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159 评论


SCI中中偏上的期刊,要有一定的理论分析。当然没有塑性力学。固体力学。损伤力学 等牛。

330 评论


1 TX Yu and W Johnson. The Plastica:the large elastic- plastic deflection of a strut. Int J Non-Linear Mech, 1982,17,195~2092 TX Yu and W Johnson. The large elastic-plastic deflection with springback of a circular plate subjected to circum- ferential moments. ASME J Appl Mech,1982,49,507~5153 TX Yu and W Johnson. Cylindrical bending of metal strips. Metals Technology,1983,10,439~4484 PS Symonds and TX Yu. Counterintuitive behaviour in a problem of elastic-plastic beam dynamics. ASME J Appl Mech, 1985,52,517~5225 XQ Wu,C Liu and TX Yu. A bifurcation phenomenon in an elastic- plastic symmetrical shallow truss subjected to symmetrical load. Int J Solids Struct,1987,23,1225~12336 余同希. 塑性力学,高等教育出版社,19897 TX Yu and WJ Stronge. Large deflection of a rigid-plastic beam-on-foundation from impact. Int J Impact Engng,1990, 9,115~1268 XD Wang and TX Yu. Parkes revisited:effect of elastic deformation at the root of a cantilever beam. Int J Impact Engng,1991,11,197~2099 余同希,章亮炽. 塑性弯曲理论及其应用. 科学出版社,199210 WJ Stronge and TX Yu. Dynamic Models for Structural Plasticity. Springer-Verlag,London,199311 TX Yu. Elastic effect in the dynamic plastic response of structures,Chapter 9 in Structural Crashworthiness and Failure,ed. N Jones and T Wierzbicki,341~384,Elsevier,199312 余同希,华云龙. 结构塑性动力学引论. 中国科技大学出版社,199413 XY Su,TX Yu and SR Reid. Inertia-sensitive impact energy- absorbing structures. Part I:Effects of inertia and elasticity,Int J Impact Engng,1995,16,651~67214 TX Yu,JL Yang,SR Reid and CD Austin. Dynamic behaviour of elastic-plastic free-free beam subjected to impulsive loading. Int J Solids Struct,1996,33,2659~268015 TX Yu and LC Zhang. Plastic Bending:Theory and Applications. World Scientific,Singapore,199616 TX Yu,JL Yang and SR Reid. Interaction between reflected elastic flexural waves and a plastic hinge in the dynamic response of pulse loaded beams. Int J Impact Engng,1997, 19,457~47517 SR Reid,TX Yu and JL Yang. An elastic-plastic hardening- sodtening cantilever beam subjected to a force pulse at its tip:a model for pipe whip. Proc R Soc Lond A 454,1998,997~102918 TX Yu,XM Tao and P Xue. Energy-absorbing capacity of grid- domed textile composites. Composite Science and Technology, 2000,60,785~80019 TX Yu and FL Chen. A further study of plastic shear failure of impulsively loaded clamped beams. Int J Impact Engng, 2000,24,613~62920 TX Yu,QP Sun and JK Kim ed. Advances in Engineering Plasticity. Trans Tech Publications,Zurich,Switzerland,2000研究工作主要集中于冲击动力学、塑性力学、结构与材料的能量吸收、复合材料与多胞材料等领域。编写出版了《塑性力学》(2010年再版易名为《工程塑性力学》)、《工程材料及其力学行为》、《结构塑性动力学引论》及《冲击动力学》等四部教材;著有《塑性弯曲理论及其应用》,《塑性结构的动力学模型》和《材料与结构的能量吸收》等三部专著(都有英文版在国外出版);发表了学术期刊论文330篇(大都为SCI收录)、国际会议论文200篇、专利4项。获选为剑桥大学丘吉尔学院海外院士;美国机械工程师学会会士(Fellow)、英国机械工程师学会会士(Fellow)、香港工程师学会会士(Fellow);担任国际冲击工程学报(International Journal of Impact Engineering)副主编、国际机械科学学报(International Journal of Mechanical Sciences)副主编,以及十余种国际学术刊物的编委。曾任中国力学学会副秘书长(1986-1994)、香港力学学会理事长(2000-2002)和国际理论与应用力学学会(IUTAM)理事会的香港代表(2003-2010)。2001年获中国高校科学技术奖一等奖。

287 评论


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