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1 Introduction Introduction 2 onions The nutritional content of onion 2 The health onion 2 juice vegetable juice clarification method 3 Enzyme treatment 3 deal with ultrafiltration membrane 4 to clarify the 5-treated to clarify the preservation methods of onion juice 5 Preservation potassium sorbate 5 Preservation of citric acid 5 Prospect of 6 2 Materials and Methods 6 Test materials, equipment and reagents 6 Test Materials 6 Test apparatus 6 Test Kit 7 Test Method 7 Preparation of onion juice 7 onion juice clarification 7 to clarify the clarification of onion juice preservation 7 3 Results and Analysis 7 onion juice pectinase treatment to determine the optimal dosage of 7 onion juice pectinase processing time to determine the optimum water bath 8 pectinase treatment of onion juice to determine the optimum water temperature of 9 Orthogonal analysis of onion juice pectinase to clarify the role of the optimal conditions for 10 to clarify the preservation of onion juice test 11 to clarify the degree of cold storage on the impact of 11 to clarify the degree of citric acid on the impact of 12 Potassium Sorbate onion juice during the period of preservation to clarify the impact of 14 degrees Potassium sorbate and citric acid to clarify the impact of the degree of contrast 15 4 Conclusion ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 16 5 References ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... 16 6 a vote of thanks ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .............. 18

314 评论


On the anti-monopoly law and anti-unfair competition law relationsAbstract:Anti-Unfair Competition Law and anti-monopoly law is an adjustment of the legal market competition, they have a close relationship, but in the legislative thinking, adjusting and adjusting the angle between the areas there are also differences, the two have similarities, In the promotion and protection of competition, maintaining the market economic order in the cross-cutting, should complement each other. But at the same time the two have many differences, in a country's economy plays a different words: competition law Anti-Unfair Competition Law monopoly anti-monopoly law restricting competition mechanism of competitionContentsAbstract……………………………………………………………ABSTRACT………………………………………………………1 anti-monopoly law and anti-unfair competition law……………………………… What is competition law……………………………………………2 anti-monopoly law and anti-unfair competition law links……………………… anti-monopoly law and anti-unfair competition law in close contact…………………220 anti-monopoly law and anti-unfair competition law the difference between………………………3 monopoly and unfair competition acts defined……………………… monopolistic behavior………………………………………………… improper competition…………………………………………4 anti-monopoly law legislation the reality of the need………………………………… the need for anti-monopoly law legislation……………………………………

281 评论


The first chapter 1 introduction paper organization structure 1The second chapter system related theory and technology overviews MVC pattern basic principle MVC framework 3Section for ammeters MVC framework profile MVC framework advantages of the Entity Framework of LINQ profile Jquery 7The third chapter 9 of system analysis and system overview system development technology and tools system functional division system, the general framework level classification functions and duties as 10The rule module partition and interaction design 11The design of the interface possible actions system adopts the mode of design establish systems use case model of 17The role of 17. Sure create cases of building use case diagram of system entity class design 20The fourth chapter of the s

173 评论


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    智慧女神美美 3人参与回答 2023-12-09
  • 英语翻译翻译方向论文题目


    嘻哈精神9999 5人参与回答 2023-12-07
  • 翻译论文题目翻译腔

    一、“翻译腔”的定义 “翻译腔”其实就是指翻译出来的译文有洋化现象或不符合汉语的习惯表达方式。表现为译文不自然、不流畅、生硬、难懂、费解等特点。 《当代翻译

    堕落紅尘 4人参与回答 2023-12-09
  • 翻译跨文化课程论文目录模板

    英汉翻译过程包括理解和表达两个重要的阶段。只有在正确理解原文词义的基础上,才能正确地表达原文。下面是我为大家整理的,供大家参考。 论文导读:翻译是一种跨语言、跨

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    霏霏头头 3人参与回答 2023-12-07