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1、APA格式:APA(American Psychological Association)是一种标明参考来源的格式,主要使用在社会科学领域及其他学术准则中,国内很多期刊也是采用的APA格式。


APA文末的参考文献目录格式是:Reference List, 必须以姓(Family name)的字母顺序来排列,基本结构为:

期刊类:【作者】【发表年份】【文章名】【期刊名】【卷号/期数:起止页码】Smith,J.(2006).The title of the title of Journal,1,101-105。

非期刊类:【作者】【发表年份】【书籍名】【出版地:出版社】.(2002).What computers can't York:Harp&Row。

2、MLA格式:MLA是美国现代语言协会(Modern Language Association)制定的论文指导格式,多用于人文学科(Liberal Arts)。


MLA文末的参考文献目录格式:在MLA格式中称为Works Cited,同样是以姓(Family name)的字母顺序来排列,基本结构为:

期刊类:【作者】【“文章名”】【期刊名】【卷号或期数】【发表年份】起止页码】Nwezeh,.“The Comparative Approachto Modern African Literature.”Year book of General and Comparative Literature 28(1979):22。

非期刊类:【作者】【书籍名】【出版地:出版社】【发表年份】Winfield,Richard in Civil of Wisconsin P,1995。







182 评论


Along with the rapid development of science and technology and the continuous improvement of people's living standard, market demand for security products has been rising in China. Application of security systems has extended from key state organs to a wide range of fields, including residential buildings, office buildings, commercial properties, transportation facilities, financial institutions, public places of entertainment. Along with technological progress, application scope and fields are expanding. China is expected to become the world's No. 2 security market after the United the security market experiences rapid development, video monitoring has become the most important field in security system. Meanwhile, the number of video monitoring vendors is rising. Apart from traditional video enterprises, entities that take part in market competition now include IT enterprises and operators. The application fields of video monitoring have also expanded from national security to various fields, including community and spurring the development of foundation projects across the country, China's 4-trillion-yuan investment in capital construction will create market space for video monitoring. Safety in production takes on greater importance, creating huge opportunities for video monitoring enterprises. The networking of monitoring systems raises higher requirements on the professionalism of monitoring system vendors. So how should video monitoring system vendors grasp market rules and establish accurate positioning for themselves? CCID Consulting release the 2008-2009 Annual Report on China's City Video Monitoring System Market, to provide the most valuable information for vendors, investors and industry insiders in the following More in-depth and detailed market research data. Based on its in-depth research on market products and regional markets, CCID Consulting offers a vivid description of market changes from the various perspectives of product structure, regions, provinces and municipalities, city hierarchy, vertical and horizontal markets and circulation channels, and specifies the future directions for Investment recommendations: By describing the market prospects of city video monitoring system, the report provides basis for vendors in the industry to locate investment More comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the industry chain and competitions. In addition to summing up key enterprises' performances from such diversified dimensions as competition pattern in market segments, competition strategies and SWOT analysis, CCID Consulting also applies the industry chain analysis method to analyze in detail the different links of the industry chain, and provides valuable reference information for enterprises to position their own values, compete with competitors and look for partners.

347 评论


这些都是名字的缩写,学位的缩写只有PhD,MD,BD啊,英文文献好像是不标学位的.给你几个示范一下,都是根据国标写的。 作者. 文章名. 刊物类型. 刊物. 年度,期卷号:页码范围 [ ] Nikolaev Yu A, etc. Gas Detonation and its Application in Engineering and Technologies[J]. Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves, 2003, 39(4): 382-410 [ ] , P. H. Do. Key Parameters for Controlling of Function Reliability in “None1 Tube” Explosive Transfer System[C], 1999: AIAA99-31211 [ ] Peng Jinhua, Tang Mingjun. One of the Applications of Dust Explosions – Nonel System[J]. Archivum Combustionis, 1989(9): 223-229 [ ] Liu Dabin, Jiang Rongguang, Yang Dong. The Pressure Characteristics of Nonel Tube in Its Detonation Growth Process[J/OL]: 93-96

178 评论


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