价值增值。我国企业传统的财会合一的机构设置,往往导致财务管理和会计核算职责不明确,其实这二者既相互联系,又有不同的职能,因此应分别设立在财务部门内可再分设与财务管理相关的部门,以便及时准确地将各项财务信息上报主管人员,提高财务管理效率,使财务管理工作真正贯穿整个企业生产经营活动的事前、事中、事后的全过程。四、及时沟通企业内部信息,形成财务管理良性循环许多企业在组织机构及职能设置上是生产、供销、财务等方面各自独立,内部信息不能及时地沟通,财务部门仅仅被看作是专司“簿记”职能的部门,只能被动地记帐、算帐,违背了“财务管理是企业管理中心”的原则,削弱了现代企业的竞争能力。例如,企业的生产管理部门可能为追求产量,生产出大量的产品,造成积压;原材料供给部门可能只管采购高质量的原材料,从而提高了产品成本(或片面强调节约采购费用而一次大量购货,造成资金大量占用,仓库管理费用增加);销售部门可能会因为合同订得很满而沾沾自喜,却全然不考虑能否按时交货(提供劳务)、按时收回货款等。如此,必然给企业带来不可估量的损失。再如,系统集成商从软件开发、硬件发货、组装、调试、试运行到终验各个过程的信息,应及时反馈到财务部门,以便财务部门根据实际情况做出付款及回款计划,有效地运用资金和确定筹资规模。同时,由于税务核查时,基于有关费用的限制,税务人员不可能到工程现场观察工程的进度,因此,计税的依据便完全依赖于合同。而实际的情况是,工程由于多方面原因可能未按合同完成,此信息未能及时传到财务部门,造成企业提前纳税或多纳税,影响企业资金周转。如果各部门能互通信息,让财务管理渗透到产供销各个领域,使财务管理从被动应付和机械算账转为超前控制和科学理财,可以有效地避免损失的发生,提高资金的运用效益。五、决策者的重视和财务人员的素质是做好财务工作的保证企业决策者应主动支持财务工作,关心财务工作,为财务人员最大限度施展才华铺路搭桥,使财务人员在加强企业管理中发挥作用。企业决策者应定期或不定期对企业经营状况、资金流向进行分析,从而做到科学合理地决策,使企业在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地。财务工作人员不仅要熟悉财会业务,还要经常学习财务的新知识和新技术,了解金融法律等相关知识,实现会计工作的规范化、科学化和现代化。同时还要加强财务监督及提高自身法制观念,使企业内部财务管理更加制度化、规范化。另外,在新形势下,企业所面临的环境更趋复杂,多数企业的财务管理人员将无法胜任新环境下的财务工作。人才是最关键的资源。因此对财务管理人员进行有针对性的培训是有必要的。其最主要的目的是提高企业财务管理人员适应国际财务环境的能力。通过对财务管理活动在企业运行的各方面的分析,可以说,做好财务管理工作对企业来说是重中之重。[参考文献]1、宋希亮.强化企业财务监督机制措施的几点看法。财务与会计。2005年第6期.2、杨有红.企业内部控制框架——构建与运行。浙江人民出版社。2001年11月.3、鄂秀丽.企业财务风险的控制方法。财务与会计。2005年第7期.4、葛家澍,杜兴强.当代财务会计的发展趋势,财会通讯,2003(10),P5.5、蒋燕辉.会计监督与内部控制[M].北京:中国财政经济出版社,2002.6、邓春华.《财务会计风险防范》,中国财政经济出版社 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