Topic: the recursive formula for the series - Abstract: recursive formula for the series-of nine types, and various types of solutions for analysis of its status and role. Identify which contains the mathematical literacy and the ability to solve practical problems between the culture of the dialectical relationship between both knowledge, or in the capacity, is further studying other series on the basis of knowledge. The recurrence formula has extensive practical application, in the future continue to learn the basic knowledge of advanced mathematics, and can solve the series of problems - of-law, but also training in computing power and reasoning ability and equivalent transformation function equations, a few - the combination of the important mathematical way of thinking.
初中数学教学数形结合思想应用 几何是初中数学教学的重点,相比代数的抽象化,几何因直观化的图形图像等,赢得了学生的喜欢。将抽象的代数与形象的函数图像结合起来,通过
数学是研究现实世界数量关系与空间形式的一门科学, 数与形的统一结合贯穿于数学学科研究与发展的始终。数和形 是数学研究的两大对象,数形结合法是一种重要的数学思想方
Topic: the recursive formula for the series - Abstract: recursive formula for th